I have noo hope or faiith left in me

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rockin r

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
What is to become of Ziggi?? Art bought Bee and Miranda for me for Mothers Day, they are now booth gonee. WHY???? What havei doone soo bad in my life for thiis black cloud to keephaninng ovverr uss? and for my inocent babbies to keep dieing? I can not ake anymore, i dont want to takee anymoore.....I hve somee nice horses....theresa
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Awww Theresa, I am so sorry to hear about Miranda. You are right, there is a horrible black cloud hanging over you right now..but it will pass. Sometimes, I just think God will test us to the fullest. You just need to have hope and, faith. As hard and impossible as it might seem at the time, you need to keep your spirits up. You are a wonderful, very special and strong woman, you can do it. Just dont give up. We are all here for you and praying for you. (((hugs))) I wish I was closer to you I would love to help you take care of your horses. You need to keep them.

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I am very sorry about your loss of Miranda. It is so very hard to loose a horsey friend. Please don't blame yourself, and stay strong!

I know how much you love your babies.

If you need somebody to help I am here. I can take care of some of them for you if you need time.

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Theresa, I am so very sorry.

This is not your fault. I know, though, that you're feeling overwhelmed and this is for sure a real downer.

May I ask if she showed any symptoms of illness, or was she just gone this morning?

I just wish there were something I could do to help, to make you feel better.

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Theresa, I am so sorry. You have done nothing wrong, please do not blame yourself. And DO NOT lose your faith, though it is hard right now, I know. This black cloud will be lifted, everyone here is saying prayers and it will go away. Stay strong, keep the faith and trust it will all get better.

Lots of Hugs to you, and prayers for you and your family.
Teresa you're having one of those

"It's always darkest before it's pitch black" moments.

Hang in there, the sun will rise at some point.

Lord, please wrap your arms around Theresa right now. Surround her with your love, give her peace, and comfort her in her time of need. Her heart is so big, and she's hurting so much. Give her the strength and courage to deal with this, help her to feel the love that is lifting her up. We know you are a compassionate God, this all seems more than one soul can bear. Help her, Lord, I ask this in your all-powerful name,


Oh No! I am sorry and so sad for you guys..

Sometimes it just seems like everything is going wrong...But its NOT!

Hard it is but try to count your blessings-Art, family, other horses, you are very blessed in many ways.. Sometimes its hard to see it thru the blackness..

Please keep your faith and dont give up-thats the worst thing you can do-give up..


I wish I was closer and I could give you a ((HUG)) in person and help you guys.

I was just loving on Miranda a few weeks ago! I was there when you bought her. I felt like she was part of my extended family. Oh honey I'm SO sorry you lost your girl! I DO know how much you loved her and all your horses. PLEASE don't give up! Karrel and I are here and will help any way we can.

Ziggi is a big girl and will be fine. She has her buddy Cricket and you and Art to give her lots of love.

I'm so sorry
I love you
Theresa, I am so sorry, I have no way to explain the things that are going on in your life at the moment

Just please know that there are ALOT of folks out here PULLING FOR YOU!!!!!!!!

I / We are praying hard for the GOOD Things to come your way..

Janice Silvio

Amore' Miniatures
Wow, I realize that this has got to be IT for you but want you to know that you are in my prayers. Things can and will get better. I have been there as have many others on the forum but I know you are hurting horribly right now and all I can do is say a prayer for you and Art.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I recited BunnyLady's most beautiful prayer for you. Chin up....there will indeed be better days ahead ....just don't let your faith go....hang in there...we care !!
Oh geeze Hon I'm so sorry, this is just not what you need or deserve. I can't comprehend all the bad things that you are going through, but I want to be one more voice that tells you I care.
I am sooooo sorry, God Bless & Keep You strong.
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I am so sorry! Sometimes it just seems that trouble begets other trouble and things just go from bad to worse but as others have said; don't give up, you are overdue for a break. Go ahead and give yourself permission to grieve and be angry, but then, remind yourself that you still have many wonderful things in your life. There are so many of us wishing you peace and happier days.
I am so sorry ((hugs))..hang in there! I'm sending lots of prayers for you.
Oh my gosh Theresa I just can't imagine what you are going through. I can only hope and pray that you don't give up. We are all in your corner and praying that the Lord turns these terrible events into a miracle for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers to help give you strength and to keep your faith in the Lord that he has something amazing in store for you. My heart goes out to you dear Theresa. Please keep fighting tough lady, your forum family is sending positive, good, healing energy to you. (((((HUGS)))))

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