Anyone had their horses teeth checked in a halter class? My mini wasn't ready

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Lil Timber Buck

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast TN
Okay, so we went to a smallish local show and entered my mini in a mini halter class. The jusdge had us walk way into the arena and stop. He said "Is it a mare or gelding?" I said he's only 10 months, but he is a stallion. He said I need to see his teeth then. He proceeded to shove his hands in my minis face very abruptly causing my mini to panic...Timber is a very calm cool little guy, but I would've flipped out too!!! The judge sasid, well, I need to see them. I told him I would be happy to show you, reached down, showed him the top and bottom for about ten seconds until he said okay....Is this to be expected? We are going to work on it either way, but wow...Then every horse's slobber get swapped too. YUCK. Also, he asked if he had dropped that normal?
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At open shows the judges are not certain which rules AMHA, AMHR, Pinto etc. to follow. Yes, in a stallion and even sometimes in a mare class (not gelding) they will ask to see the teeth. But I have never had a judge try to open the mouth or lips. They wait for the person to do it usually. I simply take my free hand and use thumb and forefinger to spread the lips apart. What they are looking for is to see if the bite is "off". Also for AMHA to show a stallion you need a certificate from a vet saying that he has "dropped". So as I said the judge doesn't know which rules to follow. Open shows can be very confusing to the participant and the judge.
It is normal to have teeth checked and also to ask if they are dropped, because they are still intact. I have NEVER had a judge try to check my horses teeth though, that part seems wrong, we have always shown our own teeth at shows.
Some AMHR shows yes, others no, but when I have shown bites, the judges have asked me to show them. They did not grab them themselves.


About them being "dropped" the AMHR shows I attended, the judge did check testicles himself, but that was in the aged stallion classes only. (3+ years)
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I would not wish a judge to check my horse's mouth.

I will show the teeth to the judge but for a judge to walk along a row of horses putting their hands in each mouth is asking for a problem, and I think that should be part of their training as a judge, if it isn't.

I have never been asked the "dropped" question.
At AMHA shows you have to show the teeth on mares and stallions. Junior stallions do not have to have any certification that both testicles have dropped but by the time they are 3 you need that proof.
LOL, ya'll just be lucky he didn't go yank on the tail! (have had that done with QH's too!)

It's not just the bite they check, with younger horses they often check age. Even in an all age classes, because obviously you wouldn't fault a young horse for being a bit less filled out than an aged horse.
A judge or anyone else should NEVER handle your horses mouth in a public situation where disease might be spread...PERIOD. If judge wants to see teeth be prepared to show them yourself. In AMHA teeth are required if not a gelding and even geldings if in Supreme classes and the judge chooses.

Other shows it's pretty much at the judge's discretion.
its normal here to check teeth but the judge wouldnt touch the horse for fear of spreading disease/infections , they ask to see the teeth and the handler parts the lips
I agree its not unheard of, but doing it himself what the heck is he thinking?!?! I would have said something to the show manger for sure. Horses should be healthy at shows but we all know sick horses do show up and that could have been really bad and for sure watch him.

I've had it done to me twice. One at an AMHA show they checked my gelding and in AMHA Mares and Stallions are suppose to be checked and I guess geldings are optional. AMHR it's not required but had one judge looked at one of my fillies teeth but IMO was really good cause she did have a bad bite so that judge placed her last and the other judge who didn't ask placed her well.
I agree, it is normal to ask to check teeth but the judge should not be doing it- they are to let the handler do it!
Since this was a mini horse class it is normal to ask the exhibitor to show teeth, the judge should know better then to touch the horse. PERIOD! AMHA rules state that stallions and mares need to show the bite for breeding purposes, the judge will ask for the geldings to show bites in certain classes, such as Champion. Stallion foals do not need to show proof of dropping until they are over three years of age, and then a stallion cert. is required to show senior stallions. In all of the open shows I have also attended, the judge is not allowed to touch the horse in halter, maybe in showmanship, but then only to see if the exhibitor fixes what they mess with, such as the mane, etc. I have a funny story, I once trained a stallion to show is own teeth when asked, the judges thought it was very cute, all I had to do was touch his upper lip and he would show it all. I miss him.
I am thinking that --at least in AMHR-- a judge is not allowed to touch your horse and/or equipment while in the show ring. If they want to see something in a driving class or see under the mane in a color class, they are to ask the exhibitor to show them--not move things themselves. This only makes good sense to me as the exhibitor will know what will set a horse off and a judge may cause a real problem. Also for health reasons.

If this isn't a rule, then maybe it should be because there will always be 'dumb' judges that think that it is not a rule so it is ok/
Wanting to see teeth is common and even a matter of course at any AMHA show with a mare or stallion in a halter class...but a judge should NEVER put their own fingers into your horses mouth as others have said. You should gently pull back the lips and allow the bite to be seen. If this were to ever happen again, I would politely say "I'll be happy to show you the teeth" and then proceed to do so. I have had judges move tails aside to see legs, move a mane aside to see the neck better, but I've never had one put their fingers in an area like the mouth where bacteria could so easily be spread.
Showing the teeth in either a stallion or mare class (potential breeding animals), is not uncommon. But the usual protocal is for the owner to handle the horse and open its mouth. It used to be a rule that an AMHA judge was not supposed to touch a horse in any way. I would guess that there is a similar rule with AMHR.......
Sorry Timber was put through that but he's getting great experience for his breed show
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I'm gonna second everything else that's been said. At a registry show it's well within a judge's rights to ask to see the bite of a breeding animal in a halter class, but nowhere in the rules does it say the judge has the right to check teeth themself. On a related note, if you are working on teaching Timber to show his bite, make sure you also get him used to the feel of gloves on his teeth if you plan to wear them when you show him.
Don't know if it has been mentioned, but just for concern of cross contamination alone a judge should not be going from horse to horse sticking hands in their mouths. With all the precautions people take,.....disenfecting stalls, separating show horses and other horses at home, not to mention I am sure there are those of you that make sure you wash your hand if you have been helping someone with their horses, help them get set up with bit and harness for a driving class, or simply hold a horse for someone and offer a treat (with owners permission), I am sure you all wash or disinfect your hands as a precaution after wards. I am sure if there is enough germs flying around if a horse is gonna get sick, its gonna get sick, but none the less, I would not want someone going from horse to horse popping each of their mouths open. JMHO
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And what is the liability if the horse should bite the judge? Sometimes those canines can get sharp if not filed down during floating... I am careful when messing with mouths...
Since this was a mini horse class it is normal to ask the exhibitor to show teeth, the judge should know better then to touch the horse. PERIOD! AMHA rules state that stallions and mares need to show the bite for breeding purposes, the judge will ask for the geldings to show bites in certain classes, such as Champion. Stallion foals do not need to show proof of dropping until they are over three years of age, and then a stallion cert. is required to show senior stallions. In all of the open shows I have also attended, the judge is not allowed to touch the horse in halter, maybe in showmanship, but then only to see if the exhibitor fixes what they mess with, such as the mane, etc. I have a funny story, I once trained a stallion to show is own teeth when asked, the judges thought it was very cute, all I had to do was touch his upper lip and he would show it all. I miss him.
Please tell how you tought that? That would be awesome...

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