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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2006
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Suffield, CT
Got a postcard Saturday from one of my vets telling me here was an equine fatality from West Nile Virus in Suffield, CT, and urging everyone to get their horses vaccinated/boostered ASAP. There are a ton of horses in this town (and on my street) so I have no idea where this fatality occurred or whether I know the horse or owner. All our horses (including our new mare, Dancer, for anyone wondering), have been vaccinated and I already have an e-mail into my other vet to schedule their fall boosters. We did just have a cold snap which I hope killed most of the mosquitoes, because after the recent storms they were horrendous.
Just learned from my vet that the case was a yearling who had "only" the first series of shots - so not totally unvaccinated. Should be getting ours done this week.

Very scary...... especially with all the mosquitoes we have had.
Here's praying
:pray that everyting goes good for you and your bunch of chips. It's been so dry here we haven't had to worry about mosquitos this year so far.
People say WN is gone now. Its not, its here to stay. Get a quality vaccine (better than Fort Dodge) and STAY VACCINATED!! If you use Fort Dodge, be aware protection only lasts 3 months!
Are there any you recommend, Nathan? I have a close friend and well known miniature breeder that had three minis get extremely sick after the West Nile vaccine was given and the vet called the mfg. and she was told that it wasn't safe to give to miniatures. Off hand, I can't remember the manufacturer.
I have used Prevnile by Intervet in the past.It kicks in faster and covers longer than Ft.Dodge.This year I used Vetera since there was a shortage of Intervet products.Several of the mail order companies sell West Nile vaccine.It is a scary disease-saw a video many years ago of horses that had it.I called my vet IMMEDIATELY and got my vaccinated and been doing it ever since.No bad reactions of any ki9nd from either brand.Foals, brood mares everybody got it.
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I understand that many people are of the opinion that if horses have been exposed to west nile or vaccinated for it, healthy horses will be sufficiently immune to the disease to be relatively safe. I have always been under the impression that horses already compromised through age or poor health are most vulnerable. Any body subscribe to this theory?
Vaccines just boost the immune system, they don't make it foolproof. So if the animal is unable to respond to the vaccine, it will have a lesser or even no effect. That's why we don't vaccinate foals too early, they are unable to respond.

Prevnile is my favorite, but its been recalled off the market. Supposed to be back next year, I believe. One shot and you are done, no boosters required.

Recombitek WN is my second favorite, and what I used this year. Initial booster is two, then one per year.

Fort Dodge's was the first on the market, more than 10 years ago. It was a lifesaver. But with the other options available now, it isn't the best, in my opinion. It is based on an older technology and shares characteristics with the flu vaccine, which is only effective 2-3 months. In testing (the vet I worked for in NH, who had the vaccine a year before any other region, did some of the initial testing) it was found that TWO boosters (three shots total) was necessary rather than the labeled 2 in order to get protection to ideal levels. Its by NO means a "bad" vaccine, there are just far better options that are far cheaper on the market now. Why give two shots each summer rather than just one, when the two EACH cost more than any other brand's one?
While my vet was here doing booster shots I found out more info in the WNV case. It was one of my vet's clients who lives right around the corner from me - maybe 1/2 mile as the crow (or mosquito) flies!!! The yearling (not a mini of course) had been imported from Europe last year and as I said earlier, had only gotten one WNV vaccination.

Just hoping all my horses have enough immunity built up to deal with any infected mosquitos... and that we get a hard freeze SOON. The mosquitoes are still horrendous here.
They are really bad here in Delaware too.We have a retention pond(mosquito breeding hole)that is adjacent to my farm.DelDot took 9 acres from my farm to build it.
We need mosquito control that will work on a half acre pond. We have tried the donuts, barley "rolls", and a few other things I can't think of right now and nothing worked on such a large area. Suggestions welcome!
when our mosquito breeding hole near the farm was dug by the State of DE, DNREC was supposed toi stock it with a special kind of fish that would eat mosquito larvae.You might check into that.

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