Diesel prices

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=14pt]Okay, I have horses. I have a farm. I haul stuff around all of the time~~!!![/SIZE]

I would like to have a small, fuel efficent car too, but I can't afford 2 vehicles. I do drive a Chevy diesel dually that gets better mileage (14-15/mpg) than most larger SUV's.

So whatinhell's up with the price of diesel???? Regular unleaded has hit and stayed at about $2.49 lately (after topping out at almost $3.00), annoying, but do-able for most people.

Diesel on the other hand is freaking INSANE. I passed stations from $3.29 to $3.69 a gallon today!!!!!! I eventually caved (riding almost on empty) and paid [SIZE=21pt]$3.45/gallon[/SIZE]. A fill up runs me over $100.00!!!!!

I've cut my work hours back to 2 days a week. I just can't pay for the fuel. My commute is costing me $25.00-$30.00 a DAY....It's not even worth working by the time I pay fuel & preschool. What the he$$ is going on????

Yes those greedy gas company's are really getting rich this time around..

It is a dirty rotten shame that Tesla did get his free energy to go~! BUT th big guys just took all the records and now nobody can find his papers on his works that he did like Tesla patented a device that could draw electricity directly from the atmosphere. In a documented experiment for the Pierce Motor Car Company in 1931, Tesla built that technology into a vehicle that could run continuously on this free electricity.

And now just think what that would have meant the next time you fill up with gas at around $3.00/Gal~! And diesel much higher~!
Isn't it ridiculous and diesel is a by-product from making gasoline, OH and send some of the 2.49 gas our way, we are the highest in the country at $2.89 for gas, but our diesel is at the 3.29 mark, can you smell conspiracy?
Laura I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! When I bought Tug ( dodge 1 ton) diesel was .85. Now its $3.27. REDICULOUS!!!!!! I live rurally and fuel can vary by a dollar ( what happened to no price gouging?) I go to Waco (150 mile trip) once a month for a major grocery shopping and fill up there, its less than $3. I do not understand why diesel, which has historically been cheaper then gas, is now so much higher. Maybe I do understand. Its all rigged. Every last drop. Literally. Is rigged.
Yep, I grind my teeth every time I drive into town and see the price of Diesel is going up again, and not just creeping but LEAPING.

Unleaded is on its way down, slowly, but Diesel is outta here.

$3.27 per gallon.

My Ford Super Duty gets about 19 mpg, which helps SOME, but it still hurts.

Liz M.
I'm with ya. I filled the truck the other day and it was about $75 and the tank wasn't totally empty at the time. Fortunately we do have a car and SUV that get better gas mileage (and take unleaded gas) that we can drive around town.

I think they are screwing the truckers and delivery people that have NO CHOICE and driving long distances is their living. Everyone else that drives around in cars can choose to stay home, drive less, get a smaller car with better gas mileage, etc. The truckers CAN'T so are the easiest group to screw with and guarantee that no matter how high the diesel goes, they will still pay it because they have to.
I dont have to worry about that. BUt gas here is $2.31 right now.

I know you said you cant afford both, but could you find a older (90's) car for work purposes? There normally not that expensive and you can get cheap insurance on them.
Ashley said:
I dont have to worry about that.  BUt gas here is $2.31 right now. 

I know you said you cant afford both, but could you find a older (90's) car for work purposes?  There normally not that expensive and you can get cheap insurance on them.


Unfortunately, while still paying for my divorce (4 years ago) too, another car is out of the question right now. I might be able to swing payments some months, but not every month and any repairs would eat up anything else
I also use my truck AT work (horse trailer sales), to move trailers, shifting inventory, etc.

The more I think about the price gouging going on, the more ticked off I get...
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Luckily I dont work, so trips to town are planned. I try hard to not do any extra running around 'just because'. It boggles the mind that I spend about $150 a month for fuel. Heck even my Dr, whom I am supposed to see every month, now allows me to go every 3 months because its over a 300 mile round trip.

What scares me about these fuel prices is we are going to change our society. Think about it. Most European countries dont have the rural or suburbean lifestyle like we do. Their fuel is very high and they have high MPG cars. They also have , for the most part, great mass transportation. I just see us falling apart in the future.
Ugggg, add me to the list of diesel/frustrated!

We are all getting screwed on these fuel prices, especially diesel right now with the MAJOR price hikes.

