Wonky heat cycles

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Staff member
Feb 25, 2019
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I was hoping to breed my mare this year, but her heat cycles are a little off. She had one normal cycle, then 13 days later was back in, but wouldn't let the stallion near. Was in for 5 days, out for 7 days, back in but won't let him near her. Previously she had a fairly regular cycle, and was a little overly friendly to the stallion. On the plus side she put a set of manners on her colt and isn't allowing him to mount her anymore either. I've got the vet coming out in 2 weeks for baby shots anyway, but any advice on what I should ask when she comes out? Or ideas about what's going on? I would have thought it's a little early in the year to be going through any sort of seasonal changes.
No advice here but I will be interested in what you find out. The mare I had here for 42 days never did show heat. She did have a foal nursing though. Good luck.
I have heard that sometimes they won't show heat if they have a foal nursing. And my girl is nursing, so maybe that is messing with her. I wondered it that was why she wouldn't tolerate Mr Studly. But she just had 3 days of heat and is back out again. If the vet can't fix her I guess we will just skip a year.
And an easy solution for once. 🤣 I started to get suspicious when she went off her feed and stopped teasing her. I think she gets the horse equivalent of morning sickness.

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