Colic- On the way to the clinic-Update

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UPDATE: Monday night- This has been a roller-coaster for us. After Toby had his bran mash (per the vets instructions), he had another good poop. Then no more poop and about 5:30 tonight he began to act uncomfortable again. We hand walked him but the stretching and slight discomfort continued and a bit of depression again. So I called the vet and they decided it was time to put him on IV fluids. So we took him back down and the tubed him again mainly to check his stomach and things are moving through some. He is passing the oil and some gas. He is not distended with gas and the smell coming from his tummy is normal smelling. We did a blood panel and it all came back pretty good although he was a bit dehydrated. A IV was started and we left him there for the night. The main concern the vet has is the reoccurring discomfort. Since he is passing manure (although not much but they feel its because he has not ate hardly anything in 48 hours), gas and blood is all good, its a guessing game as to what is causing his discomfort. My daughter is very upset as this is her baby (of course we all are upset). So please continue to keep Toby in your prayers.

Thank you.
My continued prayers that he gets better soon!

{{{hugs}}} You've been through a lot of stress.
Update- Tues AM

Toby is hanging in there. He did get mildly uncomfortable after we left last night, so they gave him 1/2 a dose of Banamine. He passed two more piles of manure. He has been comfortable since. They plan to introduce handfuls of grass every hour today and continue the IV fluids. If he continues to poop they will stop the fluids and he may be able to come home tonight. Thats the best case scenario. Thank you so much for everyones support, good thoughts and prayers. My 10 yr old daughter loves hearing about all the people praying for Toby.
coming your way.
I have had reoccuring bouts of colic with my 17 yr old Mini mare,Fancy.Once we got her through this last very severe time(I really thought she was going to die since she was throwing herself on the ground even with drugs)we determined that she was not drinking enough.I tried everything to get her to drink.Finally made molasses soup-just put about 1/4 cup molasses in about 4 cups of water and watch them dive in.She got offered this about 3 times a day until we got really good poop and lots of it.We now give her no dry food only grass or wet hay and beet pulf runny like wet oatmeal.So far so good.Good luck with your Mini and keep us posted.

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