Funniest Thing you have seen or have happen w/mini

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2004
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Pacific NW Scappoose, OR
[attachmentid=70][attachmentid=69]A few years back we had our mini mule Jill and her partner sicilian donkey Otis living out here in the back.

They shared that area with my daughters 12' x 3ft deep swimming pool. It had the metal sides w/the liner.

Lots of water to fill that thing. Had all the filters and for my daughter it was a treasure to behold.

Well I was standing in my dining room window watching the two of them when Jill backed up to that pool

and started scratching her butt. Boy that felt good, you could just tell. I watched for a little while when just

about the time my brain kicked in it was too late. The side gave way and just about every drop of water

came out of that pool and right over top of Jill. I had never seen water rush that fast before in my life.

All I could say was Oh My God and watch. It totally soaked poor Jill and boy was she mad. Soaked to the

skin she ran around the area then headed directly for Otis and proceeded to kick the you know what out of

him. It having been his fault after all. In the mean time I am trying to console my daughter who is now

majorly angry herself because she no longer has a swimming pool and mom can't possibly afford a new

one for her. I truly had to position myself to keep her from going right out there and having a very

vicious discussion that mule. Of course I didn't have a video camera and after her hearing my laughter which

was loud and long I was afraid to enter that area for awhile.

[attachmentid=71]Oh and this is sweet Otis!
OHHH MY that is too funny you gave me my chuckle for the day.

That is funny! I can picture "Jill" letting Otis have it, too. Horses (and apparently donkeys) love to get after another if someone or something got after them.

My horses have done some funny things over the years. Here are the ones I can remember right now

Those who've been here awhile have heard me tell this story on Khaki before. She had colic surgery as a filly back in 2003. Before the surgery, she lived with my trainer (back then), and then after, she came home for the first time to recover. I took A LOT of time off work to watch her and take care of her. When it was finally time for me to go back to work, I went to check her one last time before I left

Well, the closer I got to Khaki's pen the more scared she was! I mean her eyes were huge, head way in the air, flared nostrils, etc. I actually looked over my shoulder to see what was coming to get us!!! But nothing was there. Then she ran into her little stall and frantically back and forth trying to find a way to escape when it dawned on me. That little goober was scared of ME! Yep. Since she'd never been at home before, she'd never seen me dressed up. She'd only seen me in barn or show clothes but NEVER a dress (oh the horror) and it was a windy day, too. The wind was flipping the skirt of the dress around some and it was apparently a terrifying sight


Sunny did a little something that made me laugh recently. He is a GOOD BOY!! He really tries hard to do what you want and he is so well trained. Before handling him, I'd have not believed a horse could do so much on his own as far as setting up, pivoting, etc. Just amazing and very, very willing

However, Sunny, like most horses, is also very lazy

When I first started lunging him, he was fine and let me "catch" him easy. Just either stood there or walked to me before I took him over to the round pen. Well, the next day, he knew what I was getting ready to do and he ran from me! That's the first time he'd done that. He ran behind his little barn going clockwise. So, instead of running around behind him the same direction, I went the other way and was tip toeing and going slow

As I'm creeping up to peak around the corner expecting he might be standing on that side and I could just grab him, there he is at the other corner doing the SAME THING as me!!! He was peaking around expecting that I did double back! I couldn't help but laugh at him -- that little red smart a**


The first time my parents came to a horse show, it was a local one and Derby (my former show stallion, now he's one of my geldings) was the only stallion at the show and there were lots of quarter horse mares, some of whom were in heat. Derby was in rare form and I was not very used to showing any horses (my former trainer normally showed him). I was really excited and proud that my parents came to watch the show

There were lots of kids and families at the show, not to mention my own parents. Very much a family style event

Well, Derby got dead last in the halter class! He normally would win those things against the big horses and I was kind of embarrassed (maybe even hurt feelings back then...). So, I obviously was the last to leave the ring and the judge came over to me and said:

"You have a very nice boy there, but he was a little bit too excited for this show."

