can someone tell me why??

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why does your dream horse always come up for sale when you dont have the money??? my dream horse just came up for sale and of course its bad timing. my house in illinois still hasnt sold etc. hes everything i want!! ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. maybe ill go buy a lottery ticket.

sorry just had to vent and only other horse people understand my frustration
Uck...I know how you feel.

I noticed one on the board recently that I'm head over heels crazy in love with but he's just too far away for me to even consider knowing the cost of transport.

However, a flight if not at this time of year, would have been an option seriously considered.

Dreaming about asking the forum for a convoy...dreaming. Never could figure out how some people here are able to buy horses and have them transported by ground such a long distance. Not just the financial end but the poor horse having to be hauled all that way.

It makes me so sad as I truly feel this is possibly the one.
He is loaded with all the options but not necessarily the colour I would like. Ohhh well.

this guy has EVERY SINGLE thing i want. and to make it worse hes very close by sighs.

think ill just go pout somewhere LOL
Thankfully, we're not sulking over the same horse!

Put him on your wishlist
and Good Luck.
Oh, man!

If you want him that badly, maybe you should contact the seller. They might be open to payments, or trades!

I know how I felt when I saw DunIT's pictures, which was right on the heels of me doing a deal with Erica about Destiny. I could hardly stand it. She posted pictures of him and people here were saying how much they loved him and I was on pins and needles waiting to hear his price and if I could afford him! I just really felt like if I didn't get him, he'd be one I'd never forget and how I'd be following his career from afar and thinking how much I'd wanted him for myself.

So, go for it! It never hurts to ask and you might be smiling vs. pouting!!!

i went ahead and emailed about him because i couldnt stand it!! see how i am?? LOL. maybe just maybe ill get really lucky and get an offer on my farm in illnois?? trying to be optimistic! oh i would just think i died and went to heaven! I just know this horse wont last long someone will snap him up
I hope you're the one that gets to snap him up!!!

When Erica had those pre-mine DunIT pictures up and people were going on and on about him, OMG, I just wanted them all to shut up pretty much!!! I didn't like them eying him for themselves. I was totally obsessed.

Hope to see pics and an announcment from you soon!!!
Those dream horses may only come along just once in your lifetime. I passed one up nearly 20 years ago and I STILL think about her
and still berate myself for how I should have done everything I could to get her.

When I came upon Daisy, I got that same reaction almost like an instant connection to her (love at first sight perhaps?) I was in no way even seriously looking for a horse until we get our own property but this one I just had to have no matter what. I should keep away from Dreamhorse and the forum's sale board, I know. Just can't help myself.

If you don't get this one Kay I think you may be kicking yourself later.
Can I join the pout??? We're building a new home, barn & pool. We've been working with this builder since MARCH!!! We're making payments on the construction loan, and they haven't even broken ground yet! We've had the dumbest delays. When I said I wanted an eye level oven, they shoved it between the frig and the ice machine (seperate under counter type). Well, won't be ice next to the oven!!! What were those people thinking??? Grrrrrr... It took them almost two mos to move the frig and ice machine away from the over... Grrrrrr... So now... we just said, build whatever you have on paper, and we'll worry about additions and such AFTER it's built... (like that's going to be cheap). Grrrrrr... So now, it's in the permitting dept. and we're waiting on some soil test... grrrrrrr.. (that was done over a year ago, so now they have to do it again!) AArrgghh.. I am so fustrated.

So what do I do??? I go groom the horses just to relax and not think about the builder and the delays.. and what do I do???
I SHAVED OFF THE FORELOCKS! I didn't mean to... he threw his head up.. and I wanted to show the little guy next year... I was lamenting to a breeder at a show, and he said to me... JUST GLUE some on! I'm gonna go pout some more...

And then, we're gonna have to rent or sell where we live...

I guess our dream horse is going to show up then!!!!
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Black Magic said:
...So what do I do??? I go groom the horses just to relax and not think about the builder and the delays.. and what do I do???
  I SHAVED OFF THE FORELOCKS!  I didn't mean to... he threw his head up.. and I wanted to show the little guy next year... I was lamenting to a breeder at a show, and he said to me... JUST GLUE some on!  I'm gonna go pout some more... 

And then, we're gonna have to rent or sell where we live...

I guess our dream horse is going to show up then!!!! 


Now now Magic you are missing a golden business opportunity on those forelocks. You could manufacture little forelocklettes for all of us who have mistakenly taken them off in the same manner
. I know I could probably keep you in business alone
magic that is so funny! one year at a show we clipped patches forelock off as this is how alot of moderns are shown. Someone walked by and said CAN I HAVE THAT I NEED TO GLUE SOME HAIR ON MY HORSE LOL. i said sure help yourself.

im so worried you guys might be right and ill be so sorry i didnt get him. i hate this!!!
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Take deep breaths, close your eyes and repeat after me. I will buy that horse, I will buy that horse.


I don't know KayKay...

Am having the opposite problem.. I can get the money.. but I can't find just the right horse.. and I am looking!!
karla thank you so much for the compliment that means a lot to me
i sent you a pm. gosh i dont even know what his price is as i havent heard back but i just know he should be on my farm
you know how sometimes you see a horse not even in person and it just hits you between the eyes BAM this should be my horse!
Kaykay if this horse is what you always wanted there is no reason to pass it up!
. If this guy just put the horse up for sale then im sure you have plenty of time. See if you can pay a downpayment and then send the rest to him when you sell your house.

I know where your coming from ..i see something and fall in love with it REALLY easly. HECK, dad had to buy a puppy down at Mt. Hope yesterday

I have to join the whining. I am down to one mini now, and I only get to see him a few times a year, because I am at college and he is on the other side of the state with my parents. I don't get to do any training with him, which is really frustrating for me, cause then we don't do as well at the few shows I get to as I know we could.

Lately, I have really gotten interested in getting a riding horse again. I miss riding so much. I haven't ridden for about 6 years, due to back problems. But, I have been doing better lately and really want to get back on a horse. I have been looking at Curlies, because they are so unique and aren't so many that they are over running the country. I even found one close by that is exactly what I want, right down to the color. But, since I am at school, I would have no time to train and definately don't have the money or place to keep one.

So...I know how kaykay is feeling exactly. It is really disheartening sometimes. I am right there with you girl.