alfalfa cubes

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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NE Montana
I was just wondering how many of you that feed alfalfa cubes soak them.

I've bought a bag of alfalfa cubes here and there through the years, but I can never seem to find cubes that aren't rock hard. I try to break them up some to reduce the chance of choke, but some I can't break about with pliers even.

Is there a name brand that isn't rock hard? I've tried three or four different kinds over the years and at least half the bag is rock hard.

I have a bag now and break apart the ones that I can, to reduce the size of the chunks; but some I just can't break apart and those for now are going into a bucket to be soaked at a later date. The cubes I bought are about 1.25" square by varying lengths.


I did a search, but didn't really find the answer I was looking for.
sometime si buy alfalfa cubes from a feed store and some them are rock hard! i accidentally left them in the rain and they puffed up but after they dried they were much easier to break apart and they were fine to feed my ponies, just be warned after they get wet they mold in a couple days so be careful of that, hope this helps!
I have not fed hay cubes in awhile, but I did use them for years. I always fed them soaked. They will soak up way fast in HOT water. You got to be careful in the summer if you soak them outside because they sour fast.
I've been told to soak them as there was something to do with cement or soemthing...I dont remember. Anwyay it seems like a good idea, might also help to prevent choke.
Well, I guess I'm not the only one getting rock hard hay cubes. And, soaking seems to be the way to go.

Thank you.
I fed alfalfa cubes to my show horses for several years and the cubes were inconsistent in texture, hardness and what was in them! My feed store carried Top Of The Rockies Horse Cubes Manzanola Feeds, but I was finding things in them that I didn't want to feed my horses! Gravel, grease, etc. I switched to 1/4" alfalfa pellets made by Cross Brand Feed and have been very happy with that. I don't soak them and they seem very consistent as to quality. I've been feeding those to my broodmares for years and they have done well on those.
Basically anything "cubed" I would add water to.....just to lower the chance of choke.

Our only horse that we fed cubes to was an ooold TB who would not touch them if they had been soaked. but if you watched him eat he would break them up and slobber on each one till it was wet. we tryed pelleted alfalfa but he choked on that, and after he was blocked the pellets started swelling in his throat.[ Read that expensive visit from the vet!!!] So be very careful. DR .

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