Still, duh, I had no clue what he meant. Derby stood really still for me...

As soon as I get to the gate with my green ribbon, my former trainer pretty much screams at me that Derby was masturbating during the whole class...


We were lined up head to tail opposite the fence were everyone including mom and dad, got a full view of Derby exercising his weenie. Basically, everyone but me could see what Derby was doing.

You know what I think Derby would say if he could have talked?

"Look ma -- no hands!"

Horses have NO shame!!!

This past Saturday we took my father-in-law's gelding Lil' Bit to the Brooksville X-mas parade. I love Lil' Bit. He is very sweet and willing. However, after we gelded him last July he got a little whimpy. Saturday we had been waiting for almost two hours surrounded by big horses. Then it was time to line up on the road. We had to cross a wheelchair ramp area in the concrete in order to avoid the dreaded curb which was sure to eat him. He walks on concrete all the time but this was different concrete. He decided he wasn't going to walk on the white concrete. I asked Gary to give him a little pop on the butt to get him going. Instead of going he sat down like a dog and wouldn't budge. Gary had to lift his butt by his tail and make him walk onto the concrete area. The thirty or so big horses riders looked like they were going to fall off their horses due to laughter.
I just LOVE these anecdotes.

I know I've seen several with my horses, I will just have to think of the better ones....

Jill, I loved your Derby Day show report. He had a great time, and likely wanted to go back!!!

Well the funniest thing I have seen Sable do is a lipizanner movement. She will still do it, you just roll a soccer ball towards her. I tried giving her something to play with and I put a soccer ball in her pen one day and kicked it around to show her what to do. Well now she is terrified of it. So if you roll one towards her front legs she will leap in the air and kick her back legs out. She knows how to do the capriole! My sister in law and I just about die laughing at her. She is worried it will touch her legs or hooves, so she leaps so that it can't touch any of them, including her back feet.

On a serious note, being scared of balls has it's drawbacks. If my kids kick the ball anywhere near her pen she freaks out.
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Okay, I've thought of one:

When my gelding was younger, I was working on de-spooking, and trying to find things to put in his pen for him to get used to - plastic bags, tarps, plastic trash cans, stuff like that. While trying to find storage space for my big, unwieldy exercise ball (you know, the 36" type that inflate, that you sit on or do leg lifts with) that I never use
I figured that I'd just toss that ball into the horse pen as another scary object to get used to.

Well. Risha saw that ball and went nuts - he charged after it, pushed it around with his nose, picked it up with his teeth and shook it, chased it all over. I laughed so hard I nearly wet myself. Then he started trying to lie down on it... He'd put his front feet on it, and it would squish away, or he'd try to lean over onto it, and it would pop out from under him. This went on for a couple of hours, until he finally popped it with his hooves.

I would never have guessed that he would NOT be scared of that big, huge ball. (He's still scared of teeny tiny puddles, and he's going on 4...)

It sure was fun while it lasted. Some day I'm going to buy him another ball like that, and this time I'll have the camera ready...
I'm so glad Marie started this thread and posted her story about Jill! Every time I think about it, I start to giggle,picturing Marie watching hhelplessly from indoors, and imagining how mad that wet little mule must have been...

I've always loved the story of Derby giving a new meaning to the term, "horse show!"

I'll have to come back and add a couple of our stories when I have a little more time...
One of mine relates to my yearling (he was about 11 months at the time) stallion, new to me that day. He was let out into our lower pasture where it is very muddy. He was also at a very gawky growth stage. All legs, and while he had his graceful moments, one could see that he was still figuring out how to make all his moments that way, if for no other reason than to impress the "ladies."

