A Matter of Opinion

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I responded to my private message with a couple of private messages (the first may have gotten lost as my internet connection dropped at a bad time) but have gotten no responses, plus the last times I've seen this person in "person" they ignored me anyway.

Not sure what prompted the PM other than a vague similarity to things that have happened around them or their friends/employees, but I'm done with it. I don't really care either way and for sure will avoid doing business with any of them based on the "one way" attitude, which has sort of been prevalent, anyway.

Communicating in private is a good way to talk about ANYTHING which is aimed at any one person. Anything else, well, I feel if it's spoken about in a generic manner, as long as it is still recognizable as a topic that affects us all (such as dwarfism, height issues, registration and changes thereof) is valid and "legal."

If someone asks something specific, I try to answer or point things out so that others can learn, but those are usually based on critiques and something I am very vocal about letting people know I am not the be all end all, merely trying to learn along with everyone else. If we stop sharing, we stop learning. That goes for opinions, too.

Well...you tried. That's all you can do!! Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree and let it go at that.
I think a lot of it is that it is VERY difficult to really communicate via black words on a white background. There is no warmth, body language, tone of voice, etc... that would give true indication of how the person really means to come across.

I enjoy all the different opinions from everyone. I hope I have never hurt anyone's feelings here! There are many subjects that I feel strongly about, and some things I am adamant about, but I have learned from folks here too and MOST people have been quite helpful!!

For those I have not met, I have a picture in my own mind of what they might look like or how they are in person- Rabbits, Jill, Marty, Vertical Limit (we will catch up with each other someday, LOL) and MANY others.

I know that I myself have a very warped and sometimes dry sense of humor, that many people even in person, dont get. I have never been accused of being politically correct either- my brain just doesnt work that way- I just say what's on my mind.

I would suggest if someone gets their feelings hurt, rather than to get angry, contact the person off the group by PM or something and ask them to explain their comment before taking it a wrong way. So many times it is just a simple matter of miscommunication or understanding, or someone just does not come across in their writing like they would in person.

Not only that, if everyone thought the same and had the same ideas, etc... there would not be any need for this Forum then, would there?! Variety is the spice of life- enjoy each others differences and personalities!
Well things in this topic lost me several posts ago.. Guess I am slow today.. or all the multi-tasking I do daily in my brain finally got totally scrambled
Gosh I dislike getting old..

LOL ML I am with you have no idea who is talking about what anymore

this whole thing reminds me of the high school thread and of course my favorite song

High School never ends

in fact I may post it here... here it is... this song just really rings so true to me when related to life and of course the mini horse world

Here is the link a couple words that might not be best posted on here but all in all my theme song lately!

Bowling for Soup

I know what I'm talking about here, go figure
AND judging from a few of the members names that have been hovering in this thread, jeepers, my little clique of fans does, too
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Lets see, I have opinions
some are strong, others are very open to change. I enjoy a good debate OR discussion. Much of what I type here on this forum , I have actually discussed many times in person with other mini people and even if we didn't agree we discussed it and walked away with things to think about. I have changed my opinion on several issues over the years being on this forum. My opinion changed because wonderful people were open to talking something through, and then giving me ideas of where to get more info and study the issue for myself.

I have a very inquisitive nature, and should have been a researcher :DOH!
I cannot tell you how many times people have brought up some topic I am loosely familiar with and taken off on a weeklong research bender

I also am usually dense enough to not always notice if someone is flaming me....unless they really spell it out and direct it at me
and for the record the little "spats" on this forum are nothing compared to some of the dog groups......those places can turn into major biker bars
direct flames and attacks to be expected, entire breeding programs publicly questioned, not for the sensitive.
I think we must have been related in another life!!!

As soon as someone raises a point I am not sure of- out comes the Google button!!

I do not mind doing the research for others, even though I do sometimes wonder why they do not do it themselves- as I just love it- and if I am interested in something I soak it up.

At one time I could have told you the pedigrees of all the top Arabs in the WORLD- I kid you not!!

I am pretty good on Mini pedigrees too but Studbook online helps a great deal

If you do not debate how can you learn.???

Sometimes some people, and, believe it or not I am NOT one of them, just intend to make an argument out of things no matter how you couch them.

I have to say that Americans are an awful lot touchier and sensitive than Europeans- most of what you seem to find offensive would not even touch the surface of a French person, for example.

This has caused problems!!!

I tend to just say things as they come- as I see them.

Yes, I do get miffed when people with no experience at all contradict me - there are only a handful, maybe two people I would contradict outright on here or any other Forum for that matter, you can disagree without contradicting.

There are a lot , and I do mean LOT of threads I do not even bother responding to now- I look at the title and I think "is it worth it??" Yet another person asking (for example) how to worm their horse and there is a whole thread on it in "Best of..." but if you point that out you will be accused of being rude and if you give them an answer you will be contradicted on yet ANOTHER person determined to "rotate" - so what is the point???

