BRACE-FACE (Charm) update!!!

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
Charm is doing alright. :aktion033:

The girls were sooooooo happy to see him home! taken when he first came home from hospital.


To refresh your memory, or to those that didn't catch my other post: Tuesday night my 8 month old Charm stuck his face through the bars of his stall, and when he pulled back, it broke his jaw. the next day, we took him to the hospital to get face surgery and BRACES!!!! the surgery went great, the braces are keeping his face straight now. but it was definatley a scary thing to have to go through, for me AND charm!

Well, even though he's physically fine, he really doesn't like the metal mouth! He opens his mouth a lot, and scratches his face more often. not to mention, the shaved spot where the needle was for surgery is pretty itchy. he doesn't quite finish all of his food, but he is eating alright. i dont blame him, i just had dental work today, and all i feel like eating is applesauce! Speaking of which, charm is beginning to resent applesauce.
: twice a day, i have to give him a crushed antibiotic pill mixed in with applesauce, orally through a siringe. :smileypuke: happy pony he is when he sees his halter coming these days!

His jaw looks to be healing fine, and so far no broken wires in the braces. Whew. it looks like his face will be back to normal, if we manage to keep them on as long as we should! :eek:

see, compare this one, showing his face in line, to the one i took the night he broke his jaw. (ill give link only, its kinda nasty)


Broken Jaw Pic

pills in the morning and night, daily inspecting of wires, only supervised turn out time, having to chicken wire up his stall bars so no more incidents....jeez are we almost done! WHAT? it's only been two days? UGGHHHH.

well thank you all for your support through this! thanks to your prayers, he'll be fine. not happy right now, but better. This will be a tough 10 weeks for the both of us, so bear with me here!
:'s for recovery are still welcomed and appreciated, THANK YOU!

[SIZE=12pt]~Alex and Brace-Face[/SIZE]

(and, i did take more pics today, ill post them later on the Photo/Vid forum!)
If he can rap, he can call it his grill and all the ladies will love him
Parmela, that one DID make me laugh out loud! OMG! I have never heard them called a grill before but that describes it perfectly! :new_rofl:

So glad that Charm is on the mend!
Aw, poor little guy! I'm so glad to hear it all went well though, hope he continues to recover well! He is such a cutie
: .
OH! That is such wondeful news!!!!! I am so glad to hear that Charm is home and on his way to a complete recovery!!!!


I'm so glad that precious
: little man is back home with you! He will do just fine - you are such a good horse person and I know you want whatever is best for him!

Hugs to you and an extra special hug for Charm!!
Alex and Charm

I am so excited to hear he is home and doing good. I am sorry he hates

the wire mouth, but hopefully it won't be for long.

Prayers and Hugs


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