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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2007
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ada, ok
My biggest pet peeve is:

I schedule a job and work around them, when i call to get directions and arrange times and they dont answer me back or say they cant do it when i was told all week that we were still on.

i try to run a schedule for one area to make it handy for us and the others in the same area but ......

i understand that some problems can arise but at least let me know in advance.

this is mostly happening with new clients.

sorry just my vent

Happens all the time thats why I have "open ended" appointments. The check is on the door and I just do the horses when I get there, plus I book in the next appointment when I am there. I hate it when I do the horse and I'm told to leave a bill or when the owner is bragging about the nice new truck or work they have done on the barn but complain about your price which is lower than just about everyone else's in the area. Another real offense is when "Ol Fluffy" the sweet, innocent, little darling with NO manners tries to take you out and the owner yells at you your hurting him when he's killing YOU!
My biggest pet peeve at the moment is:

Going to a job interview, and getting lowballed on salary....hearing, well, in this area you just don't make that much... I'm sorry but my education and skills won't let me take less than I am truly worth. I am a true believer that you get what you pay for. Another peeve... also finding out that the person interviewing me doesn't have the education that I have. btw The position was advertised for the education that I do have.
Women who pee on toilet seats and don't clean it up!!! :DOH!
People on CELL PHONES while they drive!! Sorry, but you cannot drive and talk on the phone at the same time, just doesnt work. Its not the holding of the phone thats the problem, so hands free sets are no better. Its the attention put into the conversation that is the problem. I think if you wreck while in the phone, it should be the same as if you were driving drunk.
Pet peeves, I think I have a few!

-Drivers that can't drive, even without a cell phone. You know the ones--they sit at the intersection & watch traffic come toward them, then at the last instant they pull out in front of that traffic...or they're in the lane to go straight through the intersection, but then shoot across the turning lane to turn, nearly wiping out the cars in the turning lane...or they cut across right in front of another vehicle without signalling, then pile on the brakes to slow down enough to turn on the cross street...or they're driving down the highway, speeding up, slowing down, speeding up, slowing down...generally they speed up a lot when there is no oncoming traffic, especially if it is in a clear passing area, then they slow down drastically when meeting another vehicle or when the double yellow lines forbid passing...

-stallion owners that take money for stud fees, and then make their stallion unavailable to the mare owner; they're gone showing, or to a sale, or on vacation, or they're sick...seen it happen all too often to others, and had it done to me once

-farriers who don't call to cancel & who don't show up as scheduled. Worse, farriers who do a crappy job of trimming, take my money and rush off to the next job, leaving me to fix their mess. Had a few like that after our good farrier retired...which is why I now do all of our own trimming and have done for many years

-People who get pets or livestock & then can't be bothered to look after the animals properly. Apparently many get animals just for the sake of starving them or letting their spoiled children abuse them.
hahahaha I know this may sound strange but I hate hearing liquid poor into a glass or any container when the room is quiet
A girl in my Psych class would always bring coffee in a thermis and start pouring it into the cup. It drove me MAD! I also HATE dooly ( however you spell it) trucks! I have no idea why but they make me very mad when I see them. Probably because they are always going really slow and I can't see around their big butt :DOH! That's really it for me
People on CELL PHONES while they drive!! Sorry, but you cannot drive and talk on the phone at the same time, just doesnt work. Its not the holding of the phone thats the problem, so hands free sets are no better. Its the attention put into the conversation that is the problem. I think if you wreck while in the phone, it should be the same as if you were driving drunk.
you beat me to it! i think that's my biggest pet peeve. strangely enough, i was following a woman recently who was yakking her head off, weaving all over the road. when i got close enough to pass her, i saw her bumper sticker..."HANG UP AND DRIVE!!!"
People who jump to judgement after hearing only one side of a story. There are always two sides to every story but some people are quick to the slaughter after hearing only one side.

