Opinions needed for the best kind of small breed dog

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Ok here's my situation.... My mom and dad just lost their dog and I'd like to buy them a new dog. They both are retired, in their late 50's and can spend alot of time with a dog/puppy. What I'd like to know is .... your experiences with small breed dogs and what(in your opinion) would be a good companion for them. This dog/ puppy would be more for my mom sence she is completely heart broken after her loss of her Silky Terrier.

Any ideas on a good companion?

Thanks in advance!!!

I have had 3 small dogs. I would recommend all three breed types.

I have had/have JRT, Cocker Spaniel, Boston Terrier.

The JRT might be to much for them if they dont want active. My cocker is dumber then a box of rocks most of the time, but is very loving, very much a cuddle bug and has been amazying at alerting my room mate before she is about to pass out. The Bostons to are very people friendly, love to be with you, love to snore. As for activity level dont know, ours are 5-7 neither do much most of the time. Didnt know them as pups so didnt know what they were like then.

Of coarse my breed of choice is the boxer, but you wanted small.
I think I would wait awhile before getting them another dog. Give them time to grieve for their old dog. If you get them one to soon very often it gets compared to the other one and it's not fair to the new one. Having gone thru this myself i would want to pick out my own dog, if and when i thought i was ready.

You are a wonderful daughter to want to do this but i would proceed with caution.

Havanese !!
Hands down ! We bought one in October and she is the absolute best dog we've ever had. Big or Little . She is such a little clown and keeps us laughing , they are not nippy or barky like some small breeds and she lays quietly at my feet no matter where I am. They are non-shedding and hypoallergenic and stay between 6 and 10 pounds. The only set back so far has been her very fine undercoat needs brushing at least every other day otherwise it does get matted, they can be clipped though to cut down on the coat upkeep.


I would get them a non shedding dog. Even small dogs that shed can be a problem, especially when they get on the furniture.
I'd like to throw Shih-Tzu's in for consideration. They do not shed and are very loving and very much people puppies. Very loyal and kind of like big dogs in little dog bodies in that they are not at all timid or "yappy".
l'm going to agree with Bonny l had my Maltese for about 9 years and when he died my kids who don't live at home anymore thought it was going to be to lonely for me without a house dog so got me a Shih Tzu about 3 months later. Nice thought but l keep comparing her to my old guy even find myself calling her Casper instead of Mona half the time still and it just doesn't feel the same and really wish they wouldn't have done that. l think if l was going to get a dog to replace the old boss it would have been a toy poodle l like them yappy little things. This one now doesn't bark at anything and when she makes any kind of noise or talks to you or wants out she mumbles under her breath..
Well I have had a few small dogs, here and at my parents place. I liked all of them. I have had a chihuahua/wired hair terrir mix, a shnuazer/pommeranian mix, a yorkshire terrier, and I currently have a Shih Tzu and a yorkipoo(Yorkshire terrier and toy poodle mix). My parents now have a jack russel terrier as does my uncle and both are hyper active. What you should do is take your parents to a local shelter and have them choose their own dog. Most shelters give you 15 days to see if you like the dog and if not then you can bring it back and try a different dog.
No animal should be gifted. People who are truly ready for a dog should do their own research on what breed would best fit their situation and then go about searching for the right one. Asking for breed suggestions is fine, but keep in mind that just because many people out there have had great experiences with their breed doesn't not mean it'll be right for everyone. Also, it's possible that your parents don't want to relive puppy ownership (the expense, sleepless nights, countless accidents, endless training, stuff destroyed) and perhaps they'd rather go into it owning an older rescue dog, or even no dog at all. If you give the "gift" of a dog that is ultimately the wrong dog for the situation or unwanted altogether, it'll only be the dog who suffers in the end.
Well thank you all very much!
I will keep in mind ALL of your sugestions and do alot of research. And please believe me when I say I will not get my mother a dog if she does not want one. BUT if her heart is still lonley in a few months you better believe her and I are going on a puppy/dog search with all my info inhand!!
I'll do ANYTHING to make my mom happy, wether it's puppy or no puppy thats her choice, but I love to get info and hear good experiences!!! I will not just show up with a dog in hand!!

Thank you all so much!!

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Yes I would highly suggest going on www.petfinder.com and consider rescuing a dog, young or old, who is very much in need of a loving home.

My family owned a toy poodle while I was growing up and she was everything I could ever want in a dog! (minus coming home to find the kitchen garbage torn apart and all over the floor...lol...) She had just enough energy to keep us entertained with chasing balls or just running around in the yard being cute, but she didn't require constant play like some high energy dogs do. She loved just lounging around and being in or next to your lap. Very dedicated, very loving. Poodles don't shed and are anti-allergenic! And you can shave their hair any way you want...=) So what a fun, flexible, creative dog!
Hi Leya,

My parents have King Charles Cavaliers and they love them!! They love people, are a great size, around 10 lbs to 15. Are very easy to care for and very cute!!! I am not a small dog person at all and I would even like to get one some day!! Definately a breed to consider when your parents are ready!!
I also have two Cavalier King Charles and absolutely love them. Would highly recommend this small but hardy little dog that are very people oriented.
I have a yorkie and 2 mini schnauzers. They are great dogs. The schnauzers requie hair cuts, and the yorkie requires occasional brushing. Neither shed, good for allergies. Yorkie is semi-hyper, schnauzers are laid back. Remember, very small dogs can get caught ubder foot, and cause a falling accident.
YORKIE definitely!! I have had 2 yorkies, and I never want to be without one. Very very loving. They don't shed. Mine rarely barks (only at the mailman). And they are very easy to potty train.

Here's a few pics of my girl Jazzy...



also very tolerant dogs! I call Jazzy my "first horse" because way before I thought I'd ever get a real horse, I dressed her in doll saddles, fashioned a bridle from string, and had dolls ride her, made her cross-ties under the chair and used barbie horse brushes on her.....etc.
How many dogs would let ya do that lol.



She sleeps in my bed with me, loves to curl up on my pillow. When I'm sick, she watches over me and doesn't leave the room. She's everyones favorite dog to all who know her. My aunt had never liked dogs at all, then she met Jazzy and loves her, and she wants one of her own now.

Okay maybe just one more pic...

chihuahua are pretty calm

bay bri

im maryanns(miniv) daughter
It took me a really long time to make up my mind about what breed of dog best suited me, and everyone is different, but I wouldn't be without my Papillon, Tessa.
