Would like to make a point here...

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We too need a Standards book even if they seperate the different "Types" of minis. JMO
I think we do our breed a dis-service by splitting the different types. Seems to me the AMHA standard recognised the two main "types" of refined and stock-type, and called for a blending of the two to create a well-balance, correct horse.
I am deeply, deeply disappointed in a lot of you.... I have been overly excited ..................and now after so many compliments on her and comments and yadda yadda, now people say she has dwarf characteristics? Breaks my heart
............... I've been making this statement since almost the beginning of this forum........"This is the nature of a public forum"..... We will not always receive positive comments................ A persons opinion is based upon what he has to relate to......... I think Lee & I have nice horses but I would never put one of mine on here as an example, as I know someone somewhere will find a fault. I may not agree with them but it is their opinion, & yes we know sometimes opinions are given out of ignorance, not knowing & even jealously............................. I feel for those who get their feelings hurt but to be honest, at least one horse posted on this thread - if I had to choose between that one & a horse with a straight face, I would have to go with the latter ( even though I prefer a dip).......................... Perhaps these people feel that their horse does have a dish face because they were told so etc, etc. In the process of giving differing opinions & educating, hurt feelings will occur................................... I wasn't too happy years ago when we realized we had the "old style " of minis & had to rethink our goals if we were going to stay competitive in the show ring & sales market....... How did we realize that? - - by seeing & hearing & some of those things were not always positive & I didn't care to hear it either.................... Edited - to the person who started this thread - perhaps someone might email you pictures to use.
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Actually, I am an armchair breeder, of sorts. My program consists of one Shetland gelding (with a slightly convex profile), BUT I have been involved with these little horses for close to 10 years now. I have seen a lot in that time as I have been closely involved in several breeders programs, enough to learn from

their experiences and mistakes and be able to see what I do and do not like in a horse. For a while I stepped away from Minis and when I came back it was shocking just how obvious some of the poor conformation and dwarfism traits can be that are either overlooked or ignored within the breed, regardless of "type." My point is not to inflate my ego or cut you down with my comments. I did not go searching for a horse to rip apart and publicly ridicule. Fact is, you did post this thread asking for opinions and there are differing opinions on everything out there. You can either learn from the information here... or not.
I have read this entire thread with much interest. I think we can all learn things from this forum. I hate it that some folks get their feelings hurt but do believe that most people that post do not intend to hurt feelings but merely to inform others of some knowledge that they have obtained.

Having said that, I know I just may be shot down like a rocket here, but after seeing the mares head shot and visiting the web page, I would have no doubts about the mare carrying the dwarf gene.

Probably no one really wants to say it and maybe I shouldn't but her sire had severe dwarf tendancies. For those that never actually got to see him in person, he has extremely clubbed feet in the back. So badly that they bend over and he walks on the pasturns. He also has other dwarf characteristics as well. I personally would not want to breed that line. JMO......

This probably all belongs on another post about people just seeing color or spots or whatever.
It's time to stop.

Please! Just stop and pretend like this thread is locked or deleted.

Please!! :no:
I have followed this thread with interest, as I always do when truly serious discussions occur here.

Some observations--I was amazed at some of the perceptions of what constitutes a 'dish'--in LONG years with horses, and a compelling interest in quite a variety of breeds, I never heard of any definition other than that a 'dished faced' horse has a concavity of profile! Nor is the 'dish' in any way 'connected' to the configuration of the horse's forehead--two different things, absolutely! I believe there is are 'proper' and improper', locations for the 'dish' to occur; I have seen photos posted here of both! (For instance--I do NOT care for the 'dish' to be between or very nearly between the eyes, believe that to be 'improper', at the very least from a standpoint of appearance, and would conceed that *perhaps* this could be an indicator of a genetic tendency toward dwarfism??-though I know of no proof that this is the case! I have seen photos here of heads that I consider 'strange', and of at least one horse with a pretty head, but other visible conformational features that I would consider fairly serious flaws. That said,and frankly admitting that there is likely NO ONE here who can be more seriously critical in evalution of aspects of conformation than I, I also believe that we should try to be cautious about stating presumptions that may go 'beyond' the limitations of a single photo that shows basically only a single aspect of a horse.

I have seen Shah Jehan, a number of times-his owner was an acquaintance from the 'early' Estes Park show days! I always found his head, 'in person', to be rather ODD looking, and can verify that he indeed did NOT possess a "teacup" muzzle. He was, in fact, one of the first I have seen that had the odd characteristics of ears sort of 'set back' behind a 'prominent' forehead, a bit more on the side than the 'top' of his head---I know--it is hard to describe, but "I knows it when I sees it"--and I must say, I have seen more of this kind of thing since, and still. Perhaps it IS 'being bred for'--but NOT by me!! I do know that Shah Jehan was 'thought to be' and described as being--'Araby' in looks, but again, NOT by me! I would also like to see more photos of "Ameigo"( apologies, but I always thought he had that name just because someone didn't know how to spell "Amigo"!)--with all due respect to his current owner(and I know there is a 'back story' for him, and that Bess was his 'saviour',as it were--bless her for so doing!)I always thought he was also a bit 'extreme' in appearance--at least, in that widely-seen photo of him--and have always wished to see 'more' of him to be able to know how accurate my impressions were...)

I certainly believe that a 'dish' doth NOT an 'Arabian' look make--even when it IS a properly postitioned 'dish'! That said, I do like the look of a properly-positioned/proportioned 'dish'--(In more recent times, even many QH lines have come to show 'dished' heads-and such are also not uncommon in other breeds, such as Welsh ponies...)-- in the face of a horse that ALSO has other correct components! For me, ideally, those include: well-set, proportionate, shapely ears(but I don't require that the tips point at each other...!), a broad flat forehead, large widely-set, liquid eyes with a kind expression, a slight dish located a moderate and PROPORTIONATE distance BELOW the eyes, and without a convex profile from the 'dish' on down, big, open,wide-set nostrils,a short mouth, bite in line, lips in line AND 'tight', well-defined('chiseled, if you will) bone structure, and a reasonably developed jowl, so that the head has somewhat of a triangular shape.(I could go into even greater detail, but won't-takes too much time and space!!) Some things I DON'T like are: 'cigarette heads"(seen frequently in minis), lingering tooth bumps(often unavoidable in minis, at least for a few years--but really shouldn't persist throughout their life,given proper and timely dental care, IMO...), a profile that sort of 'drops off' at the muzzle(again, fairly common in minis, in my observation-and one which can be somewhat "countered' by good open well-placed nostrils), "pig' eyes, and oddly-placed and/or 'coarse'(shapeless, in effect), or too large, or too small, ears. I also do NOT like to see a forehead bulge in adult miniatures--period: I have seen horses I thought quite nice otherwise who had heads that would forever disqualify them from MY consideration, because of this very feature.

I'd like to comment on other aspects of this thread-like the Std. of Perfection--but this is long enough, so that'll have to wait for another time!


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