I'm new with lots of questions!

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Welcome from sunny Southern California! :saludando:

My horses have open stalls with 24/7 turn out - they love it!
: In case you haven't seen the LB's information page on miniature horses, there is some terrific information - here's the link:


Best wishes,

Liz R.
*pant pant* Am I late?

Welcome! :saludando:

Our horses all have run in shelters. I find some of our horses like to be out in the rain and some like to be in. They get to choose. Although, when it starts to rain, we do go get the foals in to teach them to come in out of the rain. We DO have a large barn, but it's not fitted with stalls yet. Maybe some day.
We built a good-sized barn when we had the house built, so most of my minis are inside at night. We live very near a wilderness preserve and I'm still not sure how many predators are going to be coming down from the mountains looking for an "easy meal". :new_shocked: Hubby says that winter is the time we will likely see them, which is fast approaching. I guess we will see, but for now all I've seen is a group of deer that pass closely by our place to drink, and hang out in the field.

Half of our stalls have doors to the outside with attached "runs" for the horses to go in and out at will, and the horses that are in the other stalls are let out during the day and brought back in at night. Like Barnbum said, they get used to that routine and are waiting at the pasture gates to be let back in at night, and they don't hesitate to let me know if I'm being too slow for their liking, lol!

Generally it's best to do what works best for YOU, and for your horses.

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