Pacific Pintos Miniature Horses Foaling Cams

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lights just turned on
down again out flat... back sternal half roll and up again

and down again... flat, and up... come on anne! foal already!

back down, out flat... contractions but back up again, poor Anne!

I see Joanne! come on Anne mummy is here! you can foal now
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yeah me too, she has been up and down so much
praying for you guys Joanne. oh and back down. poor Anne! come on pretty girl you can do it!
things certainly got moving quickly there! I missed a part of it while reaching for my drink!
Wow as little as the foal looks from here I would say Anne still looks pregnant enough to pop out a second!

Good Girl Anne! Congrats Congrats

Oh wait...
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I've got more info through another group I'm on but not sure if I should post it?
As you noted the baby was a breach and too small to survive (yes I know she looks huge!), but it was Anne, not the foal.

No need for us all to see him struggle and he passed quickly, but long enough for Anne to get that he was not normal. She is still healthy. I am fine. Sad that we lost one, but know this one was not meant to live.

This was my first live breach delivery, but made sooo much easier as it was a tiny foal.

Cams will be back on in the am. Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. Anne will be in a stall for a while and then back with her herd.
I am so sorry for yours and Anne's loss
My heart goes out to you guys.

Oh I am so very sorry Joanne, but I'm thankful that Anne is ok, bless her. No wonder she looked so wide for so long. Well done to you for getting the little fella out so fast.

((((HUGS)))) for you and for sweet Anne.
So sorry. As Diane said, such a sad ending to a long wait but glad Anne will be OK. And that you have another one to wait for. Hugs.
Just woke up and immediately pulled up the camera, I instantly knew something was wrong when I saw the rafters. So sad to come on here and read the foal didn't make it. More than thankful Anne is alright! Very lucky it went as smooth and as quick as it did. Hugs!