Donkeys Killed

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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On the local news tonight, someone's two donkeys - miniatures I think, didn't catch the first of it, were tortured, decapitated and obviously killed. For sport. They caught the guys, a couple of twenty year's a state felony that carries max 6 months to a year in prison. Just very sick and very sad that there are people like this around. Makes me want to bring all of my horses in very close...

These guys need to be locked up for more than 6 months and given counseling, they are a danger to people as well I'd guess with that mentality.

There was a picture of the owner with her donkeys prior to the attack, hugging on them..obviously much loved pets.

Yuck. 6 months to a year is not enough...these people should not be looked away from. I have the suspicion they will be heard about again. You don't enact that kind of violence on any living thing accidentally nor do you do it without a lot of thought.


Poor little donks.

Yuck. 6 months to a year is not enough...these people should not be looked away from. I have the suspicion they will be heard about again. You don't enact that kind of violence on any living thing accidentally nor do you do it without a lot of thought.

Poor little donks.

Liz said it all. This is horrifying and I'm afraid we will hear about them again.
Once again it just amazes me what people do and get away with. What is wrong with our legal system? 6 months? They killed and decapitated those poor helpless creatures! There is something seriously wrong with those people and they need mental help. If they were my kids I'd be doing some serious axx kicking, they'd be praying to go to jail just to get away from me. Animal cruelty is not tolerated!
Once again..............People wonder why other people take the law into thier own hands
I know the boys would never be safe again if they did it to my animals!


[SIZE=12pt]Yes, this is why people take the law in their own hands......6 months is nothing....for what these poor babies went through....
I know if I caught someone doing that, I am afraid I would be the one sitting in jail, after what I would do to them. I cannot understand how anyone would give them a sentence like that.....if they can do that to animals, can you imagine what they could do next. It just makes me sick
Seems the legal system fails again. When the public raises a ruckus over the cruelty that people do to animals then our folks in office get on the bandwagon and denounce it and when things quiet down and it's forgotten about. Politics SUCK as well as a majority of our elected officials (to busy lining their own pockets )mmm...Those elected need to realize that their is something really mentally wrong for people to do this kind of cruelty and six months is not nearly enough...will they get out on GOOD behavior? Wander why people tend to take matters into their own hands, doesn't it?
I wonder if they will even get that sentence.

usually they get 30 days suspended and a fine.

A woman who tied a dog to a tree and put an plastic tie around it's penis so it couldn't urinate and left it to starve ended up getting a fine I believe.

It was one of the worst things i have seen. It lived somehow.

I so want to be dictator of the world so I can handle these things............. these 2 would never see the light of day again.

Sick sick sick.
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6 months is nothing, I wish I was the judge in that case. These guys wouoldnt be seeing the outside world for a very long time! There is no reason for anyone to do something like this. I'm afraid I would be sharing a cell with Michele, if I took things into my own hands.
I really worry about some people these days. Why would anyone do something like that. They should be locked up for good so they don't ever do that to a person. Here is an article I read this morning that also make me wonder why somebody would do soemthing like this. It all makes me worry about my horses as they are palinly visible from a highway that is getting busier everyday as the city grows out into the farmland.

Article from the Albuquerque NM Journal

San Juan County man, 24, admits shooting goats, sheep, dog from truck.

Derek Witt, 24, pleaded guilty this week to charges of extreme animal cruelty and injuring livestock after he and two friends gunned down eight goats, a sheep and a dog from a truck in rural San Juan County last July, the Farmington Daily Times reported.

Witt pleaded guilty to one count each of extreme cruelty to animals, injuring livestock and shooting from a motor vehicle in exchange for prosecutors dropping eight other charges of injury to livestock -- all fourth-degree felonies, the Daily Times reported.

Charges also are pending against Thomas Obiedo, 30, and Dale McDaniel, 31, both of whom allegedly admitted to authorities that they were involved in the incident, the paper said.

"I have no idea what they were thinking, and I would venture a guess that they're probably wondering what they were thinking then, too," Chief Deputy District Attorney Dustin O'Brien said. "There wasn't any financial gain for them. It's like an act of vandalism except they're dealing with living things."

State District Judge Thomas Hynes set sentencing for Feb. 25 and said Witt would be responsible for paying $1,200 restitution for the 10 dead animals, the Daily Times said.
What is WRONG with some people????
I found a cat that had been shot with pellets, and thrown in a snowbank for dead, just last week. The cat is ok, recovering after having surgery to remove at least 7 pellets from its head. The police and the scpa figure that the cat was held or in a cage in order for him to receive 7-9 pellets in its head.

I cried when I saw it, then got mad. The cat is soo friendly purring all the time when it had the pellets in its head. He still has two, one in his sinus cavity and one in his eye. Now this cat has been fixed, so he is someones pet, but noone will come forward to say its theirs. What I firgure is that the owners of the cat are also the ones who did it. Kids are the most likely suspects, and that is how killers start, with abusing animals, then up to people.

