Broken collarbone

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2004
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Newaygo, MI
I broke my collarbone exactly two weeks ago...anyone who has had this knows it is extremely painful and there is not really anything they can do for it. The older you are, the longer the healing process. Well it was only a greenstick when it first happened. In the xray the bone looked like an upside down V. It wasn't totally broken, but the top 3/4 was and was open about 1/2"...the doctor said that's'll heal faster. Had my follow up xray it totally has broke in half and is almost 3" apart and stacked ontop of each other...I'm so upset...I'm going to have to have surgery. I can't believe this...I did everything they said...I kept hearing popping and extreme pain until a couple days ago when the popping noises stopped. I told the dr and he said the popping is good and will promote oxygen and's not what happened... it just broke in half...I'm so upset! The extreme episodes of pain have stopped (unless I move it) although since the popping stopped the all the time ache has gotten worse!

I feel like curling up in a ball and crying...I am totally feeling sorry for myself right now. I've had way too many surgeries for my age...and I hate the thought of going into the hospital yet again. Plus my boss is going to be p!$sed beyond belief when he finds out I'm going to be out another month. Ugg...I just got to suck it up and deal with it!
Sonya, I hope you get better soon!
Man I'm so sorry you are going through this. You have a right to feel sorry for yourself it's no walk in the park. Never has happened to me but after just coming from gallbladder surgery I just can total relate to you about not wanting to go under surgery. No one does its no fun but.... in the long run everything will get better and you will feel better....I know just empty words that are no help to you in the moment. Just look on the bright side it happened during the yucky season and by the time your better it'll be coming on warmer temps so you will be able to enjoy yourself and get ready for show season.

Now go have some good comfort food and watch a good movie.Get your rest and take care of yourself. Joyce
Oh no Sonya, I am so sorry to hear of the continued problems you are facing with that break. Best of luck with your upcoming surgery.
Sonja I was freaking out just at the thought of you having to lay down at the eye sugery. I can't imagine how you manged that with a broken collar bone and I was worried about that. That must have really HURT!!!!! I am soooooooo sorry and I do know that kind of pain is so nasty. Pillows, pillows, pillows and go ahead and cry because you sure are entitled. Just get well. Got a nice cup of tea there???????? HUGS and big ones.
Oh I'm so sorry
I hope the pain level improves dramatically as soon as it's in the right place. Ouch!
Oh Sonya Im so sorry to hear you will have to have surgery but hopfully this will help the long range pain. You have every right to feel sorry for yourself. Find a comfortable position and pamper yourself. (((HUGS)))
Sorry you have to have surgery... What a bummer...

Do you wear a sling? My friend who broke hers had to wear a sling long time..

Good Luck with the surgery-your boss will just have to deal, things happen...
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I am so sorry, been there, done that, got the shirt to prove it.

It will feel much much better after placement. Mine too was not set correctly at first and was extremely painful. After it was set, there was some discomfort but nothing like before and as long as I wore the brace that pulled my shoulders back, it was not bad at all.

I did have to learn to be quite flexible however as lifting the arms up over the head was impossible so everything had to come down to waist level.

Hope the placement works for you like it did for me but I do understand your frustration.
Oh no! I am so sorry
Just try to remember that everything happens for a reason. Hang in there and hopefully the pain will go away soon.

That is what happened to me. If it is any consolation you will feel much better after it is done. I too was so upset I had to have the surgery but I am so glad I did it. I felt a million times better afterward. Hang in there and get well soon!

Oh No! My step dad broke his collar bone this summer (clean through) and they put him in the figure eight sling for a couple of weeks and told him it would heal... well, his bones telescoped too and overlapped also by about 3". He waitied for over 6 months for surgery, during which time he was off work and all his muscle tone was lost, his muscles on that side also contracted sothat when they finally did the surgery they had to do a fair bit of stretching to get the bone back in place, it was like the muscles where locked there. He had his plate put in about 6 wees ago and was back to light duties (paperwork) after 2 or 3 weeks. He still isn't allowed to build any muscle, because just the muscle moving may cause the plate to come loose (you collar bone doesn't hold screws well apparantly) and can't lift anything more than 10 pounds, and not repeatedly, still can't reach above his chest, or lie on his side (he hasn't slept well in months as he is a side sleeper). It will be another month or so before he even has any x-rays to see how the bone is healing to decide when he can go back to regular duties or start physical therapy to rebuild muscle.

So, get that surgery out of the way ASAP, do exactly as the dr tells you, and you will be on the mend and in much less pain very soon! Jim said the majority of his pain was gone within a few days of the surgery (before the surgery he was on high doses of prescription pain kilers and they weren't helping, after the surgery he was uing extra strength tylenol within days), and remember-he had to wait 6 months and they has to practically use the jaws of life to put him back together, so you should be feeling much better soon!

(but remember, follow your docs orders even after the pain lessens, Jim is finding it hard to folow instructions on lifting etc because it does't cause him pain, but its better to be safe than sorry if you do too much to soon your screws can come loose and you're right back where you started)

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