Buck is BACK

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
upstate NY
Buck is BACK! After being diagnosed with Lyme back in the spring, my Bucker boy is back in harness! He has had about 4 months off from driving. He was treated with antibiotics, had some bodywork done, a new joint supplement and a slow return to work by lungeing and long lining.Today I knew he was ready when he whinnied when I carried out my tack, and watined by the gate the whole time I drove Wish. And even though I drove Wish first- the pony diva still expressed her displeasure seeing Buck drive off in HER Aerocrown. Silly ponies.



So glad to hear Buck is better and back in harness. And yes, the ponies can be very silly, can't they?
YIPPEEEEEEE Angie, you and Buck look AWESOME together... Glad you are back driving your boy!!!

Wow, back driving and photos to share too. Can't get any better than that.

I got Ike out twice this past weekend. Loving the weather, loving the aerocrown and loving using my new harness I bought over a year ago.... Take care.
Thanks Mary and Adair. This was Buck's first time put to the Aerocrown so I was lucky to have my daughter home to snap a few pix to see how he looked in it. I am so used to driving Wish now, he seemed little after her, although he is only an inch shorter. Glad to have my little red goofball healthy enough to play again.

drivin*me*buggy said:
And even though I drove Wish first- the pony diva still expressed her displeasure seeing Buck drive off in HER Aerocrown. Silly ponies.
My, how far she's come!! Now the diva who didn't want to drive doesn't want to share HER Aerocrown?

I know exactly how you feel after two years out of harness with Kody hurt, and I'm so glad you've got your partner back! Can't wait to see the pictures when I get home.

I'm SO glad to hear Buck is driving again!! So exciting!

Hawk is still out - he's quite lame actually, and no one knows what to do for him.

However, my old horse who I retired from showing 6 years ago and from driving at all at least 2 years ago is suddenly and inexplicably sound at 21 years of age and though I don't know if it'll last, the chance to drive him again is such a gift.

Here's to lots of new adventures for you and Buck!
Thanks for the well wishes everyone
I am happy to see he was sound today. He is a pip and it is fun eing able to drive him again...though I don't think Wish will give up her #1 spot driving now...which is ok- I want to bring him back slowly anyway.

Ironbessflint- I love your guy and have enjoyed your updates
And Kendra- I hope you get some answers with Hawk soon

That is wonderful to hear!
The pictures are great! I love the headshot one!

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