BIG BROTHER | Summer 2013 (Starts Wednesday, 6/26)

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
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Spotsy., VA (USA)
I know a lot of us here love this show, and wanted to start a thread.

Not sure what we can expect this season, but I know I will not miss it... CBS, Wednesday, 6/26!!!

Hope lots of us here are going to watch, as it's a lot of fun to talk about!!!

Maybe I'm bad, but I hope there will be LOTS of drama and people you just "love' to "hate". Makes it sooooo watchable
I already have it set to DVR, wouldn't miss it and I am so glad its longer this year. I agree, I hope there is lots of drama and fighting.
SOOOO much can't wait! I set the living room DVR but need to do the bedroom one, as I wouldn't want to be w/o a backup. I remember many years ago, the TV died and we HAD to go to Walmart (24hr one) THAT night so I could watch it! Tonight tonight tonight
LOL! Jill that's funny!!! I'm with ya 100%!!! We were having tv issues a few years back and I went and sat in my moms camper to watch it!!!

I have it set to DVR also!
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Wow!!! Have you all seen that 2 of the girls have been fired from their jobs for saying racial slurs!? Do any of you watch the live feeds? I do not.

I'm finding the group interesting so far....

(Do you think those girls know they have been let go of their jobs because of their mouths?)
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(Do you think those girls know they have been let go of their jobs because of their mouths?)
No - they have no contacts outside of the house. They are in for a big surprise....
This has got to be the least intelligent group I have ever seen. I can't believe the girls that are following the guys like puppies. Really?? Have they never watched this show. The guys always throw together in an alliance at the beginning, they will play the game by conning the girls. Thank goodness there are a few that know that, the others are just making theirselves look silly. While I like Nick, I would love to see him go just for the reaction it would be for the MC, it will be their downfall, well along with Jeremy being a total idiot, sleezeball. As for the racist twits, they need to be gone. I thought Mean Girls were a thing of the past or only in school, apparently I was wrong.
I tried to watch it so I could join in the conversation here but with the contestants this time I just couldn't, it's like they scraped the bottom of the barrel for this season. The girls to me were embarrassing to watch and are mean girl - bully types and the boys think they are Gods gift. I can't call them men and women even in type.

I thought we'd seen and heard everything on this show but this years is a new low. i don't like what the network is allowing, I'm not a prude by any means but I don't think this should be available to our kids. The media persecuted Paula Deen and now we're fed this in prime time TV, on news and social media on the internet, it's sad. The internet feed is downright sickening, I've never watched that only seen parts of it run on news or talk show articles but what I've seen this year I don't know about any of you but I don't want my grand kids exposed to it. I personally keep track of sponsors who condone this. It use to be we knew from 7 to 10pm our family could watch TV, not anymore.
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I watched before but not this year. 1 time was enough for me.Too much catty drama and nasty attitudes.I agree with network scraping the bottom of the barrel.I'd rather read a good book.
I agree for the most part, however, there is one group of women who finally showed they do have the brains to play this game. And they have taken out two men already. What I don't think the "mean girls" in the house don't realize is people that know them will know see who they really are and it won't be pretty when they get home. Aaryn should be thrown off the show for the cruel things she has been saying AND because she doesn't care who she hurts in saying them. She told Amanda she didn't care if what she said upset anyone, they could get over it. Thats is not the mind of a well adjusted college graduate, that girl has a sick mind. She really needs help. As for the guys, there are a couple that are just sickening, but last night a couple of them made the choice to side with the smart women. Could change things up alot. I will keep watching, hopefully the few bottom feeders will be gone soon and the real game can continue.
I will also keep watching, I was very happy to see some people get their heads on straighter and make a big move.

As for Aaryn, I hope when she gets out of the house she has a huge wake up call about how to treat people with respect. I have a feeling she's not going to like what she gets once this is over. Now the game is a game, so play, play, play, but remember you on for the world to see 24-7 ( give or take a few hours hear or there) that's why it's called Big Brother. You would think she would have some common sense to listen when people come to her saying "what your saying is offending people in the house". She is young, stupid, ignorant, and arrogant, not much worse. Non of that is an excuse for her cruel bigotry!!! I really hope she learns something big about equality!! Her family must be so proud

I cant stand Jeremy but it makes for interesting tv and I keep coming back just to see if they can get him voted off. I was sooo happy with who won HOH!!!! I kinda feel bad for Alyssa(sp?)... I'm kinda rooting for her.
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Aaryn to Amanda: You lied to my face ! !

Amanda to Aaryn: What game are you playing?? I am playing Big Brother and everyone lies.

Amanda called out Aaryn, Kaitlyn and GinaMarie because they were telling Jessie that the "other" side was talking smack about her behind her back. Amanda said not only did she talk smack about Jessie behind her back, she then told her everything to her face (Jessie was in the room too). And then Amanda told the 3 mean girls that they even talked about each other behind their backs, so what LOL.

It was too funny, Amanda is quickly becoming my favorite.
I like her too!!! She's smart and is not afraid to lay it all out there!!!
I'm not letting myself actually read this thread through because I think we're an episode behind (DVR recorded!). This looks like it could be a really fun season from what we've seen so far. LOVE this show!!!
So of those still watching, how do you like the season now. While its been explosive, I just can't believe they found this group of people, some of them are just clueless. However, I was watching a show on ID this morning, Investigative Discovery I think it is, and Samantha all of a sudden says, Look, isn't that Nick. Well it sure was so I looked him up on imdb and he is an actor, not something he ever said in his bio or on the show. He has done a couple of episodes from different shows on ID and a few other things. So either they didn't check him out that well to put it in his bio or they tried to keep it a secret. Anyway, I think Andy is going to win, at this point I would be happy with Elissa winning, anyone but Amanda or McCrea.

Just looked back at an older post, funny how Amanda went from my favorite to my least favorite. I miss Judd, he was at least funny. Bet they miss his shirt too.
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I hope Judd will get to come back. There are a bunch I like these season, and a bunch I don't like. I think my least favorite might be GinaMarie, but it could be a close tie with Amanda. Gosh, GM is just so so SO NASTY yuck un ladylike just YUCK! Trashy as anything and just like a train wreck. That said, she's interesting to watch!!! I think if McCrae (sp?) could help get Amanda OUT, he would have a much better chance to stay in the game to the end. She's bad for his game and geeze... could she be any more immature???
I have found most of them to be very inmature, spoiled brats for the most part. Amanda being the ring leader but I do agree about GM, and what I find very funny is they all think they are loved when in fact they are not and have lost their jobs because of their behavior. McCrea did say that if Judd was not the MVP like Amanda convinced him he was, he was going to be very upset. I also agree he needs to get rid of Amanda or he will go down with her.
This is an entertaining year that's for sure, but it's like watching a bunch of little spoiled kids like you said minimom! I'm waiting for someone to throw them selves on the ground in a fit! lol! I also wanted Amanda to win at first but now I have changed my mind, she's so childish. It's tough to pick a winner that I'd like, none of them are super game players in my mind. I guess I could see Andy take it, but he's hiding not game playing imo. Helen? At least she's playing.... I don't know. I like Elissa too but again she's hiding to me.

My prediction is............... McCrea

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