The ladies were my little herd of mares ranging from the yearlings to 20-something Gramma. They all stood and watched as he trotted out of the barn onto the lower pasture for the first time since coming to our place. He was doing his best, and giving his best stallion scream. I think if Gramma could have shook her head in "been there seen that. Unimpressed" style, she would have. Instead, they just watched as this noisy, colorful show of a foal/stallion wannabe came trotting out of the barn.

Other than the obvious display of his stallionhood, he was beautiful for about 1 second. Then it all went horribly wrong. He slipped in the mud and went onto his back, "flag and all" where he slid down the hill about 20 feet with his legs tangled and waving, and got up looking really stupid. He was black like the reverse of a skunk (he WAS a very light buckskin color), and certainly slowed down the show on the muddy incline, his "pride" deflating all the way on the trip down.

He fell about three more times during his initiation period and trying to impress the new girls. Once he got his legs under him, though, he was impressive!

Lucky that mud is soft and youth is resilient....I think I heard Gramma Pony laugh.

This is definitely not nearly as funny as other ones posted on here, but it is the only one I can think of right now.

We had a little weanling filly when I decided to trade my big horse for a little weanling colt mini. (Some of you may remember that I had a dilema about whether I should put my big one and my little one together awhile back. I kept them separate and then decided I LOVED mini's so much that I traded my big baby for double registered AMHR and Pinto dun pinto colt.) The day she brought the little boy (Wilbur) I had a brand new stall already for him. She suggested I just put him right in the stall with the little filly right off the bat so they can get used to each other. Oh my! My little girl, named Sassy for a reason, was sooo funny to watch. At first she was bossy, then she was flirty, then when he ignored her, she acted all hurt and followed him around. It was so hilarious to watch. She was like a typical female (yes, I know, I am admitting this, can you believe it!) she hated him one minute and then wanted him back the next. It was hilarious to watch! They are now the best of buddies and hate being separated, but it was so much fun that day.

I really really miss my big horse, she was my baby, but I have not regretted my decision for a single minute. I now have 3 mini's and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I was told when I purchased my first mini (Sassy) that I would get more, they are addictve. I thought, yeah right, how can they be? Yeah. I got my first one in August. I got rid of my big one in November and I have 3 already. If I had more space I woud have many more. I could probably have 1 more and be okay though, so I have room to grow yet!
This is definitely not nearly as funny as other ones posted on here, but it is the only one I can think of right now.

We had a little weanling filly when I decided to trade my big horse for a little weanling colt mini. (Some of you may remember that I had a dilema about whether I should put my big one and my little one together awhile back. I kept them separate and then decided I LOVED mini's so much that I traded my big baby for double registered AMHR and Pinto dun pinto colt.) The day she brought the little boy (Wilbur) I had a brand new stall already for him. She suggested I just put him right in the stall with the little filly right off the bat so they can get used to each other. Oh my! My little girl, named Sassy for a reason, was sooo funny to watch. At first she was bossy, then she was flirty, then when he ignored her, she acted all hurt and followed him around. It was so hilarious to watch. She was like a typical female (yes, I know, I am admitting this, can you believe it!) she hated him one minute and then wanted him back the next. It was hilarious to watch! They are now the best of buddies and hate being separated, but it was so much fun that day.

I really really miss my big horse, she was my baby, but I have not regretted my decision for a single minute. I now have 3 mini's and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I was told when I purchased my first mini (Sassy) that I would get more, they are addictve. I thought, yeah right, how can they be? Yeah. I got my first one in August. I got rid of my big one in November and I have 3 already. If I had more space I woud have many more. I could probably have 1 more and be okay though, so I have room to grow yet!
Welcome to world of addiction. You think you can shake it but no! You should always make sure you have room for that poor mistreated little horse you see in someone else's field. Neglected and unloved. You will also need room for that fat one that they just don't take proper care of and needs to go on a diet and just get some form of exercise program going. Oh! Then there's that one that (Well you get the idea) :DOH! We've all been there afterall.
Who said horses don't have a sense of humor? (Even if mules don't...)

