Spring clipping--sunburn?

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
I clipped my mare yesterday. She had a thick coat that just wasn't shedding out fast enough--it was 100 today! O my! She was so happy to get rid of that fur! She followed me around like a dog all afternoon, and trotted all the way across the pasture to me this morning for scratches and rubs. I may pen her in the shade tomorrow afternoon, as I wasn't thinking about sunburn. She did nap under the shelter most of the afternoon, and mostly grazed in the shade. She is a black bay.

Haven't clipped my other one yet--maybe tomorrow. Though I did clip his legs. I had a horse one spring with rain rot hidden under all the fetlock hair, and now I am a little paranoid about it. We are so dust-dry here now, though, it probably wouldn't be an issue.

Washed both manes, tails, forelocks, and legs with Pine Tar shampoo. May have to blanket the mare later in the week as a cool spell is predicted.

So, how would I know if she got too much sun today? How many days before the hair is long enough for sun protection?
I had my mostly white pinto guy get sunburned one summer pretty bad - even though he had a shelter and a half shade paddock. He was so miserable he didn't want to be touched! Skin was sensitive, and he pretty much acted like a kid that had gotten too much sun !

To treat I cold hosed him with cold water, then put the aloe Vera sunburn stuff on him and forced his butt inside for a few days, he seemed pretty appreciative of it.
I've never seen a dark skinned horse get sunburn unless they had face white. Just because I've never seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen, I may be wrong I think its only the pink skin you have to worry about. Clipping didnt bother my pinto. Last year he got sunburn on his nose around his nostrils. It shows up as like flakey skin.
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We had an awesome pinto hunter pony many years ago who would get sunburned on his nose.We put human sun screen on him when he was out in the pasture.worked great.
You can put sunblock on him. The spray type is easiest.
I think if you clipped him with a #10 you're probably ok but he may bleach out. I put mine in the barn during the heat of the day under the fans to be sure. Stupid heat.
I think if you clipped him with a #10 you're probably ok but he may bleach out. I put mine in the barn during the heat of the day under the fans to be sure. Stupid heat.
I used a #10. Stupid heat, indeed!! I am dreading summer, as the last three years have been record setting and miserable. I confined mine under the shelter yesterday--105 already here! But when I checked on them, the area was pleasant. Just having shade makes a big difference.

Another interesting thing, since the mare is sort of new to me, is seeing the shape of her head once she is clipped. Even though I kept her beard trimmed all winter, I never really got to see her head smooth. Last summer she wasn't comfortable with a lot of head clipping, so I just did it minimally. This year she stood rock-still. Except for ears! We're still working on that.

She is the same height as my gelding but he looks like an elephant next to her. Amazing how gender and bone structure make them look so different.
I have a rain sheet I intend to use. Sun is usually followed by rain here anyway lol

As for my mare she gets her face plastered in factor fifty
I only really worry about my one white/sorrell pinto. She's mostly white especially across her back. And even with a #10 blade I nearly scalp her each year. This year I have sun/fly sheets that protect her until her hair grows back in enough but doesn't make her too hot as it has teeny holes that allow air in.

I also have some "My Pony Sunblock" that I use on her nose.

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