Well-Known Member
We just returned from the Glacier Country Miniature Horse and Pony Show in Kalispell, MT. July 1st - 3rd, 2011
We didn't take any horses since we are new to miniatures and wanted to go and investigate the show scene to see what the requirements are for showing, what the horses are looking like in the different divisions etc.
This was the friendliest horse show I have ever been too. I am new to miniatures but no stranger to horses and horse showing. (Previously I showed Arabians, National Show Horses and Saddlebreds.) Folks answered any questions that I had willingly and openly, the show steward answered my questions about classes and the measuring process (something that I have never had to do before). Exhibitors and trainers adopted my family as if they had known us for years.
The judges held a judges clinic and talked about rules, safety, attire and how things are different when you are looking at an animal in the ring as opposed to from the grandstands. Some great information was given here folks and I am sure glad that I took the time to attend the clinic.
While we found out that there are quite a few shows within striking distance from our farm, this will be one show that we will definitely put on our schedule next year and will take between two and four horses. We all need to help this fledgling show grow! Great folks, great venue, big fun! So everyone should step up and join us next year at this show, we would love to meet more folks and see more of these great horses!
Thank you to the show staff, putting on a horse show is a lot of work and you were great! A special thank you to Frank and Kathleen Sutton of Double Tree Miniatures and Marion of JP Miniatures for the extra time you took with us and for inviting us to the pot luck dinner on Saturday night. To the Bartons for letting us see your horses up close and taking the time to talk to us about the mares and foals. You guys are awesome!
We will be seeing you next year!
Mike and Teresa Phillips
We didn't take any horses since we are new to miniatures and wanted to go and investigate the show scene to see what the requirements are for showing, what the horses are looking like in the different divisions etc.
This was the friendliest horse show I have ever been too. I am new to miniatures but no stranger to horses and horse showing. (Previously I showed Arabians, National Show Horses and Saddlebreds.) Folks answered any questions that I had willingly and openly, the show steward answered my questions about classes and the measuring process (something that I have never had to do before). Exhibitors and trainers adopted my family as if they had known us for years.
The judges held a judges clinic and talked about rules, safety, attire and how things are different when you are looking at an animal in the ring as opposed to from the grandstands. Some great information was given here folks and I am sure glad that I took the time to attend the clinic.
While we found out that there are quite a few shows within striking distance from our farm, this will be one show that we will definitely put on our schedule next year and will take between two and four horses. We all need to help this fledgling show grow! Great folks, great venue, big fun! So everyone should step up and join us next year at this show, we would love to meet more folks and see more of these great horses!
Thank you to the show staff, putting on a horse show is a lot of work and you were great! A special thank you to Frank and Kathleen Sutton of Double Tree Miniatures and Marion of JP Miniatures for the extra time you took with us and for inviting us to the pot luck dinner on Saturday night. To the Bartons for letting us see your horses up close and taking the time to talk to us about the mares and foals. You guys are awesome!
We will be seeing you next year!
Mike and Teresa Phillips