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Miniature Horse Talk Forums

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  1. CeeGee

    Regumate and mini mares

    Hello! I am thinking about purchasing a mini mare who is in foal, however, she is only about 30-60 days in foal. A friend mentioned that if I wanted to have her shipped now, I could use regumate to ensure that the foal was not lost. Is this correct? Most of my experience is with big horses...
  2. CeeGee

    How Do You Buy Your Hay?

    How do you buy your hay? Do you use a hay store? or do you buy directly from the farmer? If you buy directly from the farmer, how do you make sure the hay is good? I am having trouble with finding good hay buying from the farmers. How do you handle that?
  3. CeeGee

    Where is the best place to live to raise horses?

    I have been living in Wisconsin for the last two years and this winter has been incredibly long! Aside from the winter, I like Wisconsin; there is pasture, land is relatively affordable, it is quiet and pretty. However this winter has been there a better place to raise my...
  4. CeeGee

    Equine Charity needs your online votes!

    Equine Charity in need of your online votes! The Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation has entered the online voting contest put on by Care2 with a grand prize of $10,000.00. The contest ends in a couple of weeks are we are right there in the top and really need to dig deep to pull this off and win...
  5. CeeGee

    Cold Weather Hints

    How do others that live in the north deal with the cold weather? I'm considering moving south! Do you enjoy your horses in the winter months?