Fired From A Job --

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Boss Mare

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
Mechanicsville, MD
Okay, I'll make this as short as possible and I'll try not to leave anything out.

About a month ago I got a job at a pharmacy as a tech, I am a certified pharmacy tech. I loved the job, great hours, great location, happy with what I was doing and the people I worked with were great to me.

I started out part time to begin with, though I applied for full time or part time (I'm flexible). After about 2 weeks I asked my manager if there was a way I could pick up more hours -- Full time there is only 30 hours a week. She said definitely and offered me full time with no hesitation. I asked her how I was doing and I also told her not to be shy and let me know if I needed to improve or work on anything in particular. She had no complaints whatsoever and said that they loved having me work for their company. The owner told me that also on several occasions!

The following week she called me into her office, so we could discuss the days I was available and days I was not, also more about the hours and timing I wanted to work. I was/am very flexible and was able to do all that she offered. She said that since she already had that pay schedule printed and handed out that I could begin working full time the following pay period. She again, asked me how I thought I was doing on the job and I explained it all. I explained how much I liked it and the people I worked with and how I wanted to be able to "grow" with the company and that if all went well I planned to be there long term. In return I asked her how she thought I was doing and again, she had no complaints nor heard any complaints about me. She said that no news was good news and to continue exceeding my expectations as I was doing. This was on a Friday.

I was off Saturday & Sunday, but I went in for work on Monday and notice there is a new pharmacy tech working with me. She had worked there previously, but quit to go to college, quit college and came back to her old job. I was thinking of how over employed this place was, but didn't think much of it.

I was off Tuesday, but went in on Wednesday. A few hours into my shift my manager calls me to the stocking room (not even her office). She explained that I didn't have the personality to work there and that she was sorry, but she was letting me go without asking me to finish my shift. This came as a complete shock to me, but being the professional and courteous person that I am, I thanked her for giving me the chance and left.

Now here's where it gets more misleading to me ..... She paid me for 65 hours, IF I would've finished out my pay period (which I didn't even get half way into) it would've only amounted up to 38 hours. When she handed my check (post dated to the next pay period) she said "I paid you a few extra hours so you'd have some money".

There was no exit interview or form, even previous jobs were I've quit I've always have to state my reason for leaving and sign a form.

Then what really took me back is when my manager said "When you decide to look for another job and want a good reference given, please use us and I'll be sure to give you a good reference".

Now.... When a company fires someone do they:

-Offer to give you a GOOD reference?

-Pay for MORE hours than you worked?

-Is "Personality" a legit reasoning, when you're exceeding your position, being professional, courteous, respectful, showing up on time, etc., etc.?

-Tell you they have no complaints on two occasions, then all of a sudden fire you about your personality?

I'm lost about what to do. Part of me wants to call there and speak to the manager, but she's on maternity leave. I thought of calling the owner who's a pharmacist there, but don't have an idea if he even knows what went on. The other part of me just says to leave it alone, but I really feel like I was treated unfairly.

My manager is very unprofessional and disrespectful and I constantly heard her make sexual slurs to the younger (17 & 18 y/o) male employees. I heard a rumor from an older woman who worked there that the manager was intimidated by me. I also heard a rumor that I was let go, because they brought the other pharmacy tech back. Oh yeah, they have uncertified people doing pharmacy tech work too, illegal, right?!

Opinions, please?!?! Thank you all for your time. It looks like now I'll have some extra time to catch up on the forum, at least until I find another job.
First of all...that STINKS something smells rather icky!

Sounds like Manager brought the old girl back - the person who let you go felt REALLY guilty gave you extra $$ - and was grasping at the personality thing
I am also thinking you are MORE qualified than what they sorry that happened...
From what you describe, I agree.....something does stink to high heaven.

If you want to go about it the NICE way, I would suggest dropping by and have a visit with your superior in a friendly way to ask if she would be willing to give you a positive reference.