I farm and everything from the combine to the tractors to the truckers we hire to haul corn/soybeans are feeling the pinch of diesel prices. We have to pay the price as we need diesel to harvest our crops right now and till our fields in preparation of next years crop. Imagine the cost of 500 gallons of diesel and paid in full upon delivery

I am trying everything to save fuel on the farm, with corn $1.40 a bushel and diesel well over $3.00 a gallon it is hard to pinch any pennies but I am trying.
We filled up at a Fred Meyer in Salem, Or. the other day and felt fortunate to find diesel for $2.99/gallon. I am VERY happy that when we got our 1-ton Ford Dually we also did some performance modifications that enable us to average 20-21 MPG in mostly city driving. On the highway we can get around 24-26 (not towing). Towing mileage is around 18-19.

Those of us with diesel vehicles need to contact our government representatives and keep on complaining until something is done. Every time we fill up we are putting more and more money into the pockets of George's "good buddies" that helped him get elected.
Oil company profits are up over 350%!!
What the @#$%^*&(&*(* is the problem????
Welcome to my world!! I pay $80.55 every time I fill up my van, which does 33 miles to the gallon, and I fill it up every fortnight when I am not showing and every two days when I am
No doubt! Try filling a 100 gallon tank! Now that would make your hair curl!

Been there, done that, on the lorry. Had to have the tank cut in two in the end!!!
Our gas and diesel prices have come down out of the clouds now following Katrina and Rita, although I'm sure Wilma will have SOME effect before long! At the moment, there isn't a significant difference in price between gas and diesel and it's hovering around $1.00/litre, give or take a few cents. That translates out to about $4.00/gallon, and if you add the exchange to make it US dollars, it's about $4.80 a gallon!!! How do ya like them apples?!

In our area, gas prices maxed out at about $1.34 per litre. You do the math on that one! OUCH!!
Add me to the list...I am retired on a survivor's annuity, live 30 miles from the city. I'm fortunate, I know, compared to those who HAVE to drive to work every day...I have always been conservative in my driving habits, but now, have to just pretty much not go ANYWHERE....I bought a diesel 6+ years ago, expecting it to have a LONG life, and due to the better fuel mileage and fuel cost-HA, HA---it is my only vehicle(no matter how economical, the initial cost to purchase, upkeep, and insurance on another would be too much for me)-thing is, everything else IS going up-or will, if it hasn't already. I, too, think it is the diesel that is being jacked up, because they CAN-
,aiming at a segment of drivers who either HAVE to have it(the big rig and other commercial vehicle drivers), or the relative minority of the 'regular' driving public who drive diesel vehicles(not the majority, so won't be able to have as much sway with public officials)....a friend whose husband drives for a nationwide trucking company told me that his company contracts for their fuel for a whole year, at the start of the year, at a predetermined price-so, just wait until this year is over and the next one rolls around, to see the "REAL" increase in the prices of just about EVERYTHING, that has come from the escalating fuel prices...
I don't know, but would bet that MANY of the trucking companies do that same thing. The people who are REALLY being, and will continue to be, hurt, are the independent truckers--and, people who don't have access to good, and increasing, incomes.....

I also wonder how permanently higher fuel prices will change our society. Yes, east of us across the Atlantic, prices have been notably higher for a long time, and people have adapted in various ways-but, things are generally considerably closer together over there(no country is nearly as large/spread-out as the US or Canada)-and that, alone, would make quite a difference. Unfortunately, I have observed, when I do drive, that few seem willing to make any accomodations-they still not only drive at the (IMO, set too high)speed limits, but SPEED, as they always have-in town, jackrabbit starts, etc., still prevail. As a society, there is such an attitude of ENTITLEMENT-that is what is going to be hardest to change, IMO.....

(On a hopeful note-I was horrified last Sat.,when I went to get feed, to see diesel prices at $3.25/gal-THEN, when I went into the city day before yesterday, the price was at $3.70,both here and in most places in the city!!!! By the time I arrived home that day, the price(here, in this tiny town along I-40,)was posted at $3.30....I SURELY HOPE that means something positive...! )
They just lowered gas prices today, by about .30 per gallon, so its now $2.47-2.73. HOWEVER, diesel is still $3.28. WHY on earth is it so much higher? Our Gov needs to get off its arse and do something about this before it changes our societal structure.

( to all republicans who will jump on this and say its not THEIR Govs fault, you all would dang sure blame a democrat if the table was turned)

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