Whoo Hoo Shave Time!!!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Shaved 'em down today. Their bellies were so sweaty and they had just been standing around all morning. They got shaved quick and dirty so no laughing at my clipper lines. I hosed them down afterward but didn't do a "finish" cut on them today.

Here's Clementine. I'm always amazed at how long her legs are.

And here is Major. It took 15 minutes of rinsing to get most of the dust out of his coat. Then he rolled in the dirt after I put him away (I left him out until he was dry at least). I also hogged his entire mane off. It was so thick and heavy. He was more mane than horse. It took all the focus off of how cute he really is. Fat, but cute.

Uh posted twice somehow. Please delete on for me
You did it too......didn't take off the fetlock hairs. Personal pet peeve because I have a grooming obcession that drives people and horses insane.

I gotta tell you I'm jealous you got your's clipped. I didn't do mine yet. Its been so darn stupid cold here the past 4 or 5 days! And I'm way south of you, go figure! But I'm anxious. My weather needs to stablize so I don't end up with having to blanket. .
I only took them down with a 7 just in case we get a cool weather spell. Yes I left the fetlocks because I was using a 7 and I don't like going below the knee with that length blade. When they get a 10 clip next month it'll all get removed.
Very cute horses! :)

I started doing some rough clipping on mine too and I have a few that have already shed out nicely on their own - love when that happens!

I thought about shaving my stallion's mane off this year too; after seeing the pic of yours I may just do that and I like that you left the forelock.
I want to shave mine all of the way but the mosquitos are rotten! =(
My son said Major has a "mullet in the front". He was quite excited since he has a mullet right now as well (he and all his male cousins are growing mullets this summer :p ). I also hogged the mane on my riding horse this year. I am sold on it, at least for male horses.

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