d. Classic Carriage Precision Driving: Thepurpose of this competition is to test the skill of
the driver and the obedience and handiness of
the animal. Martingales and overchecks are
prohibited for all vehicles. Side checks are
optional. Failure to comply will incur
elimination. Entries are required to drive over a
course consisting of at least six to a maximum
of eight obstacles. The track of the course will
be irregular, necessitating changes of direction.
Markers indicating obstacles must be at least
12” wider than the outside hub of the wheels of
each vehicle. To be judged 80% on the fault
system and 20% on manners and performance.
e. Faults:
Displacing markers..................................1 fault
Each hoof outside marker ........................1 fault
Wheel outside marker..............................1 fault
Canter, each time .....................................1 fault
Not completing an obstacle ................... 8 faults
Refusals: (cumulative throughout the course)
1st refusal............................................. 3 faults
2nd refusal............................................ 3 faults
3rd refusal...................................... Elimination
f. Elimination:
(1) Failing to pass through the Start & Finish
(2) Receiving outside assistance
(3) Taking any obstacle out of order (off
(4) Showing an obstacle to the horse
g. Course:
(see picture in rulebook)
(1) Enter at a trot.
(2) Through two pair of cones.
(3) Trot a figure eight.
(4) Trot a serpentine of five cones.
(5) Walk with right wheel(s) between poles.
(6) Walk to four cones and back into square,
stop for 10 seconds, trot out.
(7) Trot with left wheel(s) between poles and