Anyone else into beadwork?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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If so, do you have photos? I haven't beaded for years (both stringing and woven type work, though my penchant was for peyote-stitched items such as bags and bands), but have been thinking about getting back to it.

I will try and get some photos of some of my older work though I am going to attempt a quick project for something for Chances Rescue that I have in mind as well.

My favorite size beads to work with were 16s (average seed beads are 10 or 12 and they get smaller the higher the number, or the hole size does, but also the beads do, too). I have some that are upwards of size 30, though, they are antique beads made in the 1800s and require a very tiny needle but they are unique colors and I paid a LOT to get them.

I like the Japanese Delica beads, too, and made a lot of items from those as well.

I have boxes of things such as natural stones and crystal beads that I collected and turned into wearable art, also.

It's a shame I haven't been keeping up on it, but it's kinda hard to keep two toddlers out of such things and wow, it would be a pain to have to pick them up or vacuum them up after a spill! *LOL*

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what's out there. Something about beads (I think I was a packrat in another life) really floats my boat, though!

Liz M.
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I have done quite a bit of loom work. These days I do better with the bigger beads and have been doing jewelry when I can and some work on halters with the bigger beads. I can't do it very often, but when I can I really enjoy it. I'll try to upload some pics this weekend.


A bunch of misc. beadwork, woven or needlework to strung/woven combos. The top piece was one of my first and I wore it a lot b/c I liked the way it felt.

The bottom bracelets are woven and strung w/things like glass beads and the yellow one has pieces of Peridot (my birthstone) in it.

The middle pink and blue one was done w/metalwork/pliers to loop them together for durability and a different look.


Some woven (peyote stitch) beadwork around the tip of a feather which is wrapped in suede. This is a big wing feather of a large bird of prey and the tip was chewed off when we found it so I beaded it w/#16 beads and didn't plan the design so the "S" showed up kinda accidentally.


A "treasure necklace" piece where you take a lot of neat beads that don't fit in anywhere else or memento type things and string them along w/seed beads and other items to make a unique and interesting piece of jewelry. This was never finished.


A necklace of seedbeads strung together then w/a small "fringe" with seed beads, some stones (rose quartz, goldstone and citrine, hematite, etc.) strung w/some carved stone horses that I purchased. I don't know what all the stones are/were, definitively, but I Loved this necklace at one time and wore it a lot, wearing the metal finish off of some of the seed beads.


This was what I really loved doing; weaving beads to form other objects from a sort of "cloth" of beads (many do this on a loom, I have never worked with a loom, don't know how). This is a small "bag" or pouch sewn in a peyote stitch (odd) of glass beads that were sandblasted and added a metallic-opalescent color on top of the turquoise blue. Neat effect and the polar bear was added b/c my son at the time loved bears, I made it for him when he was 3. He used to carry his quarters in it to the arcade.
Now he would never be caught DEAD in such a thing but maybe he will like to have it again one day for some reason. It is pretty small (that is my son Brandon's finger in the pic, he is 4), but I got to where I made smaller and smaller ones, some of them were just about a quarter inch across and I made beaded fringe to go w/them. I planned lots of them I never finished, I Loved the colors and finishes that were available as well as the materials and shapes.

I really wanted to weave a small garment of some type such as a shirt/tank top or something out of beads....never got around to it though.

Thanks for looking! There's more around here someplace, but these pieces were fairly easy to find.

Looking forward to seeing other people's work, too!

Liz M.
Liz, I love doing beadwork, especially on my "horsey gear." Here is a photo of a show halter I did for Alladdin (it is a horrid picture of my boy tho!).


Just to show how pretty Alladdin is, I am adding this picture to counteract the last one! LOL!


I am building a really cool western style halter for my little ones now. :D Same thing, peyote stitch. I am done with the beading but need to put the brass on it.
Hehe, I was gonna say, not his "best side" or whatever. Pretty beadwork!

What size beads did you use?

Those are size 11 delicas, I own a pretty extensive collection of them!
My granddaughter is into beading big time. I'm so proud! As a volunteer for breast cancer this

is what she did for our auction. She is now teaching me to do a few things.

We even had someone try it on! I thought it looked very uncomfortable, she said it itched alot.

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Found a couple more photos of browbands I've done for my big horses, you can't really see detail, but get the general idea.



Gini, that is fabulous! What a beautiful piece of art.
Heello i do beading with my mom alot we are starting to make earings with some beads that we ave. we made some very pretty ones and im sure if you like mine i could make a pair for anyone who is intrested
I LOVE all the bead work! I was BORN loving beads! I've made beaded thingsbefore but nothing that great yet. I've wanted to get into it more. Liz, I'd like to learn the peyote stitch.

More photos please! :aktion033:
I'm into loom work, but hoping to learn hand-weaving soon. My friend and I BOTH want to learn peyote stitch...

I haven't been able to make anything recently. Need to sit down and really try tomorrow, but it's hard to do when Dave's not so good with Nathan O.O
Those look great! Hubby bought the stuff to learn how, played with it for about a week and the same project still sits there waiting to be finished. I'd love to learn how to do that.

I have a friend, Native American, that can do the Indian beadwork by hand. Never can get him to teach me though.
Wow, that is some very nice beading everyone. I have some samples left of my work, even a brow band and many beads. Well... they are in a box..... somewhere in the garage.
I did a lot of beadwork when I was a kid. Someone - my mom? - bought me a bead loom for Christmas and I spent the next few years making all sorts of things. I don't think I have any of them anymore, probably lost in one move or another. I do remember making Christmas ornaments and also hatbands for my western hats, maybe a couple of chokers ...
Here is a halter I did about 6 years ago. It certainly doesn't look as good as when it was new, but it has held up pretty darned good considering the useage. I will have to go and reside all of my newer work to post. I used to do a LOT of loom work and did probably 10-12 of the halters like this one as gifts for friends. I would love to be able to do the work that I used to, but those beads are just too danged small and the bands are very time consuming.


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