Apart form that there are loads and loads of sometime and oft-time posters I know I would like, and do respect, without the need to agree with everything they say- the test of a friendship is to easily survive differences of opinion, after all.

The one thing that does bother me, and does upset me, is when someone takes against me on a personal level- after all very few of us really know each other- and follows me around just disagreeing for the sake of it- that has happened on a couple of occasions.

I will say it is less bothersome on the Internet than it is in real life- I wish real people came with and ignore" button!!
Lisa we are so like minded because the first thing I thought reading this was wow we are back in high school all over again! I got such a giggle over your post

So much innuendo here.
Life would be better I think if people would just say what they really mean and skip the innuendo. Im not going to assume anything because that is always trouble so I will just give my opinion in general

Alot of topics get heated because people give an opinion when no opinion was asked for. And Ive said over and over its not what you say its how you say it.

Some people have way more time to post and they just keep drama going and going and going. I freely admit I come on here more then I should, but my gosh, there are people that post here continuously all day and all night. I seriously wonder to myself how they get anything else done?

I have met some of the most wonderful people from this forum and have seen amazing things done to help people and animals and that is what I keep with me.

Life is too short and precious to waste it

Having said that I am off to the barn!
Geesh, is that ever the truth :DOH! [[[color=#FF0000]Alot of topics get heated because people give an opinion when no opinion was asked for.] And they know something is wrong when they do it because they then say they are putting on the flame suit
And the labeling with names is so childish also...seems they just have to sound intelligent by calling someone else stupid or jealous etc. It just seems so unnecessary for a discussion. I asked a simple innocent question a couple days ago and instead of getting the question answered I got a bunch of crap! Yes I know, anyone can say what ever they want to say but how ridiculous some get!





Lisa we are so like minded because the first thing I thought reading this was wow we are back in high school all over again! I got such a giggle over your post


So much innuendo here.
Life would be better I think if people would just say what they really mean and skip the innuendo. Im not going to assume anything because that is always trouble so I will just give my opinion in general


Alot of topics get heated because people give an opinion when
no opinion was asked for. And Ive said over and over its not what you say its how you say it.


Some people have way more time to post and they just keep drama going and going and going. I freely admit I come on here more then I should, but my gosh, there are people that post here continuously all day and all night. I seriously wonder to myself how they get anything else done?


I have met some of the most wonderful people from this forum and have seen amazing things done to help people and animals and that is what I keep with me.


Life is too short and precious to waste it


Having said that I am off to the barn!

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Jill, I admired one of your horses before I even met you. I do enjoy reading your posts and especially enjoy seeing pictures of your horses. It has really been interesting to watch you build your show string. and now, watching your breeding program take off. You have shared so much with the forum and shared your experiences with learning many things here on the forum. If I had to wonder....I would guess that somebodies might be a little green with envy!
I'm with Charley...Jill's one that I always enjoy reading her posts because she has a good way with words and a good, sound sensibility to her.

Seems like she's got a nice eye for horses, too, and I will always publicly rave over her approach to breeding and building a show herd. I wish I'd gone about it as intelligently and done my research, waited to buy the right horses rather than getting the cart so far ahead of the horse and wasting time and money by jumping right in without knowing what I should have.

Quite often she's very civil even when things get out of hand on here, too.

Sorry if I've made anyone feel confused. I guess I was a little taken aback by the private message and then the ignoring of anything I had to say. I'm also a little more than disgusted at the behavior of the person who did the reporting, more for their blind faith attitude and lack of restraint.

I gottal laugh at what some people worry about and stew over so much. That must make some very unhappy people. There's much more to life than constantly thinking about what others say. All the drama reminds me of soap operas, last I saw one, as I don't watch TV.

As the Muck Bucket Turns..................
This is fun
And interesting. Even if you want to call it as the muck bucket turns. Thanks for the giggle there, Wade

Kay, maybe I deserve some kind of award too for "multi tasking"? LOL. As a business woman now yourself, you may be surprised to know that I do find time to run my own corporation, supervise my registered reps / stock brokers, provide professional service (financial planning / estate planning advice) to my clients, keep current with continuing eduction for all my professional licenses and designations, "oversee" what we got going on at "Whinny For Me Farm", be a wife to Harvey and I'd say keep up with the house but... I really don't do that very well (thank goodness for my husband, who does!). Plenty to do but I type as fast as I talk which lets me participate so much on LB. I guess it doesn't hurt that I wake up around 4am every day and get "started" on what I want or need to do. Just so "you" and others don't assume that putting a lot of input into LB means the poster has little going on in the rest of her life.

I love this place and even get a kick out of my fan club (obviously referred to as such sarcastically). Since my day job really just lets me interact with clients and my employees, I don't have any "peers" to shoot the breeze with so it's great to have this as my water cooler. So much the better that we're all horsey
Over the years, I have learned so much from members here and I hope I've been able to give back to others who are starting out, or been in it longer than I have but haven't had something specific happen with their hroses that I personally have had happen with mine. This place is an amazing resource for learning and putting "two heads are better than one" to use. I've learned things that went into something as everyday and important as our feed program to learning the right way to pronounce Lutke! How bout that?
It's so education and also very entertaining to participate in this message board.