Someone that accepts something for free from someone or gets paid for services and then trashes that person behind their backs. My biggest pet peeve. IF you can let yourself accept something from a person, you really have no right trash talking them behind their backs. It will always come out in the end.
Oh have another, and its topical

Drs who wont see a patient if they are late, yet make patients wait even longer

Had a Dr that was 3 hrs away a few years back. Because of a wreck I was about 15 minutes late. ( I am a Virgo so am notoriously early) They said I had to wait untill all the others were seen. Even though there were 2 that had appointments before mine, that werent even seen yet
Businesses that plant shrubs, trees ect that block your view of the coming traffic when you are trying to get back onto the street etc... :DOH! ............You can't see over the shrubs so have to pull out into the road to see if any thing is coming.
More than once I have had to reverse quickly & get back before being hit. Guess I need a truck instead of a car so I will be higher up!
#1 peeve Going to the grocery store

#2 having to cook what I bought at the grocery and then clean it up

#3 Cleaning house/ would rather clean the stalls

#4 Never available when my my farrier calls, or don't have the $ when she does :DOH! I know you surely were not taking about me know I was at church

#5 which I would like to change to #1, cannot get a hold of my Vet during emergencies

Thanks Dawn, I feel you around the middle of the week.....should know something by then.
Well, I am in trouble with this group.

I drive a dually and talk on my cell phone, but only using a bluetooth and only in very light traffic. I always annoy the folks on the phone with me as I don't really listen that well, driving is my first priority.

Oh, and no, I don't go super slow in my dually, but on rough, nasty roads I HAVE to go slower than a car with softer suspension or risk my truck fishtailing or my fillings getting jounced out.
I cannot stand people talking on their cell phone while driving or while shopping! What makes them think I want to hear their whole life story. Shut up and take it outside! :arg!
Hmmmmn, I have a new one, VETS that KNOW you are the farrier for the client and call another farrier in without notifying the attending farrier. This puts the poor owner in the middle and insults the farrier. Plus they were the ones who referred the original farrier to the client in the first place, and the attending farrier does most of the foundered horses the last clinic farrier did before he left. I can tell you as of last night this vet just lost 10 horses out of her practice for this LAST blunder. She will be called on it too.

People who say you don't return calls but you have called at LEAST 3-4 times and their answering machine is not on or the husband or kid does not give the message.

I can SO relate with the DR appt bit I have waited for HOURS [for an original appt] when my kids were small but if you are a little late they won't take you?

Car dealerships that promise everything and make you wait and wait and the vehicle isn't fixed right or after waiting 2 hours they tell you sorry the part didn't come in.

As for the lousy drivers, the New Hampshire state motto is "LIVE FREE OR DIE" and I think the drivers in this state take it to the max. It's survival of the fittest or luckiest? I can't even describe HOW BAD they really are!
Karen said it for me (although I do have others LOL)

Karen said: "People who jump to judgement after hearing only one side of a story. There are always two sides to every story but some people are quick to the slaughter after hearing only one side."


And people who never bother to email back you after you've taken and sent many extra pics of a horse for them. It's ok if you decide not to buy the horse, but it sure would be nice if you said so.

I agree with almost everything said here already, but here's two more:

1. People who don't turn off their cell phone and it rings in CHURCH!!! This is terrible on so many levels.

2. Seeing people smoking while with children. The height of selfishness.

People who smoke inside their houses, then want you to come, that when I leave *I* smell like a smoker.....ewwwwwwwww!!!!
People who get in their cars after they're stinking drunk and hightail it down the road.

Liars......I don't have the time for people who lie and fabricate stories.

Insurance companies who are quick to take your buck$ but don't ante up when it's their turn to pay out.

Dog owners who let their dogs jump all over you and your dog, even while you have your's on leash...and get in your dog's space. :DOH!
One pet peeve: People who sit in judgement of another without having all the facts to a matter.
People who think they are better than others even thought they are not without fault.
Know nobody is perfect so even have to be forgiving in those cases.

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