What stallions did Kandi Crow have in 2003?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2004
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Quebec, Canada
I really need this info, thank you. This would be AMHA appaloosa stallions(though if she had AMHR only stallions please pass that info on too). Any and all stallions no matter the colour that she owned in 2003 is what I need. Thanks again.
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This info is not organized on the AMHA studbook in this manner. Perhaps someone on here will know. Have you tried asking AMHA?
I am sure the answer would be more then just a couple
Tried to send a pm but wouldn't go through.Who's your daddy is common and well known and documented paper issue. Good Luck.
Haven't heard that name is awhile...lots of thoughts on her, but will not comment...
3M 2M Witch Doctor- I believe King of Siam was probably still alive then. Have you emailed her and asked her?
She usually has at least 20-30 colts and stallions if not more, and a good many of those are appy. You should try to ask her.
Yeah I PQ'd the mini that I own that is bred by Kandi and the sire is not his sire. Marsha at the AMHA registry is being extremely helpful. The dam is fine. Hope it gets cleared up easily. Though I am already stressed so this didn't help matters.
Yes I have e-mailed Kandi, she said she had Shadow Oaks King Of Siam. I asked about Witch Doctor as well as another appy stallion she has on her refernece page as I saw she had a 2004 colt by him which is the same year mine was born.
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IF the stallion was dna'd you can request that AMHA. run the foal's dna against all the horses and see who show up at the sire.

This may be a better idea to start out with, though if the mare is not on the stallion report I am not sure how AMHA will deal with the papers.
Marsha at the office says she is going to have the lab "mix" for a possible sire. I am sure once we know who the sire is and if a stallion report is needed that Kandi will send one. I have been e-mailing Kandi as well as Marsha at AMHA. Hope it gets resolved soon.
I bought a mare some years back that I decided to PQ as her sire and dam were both DNA'd. Big mistake! She didn't match either sire or dam on her papers. We found her sire, but never her dam.
Yes, DNA'ing horses that you buy, and not bred yourself, as Becky stated, can result in DISASTER! I too purchased a mare and PQ'd her as both her listed parents were DNA'd, and lo and behold, the sire was NOT the sire as listed, and we never could find a match for him.
The AMHA was good enough though, to allow me to keep the papers but to list the sire as unknown rather than pulling them altogether.
Yes, DNA'ing horses that you buy, and not bred yourself, as Becky stated, can result in DISASTER! I too purchased a mare and PQ'd her as both her listed parents were DNA'd, and lo and behold, the sire was NOT the sire as listed, and we never could find a match for him.
The AMHA was good enough though, to allow me to keep the papers but to list the sire as unknown rather than pulling them altogether.
For your sake, it was good that AMHA did so BUT isn't the entire purpose and function of a registry to maintain the integrity of our breed. Sire could have been anything...
Wow, this is super scary! I feel for anyone who finds themselves in this situation. I hope it works out for you Shana. I'm sure it's very stressful.
I can see, for someone who has several stallions, that at some point an accident could happen. I know someone that was in that situation on their own farm with their own horse! This was back before horses were DNA'd, and the owner was a little confused by the looks of the foal- not typical of the stallion she had bred the mare to. So... she PQ'd and it was not that stallion's foal. She ended up having to go through all her stallions and found that it was one that actually bred the mare through a fence while in the barn stalls!

It happens and I am sure it will be straightened out- just takes going through the paperwork to do so.
Jill, I guess maybe because at the time that this happened, PQing was not mandatory, is why they let it go, because had I not asked for the PQing, no one would ever had known anything different. Either way, in the past, before the DNAing and mandatory PQing, ANY horse's parents could have "been anything".
The sire could be anything provided it was under 34 inches, although I imagine if the ears were noticeably long, they would have objected...

Since AMHA allows hardshipping, it makes sense that they would allow Mona's horse to keep its papers. She could have hardshipped her, in which case sire and dam would both be listed as unknown. I supposed you could say that she was half-hardshipped.
I just hope they found out who the sire is and if not put unknown as the sire as I do not want him to lose his AMHA papers and I cannot afford $1200 to hardship plus all the other costs involved. That would suck as I paid $3000 for him as a AMHA/AMHR breeding stallion. It is a real pain. Glad my other two stallions are done, one was PQ'd before I bought him and the other one I DNA'd myself.
This topic certainly reminds all of us how valuale it is when we find a horse that has already been PQ'd for sale that we want. It avoids a lot of headaches!
I agree with Joanne. My understanding is that if both the sire and dam of the AMHA horse being tested are DNAed - then the registry PQs the horse automatically when they process the DNA.

So fast forward - and you breed the mare/stallion that you may have purchased several years ago and now you are getting ready to register the foal and realize that you need to DNA one or both of the parents. You send in the DNA and since both the sire and dam of the horse is DNAed the registry PQs the horse and like the OP discovered that the PQ is not a match.

At least today, you have the option to hardship the horse into the AMHA - When the registry closes in 2 years, hardshipping will no longer be an option. This is something to consider when purchasing breeding stock AMHA horses or reviewing any AMHA horses in your breeding program that have not yet been DNAed.