As some of you point out, there may be some jealousy at what horses I have going on, or jealousy at how much I love my horses and how pleased I am with them. I don't know. I know there are MANY horses owned by lots of other members here that I admire on a daily basis. But, to me, rather than being "nasty" and jealous, it's worked out better for me and those I admire to identify what it is that is so likeable about what another member/farm has going on and try and incorporate some of that into my own world. But, whatever. Some people would rather be resentful I suppose. That would just wear me out and wouldn't get me where I want to go

To bring it briefly "back home" to the original topic, what was on my mind is that these few posters for several months have been taking every oportunity they can twist to make snippy remarks about my opinions as if I'm trying to be rude, nasty, whatver. I'm not. There's really only one time I was deliberately nasty about a year ago, and I sincerely regret being nasty to this person who did not deserve it. Not that what I say cannot sometimes be read in ways I never intented, but for a few months my chosen few have been doing what all they can to poke poke poke. Which is fine in a way but when the root of their poking is to try and make me look insincere or heartless, I can't help but feel a little upset because I really do care about the people I "talk" to here, and about their horses and mine (deeply).
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This has been an interesting thread and I'm a fast typing "multi tasker," too, Jill.
Since my commute to work is all of a few seconds (downstairs to the grooming parlour), I can come upstairs for breaks. Our computer is always signed on to the Internet and I'll often leave the forum screen up to save time, so for those who care to keep track it looks as though I'm on a lot more than I actually am. I also take care of our six dogs and various small pets, have training classes twice a week, go visit the pony a couple times a week, do housework, etc. during the day and since my boyfriend manages a bar I'm usually up late.
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Maybe I should say this is a good topic and interesting and do find that when some people reply to some posts.

I am thinking green also, but they would deny it.

People find it hard to stick to the topic & keep their digs to themselves.

I believe some people just rub each other the wrong way, and I try so hard not to comment back when certain people on my topic give their opinions.

My husband keeps telling me, it's character building.
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Well, this threads heading is: "A matter of Opinion" and that is certainly what follows!
LOL Isn't it wonderful that we don't all think alike...how boring that would be! We do get entertained now and then with threads like this....oh gosh I better get off here because someone will think I am on too much ....don't need anyone to tell me that because I know. :DOH! Have fun....Mary
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Oh well heck, I don't have a fan club but if I did, I probably wouldn't be a member
I hope i'm not one of the dramatic ones bc i post allot, i know back in the day when i first joined and was younger and well stupid (
) i started allot of drama on here but i do hope the fact that i post so much i dont start any drama
. This forum is awsome and i cannot go anywhere without meeting a forum member

I think when we have those 'hot topics', we just need to realize that in a week it will all be in the past and gone. Example: Right now we are haivng a dwarf and tiny horses VR big mini people battles on the forum and we just need to realize that most of these kind of things are just PHASES and will only last a week or so and then be gone. I know i've been upset and sometimes set off just a big by a few posts and then in a couple days im back to agreeing with them and seeing things threw their eyes.

Lilbeginnings High School

I love opinions and it seems like my favorite people on here are the most opinionated...I never understand those who get upset over opinions -- as they say, opinions are like a**--er--make that bellybuttons...everyone has one...

I know I've ticked off a few for whatever reasons...sometimes when I post, I imagine nobody's reading as everyone has blocked me...So I'll say, next tme I make you mad, keep these things in mind:

1. I'm a total dork in real life, so picture a short, dumpy, messy-haired goofball, covered in dog and cat hair, who refuses to grow up.

2. I always make fun of myself first, so if you think I've done this to you, you have company!

3. While I will fight to the death to defend my opinions and my right to voice them, I'm just as tenacious defending you right to say what you believe.

4. My tongue is always firmly imbedded in my cheek, my foot is generally in my mouth up to my knee, and my head -- well, we won't go there...

5. While my pen runneth over, in person I'm much quieter and actually rather dull. I always figure I'm a bit disappointing to those I've met...but then that assumes I'm not a crashing bore here, LOL!

6. I'm forever off-topic and eternally inappropriate, whether online or in the real world.

7.Keeping all of the above in mind, if I still irk you, just PM me and let me know...kick me in the butt or tell me to get more coffee or whatever.. It won't shut me up, but I'd rather you tell me.
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I'm happy you posted because my gosh... if you / me doesn't bring home the fact that different opinions need not offend I don't know what does!!! You and I disagree on some major things like politics and show grooming (ha-ha-ha-ha-HA), but you are truly one of my favorite members here. I've learned from some of what you've said and enjoyed reading everything from you that I've read. You've made me laugh and you've made me cry. You've never made me angry

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