Road driving question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2005
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Verona, Wisconsin
Am I supposed to have one of those "slow moving vehicle" triangles on the back of my cart when I drive along a road? If so..... do they make smaller ones, not the huge ones you see on hay wagons and things.... and how do you attach them?

I'll be watching this thread with great interest! I looked at TSC and they are the only place I have found that carries the slow moving signs, THe signs where too big and I couldn't come up with a good idea on how to attach it. So I resorted to a Bicycle flag, and a couple stick on reflecters(but haven't put them on yet), I was fortunate my cart has a place for the Flag.

So I'm curious if were are required to have the slow moving vehicle sign too.

Sorry, I didn't answer your question but atleast its bumped to the top again
. And maybe the flag is a good alternative?.
I have one for mine, as it is the law in many States. You can buy them at any Tractor store.
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I'm finding them by doing a search for them, but I'm assuming they are pretty much a standard size. Based on what I read, I don't think reflectors and flags replace the sign though, sounds like it's actually the law. I have reflectors on my cart as well...little stick on reflectors. Only thing I read as an exception is if your "religious beliefs" prevent you from using the sign. But it specifically said horse drawn vehicles needed the sign too.

I just have a little easy entry cart, and guess I may have to just figure out how to place a big sign on it....I thought they might make smaller ones too but I'm not finding them. I'm seeing two types, stick on and the kind with holes. There's really nowhere to stick one on, so I suppose I could use zip ties or something and get one with holes.... unless someone jumps in with a better idea!

I took our mini and cart trick or treating with my son last year and we had a BLAST! I did use a friend's sign for that, and used zip ties to hold it in worked ok for that. I also had lights and glow sticks dangling from the horse, and the cart....

Here in Ontario is also the law.

Funny thing happen to my dear Hubby, he forgot to take ours off when he entered the mini race. Even thou he was a slow moving vehicle he got a third....

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Thanks for the info.

Guess I'll have to shop some more - the ones at TSC were not suitable but maybe if I drill some holes in it and use the zip tie Idea.

Esp. since it is required~ THanks for the link too.
My understanding is yes, it's the law in many places. The good news is you don't need to panic over where to get them!
Every major driving vendor sells SMV signs made for carriages. The best ones have weighed bottoms to keep them down and usually attach with a velcro strap that goes around the axle of larger vehicles and the seat bar of most mini carts. There are smaller ones available but I think most states mandate the size of the sign so to be legal you have to use one of the larger ones. Check with your local DOT to be sure.

Here are links to a few of the places that sell them:

Iowa Valley Carriage

Driving Essentials

Carriage Driving Essentials

According to that last link SMV signs are required for any vehicle traveling below 35mph on public roads by Federal law. I don't know how accurate that is but given how easy velcro-hung SMV signs are to apply and how much more visible they make your cart, I wouldn't risk going without one.

Iowa Valley Carriage also carries some reflective neoprene tail wraps meant for big horses that work great wrapped around a shaft. I use one of those on each shaft, a SMV sign in the back, a reflective vest on me and reflective bands on Kody's front legs. I figure if I add something to his bridle or upper neck and dangle one of those flashing red LED thingies somewhere visible we should be set! I've had quite a few drivers pull over at night just to tell me they were so startled by all that reflective gear that they had to stop and see what I was!

Those bicycle flags are a good idea if you're driving anywhere with hills. They give drivers some warning as they come over the crest.


P.S.- Hmm, maybe clip one of those aforementioned flashers to the breastcollar? That shouldn't damage the harness and some of them even come on arm bands you could slip over the collar.
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Have you seen the flags that hang out from the bike wheels so that vehicles automatically give them clearance???

They flap back against the bike if even brushed against, I know serious bike riders tend not to use them- apparently they sting if hit at speed!!- but they work really well clipped onto a cart wheel and it just gives that extra bit of clearance to the cart...I'll see if I can find a picture.

Oh....did you see this bit??

"Horse-drawn vehicles driven by people whose religious beliefs do not permit them to use the sign are also exempt. "

My religious beliefs prevent me from attaching anything that is not aesthetically pleasing to my vehicle
Those are really good ideas Leia, Thanks!

Jane... ya have to use at least a tringle around here... other wise the car drivers will not pay any attention to you...and with my insurance.. G** forbid I get hit..if I don't have a tringle the insurance would not pay out.

Like Leia's ideas..and will be looking into adding them to my cart.
You could always attach two loop-strips of cloth to the back of the sign, with a snap to attach the cloth to itself. Then you can just snap the cloth straps onto the cart when you need it, and unsnap when you are done!

I believe they are law in pretty much every state for vehicles traveling less than whatever speed.

This is a great product marketed for dog collars and joggers called the Bling Bling Blinker. It has a very bright, flashing LED light that is visible up to 1/2 mile and clips to a keychain (or perhaps a harness part). Costs about $2.

We bought them to keep tabs on our black toy poodle who tends to disappear outside at night, but it would be good IN ADDITION to your SMV sign and other safety devices. It also would be good for everyone to keep on their keychain for emergencies. It isnearly impossible to miss.
check out

Tammy Rose has a lot of mini tack. I was at her shop last week and saw a mini size slow moving vehicle sign that was made of plastic and will velcro to your cart. It will not scratch a cart like a metal sign would.

I need to go by one myself

I ordered our smaller slow moving sign from a bicycle shop. It was about $10 and is the perfect size! It is made out of mesh (with the normal orange markings) and attaches to the cart with velcro.
It totally amazes me that a person can't figure out that if they see a horse and cart or buggy (big or small) that it is not going to move the flow of traffic.