If all goes smoothly, be sure to let them know how much you had enjoyed your job during the short time you were there.

Although you were treated shabbily, I wouldn't burn your bridges unless forced to.

Ask them to give you a letter of recommendation on the company letterhead so that you do not have to rely on their memory to provide you with a reference then just forget about them. From the sounds of it they probably have a high turnover and if you do not raise a stink you might have a foot back in the door when that manager "moves on". As the previous poster said do not burn the bridges behind you but do ask for the letter.
Take the money, get the letter of recommendation, smile and move on!!! Don't waste time wondering why this happened just move on to the next thing, it could be better in the long run!! Sorry this has happened to you but you know in your heart that you were doing a good job so it likely has little to do with you and is based on someone else's agenda.
Michelle --

My take is they let you go to keep the previous employee who quit. With as many times as they confirmed to you that you were doing a good job, that's the only thing that makes sense to me.

When I have let people go, in one case I did pay like a month's severance but I really wanted her to quit not be fired, so I told her I could give her a month's severance if she decided to leave then, but not be able to if she didn't (she knew this was coming, i had to change her and my other assistant's hours to include working Fridays).

In the other case, the employee quit about 2 minutes before she would have been fired and she requested severance in writing which I declined. She has been a problem a long time and the final straw was when she called a client I specifically told her NOT TO CALL and she deliberately did it anyway.

Further thinking, maybe the owner is the one who told your manager to let you go so he / she could keep the old employee who returned. The manager probably didn't know it was coming up and she probably felt guilty and didn't have a choice, so was trying to make you and herself feel better by paying the extra hours.

I'm sorry this happened!

So sorry this happened. Unfortunately, usually companies have a "probation period" on new hires, for the first 30 to 90 days. Within that period they can let a person go for just about any reason. It does sound as if they chose the "old" over the "new", and wanted to give you added severence in hope that would "make it up" to you somehow. Or at least to help to contribute to your well being "financially" till you could find better, and I do hope this is the better for you in the long run. HUGS to you, and holding you in prayers.
I hope you filed for unemployment --- and told the unemployment office what happened -- even if you are not entitled to unemployment pay -- that is one way to let "someone" know about the situation.

Personally --- I would go ask the OWNER for a written letter of recommendation -- and thank him politely for letting you work there - and NOT bring up what happened.

Good luck

Michelle, First I'm sorry this happened to you and it really sounds very dissapointing. I too suspect from what you said that for some reason they felt compelled to rehire the previous girl, perhaps she's related to or is friendly with someone who has a lot of influence, and they could come up with nothing valid so used a ridiculous and vague excuse about personality.

What happened is wrong and unfair but I too think it would be best to let it be. You only had a short time invested there and perhaps it's an unseen blessing that it didn't work out. Especially if, as you said, their techs may not be licensed. You certainly wouldn't want to get caught up in some kind of investigation, what a pain in the (bleep) that would be! As mentioned, getting a letter of recommendation is an excellent idea, that way you can make a clean break and not have to depend them at all for a verbal recommendation the next time you apply for a position.

I'm certain you will find the right place with people who will treat you well and appreciate your strong work ethic. Good luck and wish you the best in finding your dream job.
I pretty much agree with everyone else.....however what is the state you are in? and is it right to work or work at will? If that is the case there is no need for reason to be in Idaho it stinks wages are low there are few to none unions...because they opted to be right to work....which means I can hire and fire at will without just cause alot of companies here will hire people and then fire them for no reason (this law makes bending a couple other laws real easy) like waiting periods for benefits companies will hire then when the waiting period has been met they will fire and hire new people to avoid paying things like medical etc....unions are few and far between because they don't really have a leg to stand on here...the exception is gov. jobs,,,, look into the laws of your state everyone should know what their rights are

to find the laws go to your state website and search for the DOL (dept. of labor) and look for statutes boring reading but you will learn alot.....

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