String Test

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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
I am trying to see how tall Bentley will mature at. So for fun I did the string test on him. Has anyone had any luck with the string test? Can you go measure your horse and see if the string test is accurate for you? Oh please! LOL 😁

Here is how you do it:
measure elbow to ergot/fetlock with a string. Then "flip" the string, rotating from the elbow and raising the bottom part of the string up, vertical and taut, aligned with the wither. This is the final horse height.

better explained in this video…

I don’t know when Bentleys birthday is so I am just guessing at his mature height. We measured my friend Julie’s horses legs, then compared it to Bentleys legs and are guessing he will be taller than her horse! I was thinking he would be smaller, she is 36 inches. Bentley is currently 34.25, is it possible being a year and a half or almost 2 to grow an additional 2 inches!!?? I guess anything is possible 🤣

The string test is true for all my horses including my biggie!

Any rate, the string test is fun and interesting, go try it! See if it works for you and your babies….and report your findings 🤗🤗
I never thought it was accurate. Some horses have long legs compared to their body, some short. As far as growing, I bought a 4 year old that grew another 3 or 4 inches afterwards, but that was a full size horse. I would think it's easy for him to grow another 2 inches, especially if he is only a year and a half.
There's another method of measuring the front leg from the coronet band to the middle of the knee joint. The inches should correlate to hands. That worries me because one of my youngsters was measuring a generous 17"!! (Yes, that's a warmblood!)

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