Fun Pictures!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
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Albuquerque, NM
Just thought I would post some fun pictures from the last parade the Land Of Enchantment Miniature Horse Club did.






Hope you all enjoy!
Oh how cool and oh so cute! Looks like it was a ton of fun, I wish there was something like that around here!!
It almost looks like it was in Old Town in Albuquerque.... :aktion033: :aktion033:

Where was it held???? What fun everyone must have had.
Gini. it was indeed through Old Town, right around the Plaza! LEMHC chose the era of "Statehood to the Present"-choices included the Native American, the Hispanic, and the Homesteader eras-all of which were represented a year ago in April out at Balloon Fiesta Park with a 'kickoff' of Albuquerque's Tricentennial year-I participated with the NM Carriage Assoc. in that one, as the mini club wasn't involved-then LEMHC was invited to participate in the 'completion' Tricentennial Parade, with the same eras represented. As statehood came about in 1912, horsedrawn vehicles were still very much a part of the scene, back then-our members came as representatives of the statehood year residents, including a horse-and-buggy doctor and nurse(third photo), homesteader in town for the day(since I am not able to put photos up here, I will tell you that the homesteader in the turquoise dress and sunbonnet, in the wooden cart, is ME, being drawn by my 'been-there, done-that' grand old mare, Sooner States Melody, age 24!) We also had chile vendors of then and now(first photo), and some who represented the 'NOW' of the international Balloon Fiesta, biggest in the world, held here every year in early the third photo, you can see how we were lined up-in front is Colleen, who posted the photos-she had the club banner--, then my 'walker', Julie M.(back to camera), Melody and me, then Jan G. in the black Doctor's buggy, with her 'walker' in Dr's coat, Eric-then Lisa W. in cowboy attire leading a saddled mini, then the mini covered wagon-not really discernible,but following, are those costumed as native Americans, chile vendors, and the modern-day Balloon Fiesta turnouts.

The parade was great fun, and easier than most, as we made a big loop, and were able to return to our parked vehicles, with none of the usual hassle of moving the vehicles to the parade's end!! Only scarey thing? For the first portion of the parade, we had to 'share' Rio Grande Blvd. with BOTH directions of traffic, with only cones between 'us'(the Parade participants) and 'them'(the traffic)-'twas a bit daunting at times, despite a heavy police presence....

BTW-our insurance company has required that when we participate as a group in parades, that all driven vehicles have a 'walker'(a header, actually), as a safety measure. Actually, a very GOOD safety measure....

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