I asked for my name not to be put in the paper or on the tv, as the people I think did it live just down around the corner from me, and I do NOT want any abuse happening to my animals.


P.s. The foster family that has the cat right now gave it the nickname of B.B. King. Which is sad, but actualy funny. Some of you may have seen him on the news a coupe of times.
I wish they would make animal cruelty sentences tougher. It just doesn't seem like justice is served when they only have to serve 6 months or even a year for such awful crimes. Those poor animals suffered and so should those idiots!
Just what is the point of doing that!!!

We should tourcer these two boys and decapitate them!! ( Ok Id prolly get in big trouble but they DESERVE it)
Some day the laws will finially catch up with the horrible crime of torturing an animal. They are already finding out that people who can do that to an animal have no qualms about doing it to humans.

Many of the mass murderers started out torturing and killing animals. The sad thing is too, most of the ones doing the killing and torturing of animals are young men. What does this say about our society?

We have had a Miniature horse decapitated here in our state in the last few years, several horses shot from moving cars and other horses stabbed brutally with knives.
Last hanging for horse thief in NC was done by my GG grandfather. You can imagine what they did to folks that hurt other people's working horse, donkeys,,, etc...etc...

Maybe they need to start doing that again.....sad as it sounds.
That is heart wrenching!!!!!

And what sick, sick people who could do something like that. As others have said, that's how a lot of serial killers start out, but torturing and killing animals.
unfortunately, sentences for this sort of thing are dictated by law, not by judges. a judge's hands are tied when it comes to how much time he/she can sentence an offender to. when my ex was on the bench, he heard several animal cruelty cases. upon a finding of guilt, he sentenced the defendant to the maximum. sadly, the maximum was a short stint in the county jail and a meager fine and court costs. when the law allowed, he also included in his sentence a period of community service at the local animal shelter.

animal abusers rarely, if ever, go to prison (as opposed to county jail). prisons are too overcrowded for the courts to "bother" sending these people. if they start sending these poor excuses for human beings to prison, they will be releasing murderers and child rapists to make room for them. it's a sad, sad state of affairs.

what we have to do as concerned citizens is to write our elected officials and DEMAND that the laws be changed to incorporate stiffer penalties for animal cruelty. for sure, it's an uphill battle all the way.

just to give you an the next county a man was convicted of torturing a mare. in the middle of the night, he climbed a pasture fence, tied the mare to a post with a rope around her neck (no halter), dragged a bale of straw up behind her, and...i don't think i have to get graphic here...suffice it to say, he was a pervert. when he was finished with her, he climbed the fence and disappeared. the mare was found the next day, strangled. she was a family pet, a common sight in local parades and paid regular visits to the nursing home. she was much loved. eventually, he was arrested and jailed, pending trial. he spent 2 years in jail while his case was continued over and over. when he was finally tried and convicted, he was sentenced to "time served" and a fine/court costs. he is out walking the streets while the owners of this mare are STILL trying to come to terms with her death and trying to explain to their young children why "dolly" had to go to heaven.

i could go on and on.
I will never understand the cruel actions of some people. Those poor animals and that poor owner.

I had a much loved cat named Homey that was 14 years old. She went out one afternoon. She would normally stay near the house. This time she went over on our neighbors property. I called after her, but she kept going. I continued to look for her into the night..... when I heard a gun shot a few houses over. I did worry with it being dark that something bad had happened to her. This guy was known for killing deer on other peoples property(our houses are fairly close together) The next day I went to work worried sick. Came home early I just couldn't work. I got home and searched and searched. I went back on my neighbors property with my husbands scope that you can see the moon with. I can see something white on the neighbors property that I heard the gunshot at. I get all the way over to where she is and knock on the door to tell them I'm looking for my cat. They wouldn't come to the door. I know someone was home. I could hear the TV. I decided to trespass knowing it had to be her. It was her. She had been shot and was gone. There was hair everywhere that didn't belong to her. I called the sheriffs office. They said that there was nothing they could do in Virginia(this was in 2001). I told him I trespassed to get her. He said don't you worry about that. Later I found out there was something that could have been done, but like what was mentioned nothing would have happened to him. About a month later three state police were at their door. Not long after that they moved. Don't know what happened to him and don't care.

That same month I was in petsmart. Decided to take a look at the cats up for adoption. One caught my eye. I just couldn't keep my mind off of her. You should see how tiny she is... a miniature cat. She has itty bitty legs.

I got home and told my husband. He really didn't want to bring in another animal so soon. I just couldn't wait. I went back the next day(Christmas Eve) and adopted her. She had been in that cage for over a month. She wasn't fond of being held which is probably why she wasn't adpoted. She was all claws. Got her home. She curled up in one of the chairs. She stayed there all the next day while family was here for Christmas. Never moved. Most of my family thought it was another cat that we have as she looks just like her. A few days after getting her I noticed little balls around two of her legs. I'm pretty sure they are BB's. They moved around. It's been 6 years and they are still in the same spots and still move around.

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