First my favorite Mingus story:

As many of you know, we transport Mingus in our minivan, and since it has privacy glass, nobody else knows he's even in there.

Coming back from a show in Washington (state), I decided to indulge a fast food urge and pulled into the Arby's drive-thru for curly fries.

When I pulled up to the pay window, the cashier asked "Do you want horsey sauce with that?"

At that very moment, Mingus let loose with a resounding neigh!

The poor cashier nearly dropped my curly fries, then asked, eyes wide, "Do you REALLY have a horse in there?"

I giggle every time I remember this...


...and now a tale of Thelonius

For those who have never met Thelonius, his constant expression is one of sweet orneriness...he's that little red-headed prankster from grade school. While I was recuperating from last summer's hospital stay, I spent many hours ensconced upon our picnic table with my leg elevated, accompanied by my horses and dogs. In addition to grazing, Thelonius decided he had an important mission: knock my coffee off the table. If I tried to take a sip, he tried to help by bumping it. If I set my cup down, he reached for it immediately, ever hopeful of sending it flying. He refused to give up. To catch me off guard, he took breaks from his antics to lick my arm, but quickly returned to that elusive goal: keeping the world safe from coffee cups!

Sadly for my "roanry" boy (if you've seen Team America, you know where that comes from...), I soon finished my coffee and had the presence of mind to move cup and carafe to the opposite bench. I almost took pity, he looked so disappointed, but then I saw his eyes light up.

I heard first one thump, then another, as Thelonius spotted my shoes and swiftly knocked them to the ground...Success at last!


This next is not so much a story, but an every-day occurence with Flash. When he sees us coming at mealtime, he begins a woeful monologue of subtone whickers and moans -- so pitiful that we call him the Horse Whimperer. These cute, one-sided conversations are accompanied by a quivering upper lip, showing that this is truly an emotional experience for him!
Oh my! I laughed so hard at the Mingus story!! That is hilarious! My husband asked what was so funny, and shen I told him, he just gave me "the look". Okay, he has no sense of humor! That was very very funny, and I wish I could have seen the ladies face when he whinnied!
OOh man these are great!!!!

My little red stallion is an escape artist. Before we put the BIG dead bolt on his stall, he had let himself out. It was the middle of the night, he let out his friend, Jake the gelding. The ate, and played and ate and messed up the barn. But the thing that was funny was that Falcon gave every girl in the barn a little sumpin sumpin... a brush or a comb or a halter. ALL the girls were hooked up with presents. He couldn't let them out since they had extra locks on their stalls.

SO in the morning I come into a barn that looks like a hurricane had hit. And there is Jake standing wide eyed and innocent... where is the instigator???? His his own stall with a new CHAIR, AND the stall door almost completely closed, you know,,,,to put the suspicion on Jake!!! He is an evil genious. They were all fine.
:DOH! I am so glad, Kim, that you came on to include Falcon for these stories. He is an entire book of them in progress, I tell ya.

The "gifts" is hilarious. See how smart he is? He knows the way to a girl's heart is presents!

I love the story about Mingus and the Arby's.....that was when you were on your way home from Evergreen/Tacoma, if I remember right!

I'm thinking that Pyro's going to be putting himself in here before long. Who can forget the toy airplane from last Summer? He gets it from his dadday!

This next is not so much a story, but an every-day occurence with Flash. When he sees us coming at mealtime, he begins a woeful monologue of subtone whickers and moans -- so pitiful that we call him the Horse Whimperer. These cute, one-sided conversations are accompanied by a quivering upper lip, showing that this is truly an emotional experience for him!

Oh my, for some reason the "Horse Whimperer" just hit my funny bone and I am ROFLOL!
Thanks for all these stories, they are wonderful!
Yes Falcon does keep me guessing! He is really fun though.

I think you SHOULD post the pics and story about Pyro and the plane. It was awesome!!!!!

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