I know that it has been awhile since I have been in touch....

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rockin r

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Sent soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many cards and your prayers here on the forum. Art and I would wait for the other to sit and open and read each one of them..You will never know what they mean to us and how each one gave us more hope and faith
This is the email that I sent REO a few days ago...

Boy I tell you Robin, it is just one hard hit after another. I had an ultra sound this (01-13-09) am at 830. Went right in. I was wondering to myself why she was looking at my heart area over and over again. At 10am the tech went and got the vasc surg. Apparently she could not believe what she was seeing an wanted him to see it. Turns out this darn fistula is also attached to my aorta, from the heart, now another wrench in the works! UGH!!!!! He is referring me to an Interventional Radiologist in OKC at Mercy Hosp. Tomorrow I will know when the appt is. I have taken myself off the pain meds. I WILL learn to deal with it..I am tired of being numb all the time. I have also gone back to work. Against Dr.s orders but to bad. I am still taking the anti-depressants. I maybe kicked and kicked again when I am down, but by God I am going to keep getting back up till I can't get up anymore! It is a struggle and painful to get up and get this body going in the am, and there maybe some days that it just won't get going. But there is always tomorrow to try again.......

Then Miranda passed away, the next day.
Art found her in her stall with Ziggi when he was doing the AM feeding. He said it looked like she laid down to sleep, no thrashing or anything disturbed in her stall. I can only hope she went peacefully RIP Sweet Baby....Ziggi and Cricket have become inseperable. We still have them together in Miranda and Ziggi's stall. I will probably keep them together for awhile, it is a huge stall so they have plenty of room to romp and play, which they do!


We have seen Dr after Dr after Dr....Finally the Vascular Surgeon that had the US done has me hooked us up with this Interventional Radiologist/Gamma Knife Specialist in OKC. He called me today and we talked for 45 minutes. He asked me to call the GYN and cancel the ovary removal till he can figure out what is going on inside of me. He said it was to risky to do without doing further tests. So I did. I have gone this long what is a bit longer going to hurt. He told me to GET BACK ON THE MEDS, NOW!! So i did.. What he wants to do I am not quite sure of, but it will be an all day event. An Angiogram and a Venousgram???...I am calling his office Monday am to make an appointment. He was not happy that I am back to work, said it might be to much for my heart. But as of right now I am not his patient, so he can not stop me. He said if when I get up to go to work and I am out of breath, stay home and rest. So I will. My work is being very flexible, I come and go as I need to..

I went online and looked up Interventional Radiologist, thats not so scary,
but that Gamma Knife thing, that scares me
The Dr talked to me some about it today, but I could tell he did not want to frighten me..So now everyone is updated. Still not what we want hear, but we are getting closer. As I was leaving work today the Secretary cut this out of the paper and gave it to me. My horoscope for today...


You have most of the answers--not all. As agonizing as it may be for you, it will behoove you to ask for advice. It is not the advice that will help you, but the advisor. This person becomes a powerful ally. Take heed.....

Again thank you to all who have kept us in there prayers and thoughts. They are working!

Art and Theresa

P.S. Connie....................I have enjoyed too much
Everynight before we go to bed, we enjoy!!! Thank You!!!
Good girl! Thinking about you and Art a lot. I'm SO hopeful that things finally go well for you.

I am so sorry you have had more stress and pain than anyone ever deserves. I pray that this surgeon will be the help and healing you need! We are all thinking of you!
I cannot believe that thing is also affecting your heart!!!!! I am so sorry things are going this way. I will be praying for a miracle
Still sending prayers!!! Hoping they can help you real soon!!! I'm sorry you have had this much to deal with, it shouldn't be like that. Keep being strong...
Still praying for you here too Theresa! I think of you every day and pray that someone somewhere will come along to help you. Perhaps this Interventional Radiologist is the one?

Meantime, you are an inspiration to others. I shared your story with a friend of mine who has been going through a spell of depression. There are reasons she was feeling down, but none of them as big as your problems. She's been staying in the house, letting her husband do all the chores, eating comfort food and gaining weight, and now she was more depressed because she is overweight on top of everything else. I told her that she needs to get out and do things with her horses again; that if Theresa can remain strong and continue on then she surely can too. She read your posts here and said she was deeply ashamed of herself--that she's going to change her ways and get back to living life--and she has also added you to her prayers. Since then she's been out doing chores, and riding...a big turnaround for her and I think a big part of that can be attributed to you!
Teresa you sound sooooo much better already. That's the spirit but don't over do! I am so happy to hear that you have doctors working on you now and it won't be much longer till they zap that ailen back where it came from. Keep in a possitive frame of mind and we'll help you bury this demon together!
So happy you and the doctors are hard at work on this project...
.... I know you have had one stepping stone after the other, but rest assured you have the BIG GUY up there watching over each and every step and guiding the way.. You will remain in our prayers and I am so happy you are being so PROACTIVE in your care, Keep up the good job, your health is the ONLY REAL job you have...

Thinking of you

Janice Silvio

Amore' Miniatures
Still sending prayers for you. Just so you know my sister had the gamma knife done to her brain tumor years ago when it was brand new. It was virtually painless.

I love your determination and fighting spirit. That will certainly get you a long way .......plus all the prayers that are being sent to you. May God Bless you and your family.
Hi Theresa so glad to hear from you. We have missed you dearly from the forum. So glad your fighting this thing and keeping a positive attitude. We will all keep you in our prayers and your Guardian Angels are with you, they will protect you. I have asked them to keep you from further pain and dispair. To keep all your family safe.
You hang in there. You have alot of people who care and are thinking and praying for you and Art. I know it must be hard to not be able to do alot of what you have been use to, but PLEASE try to listen to the doctors about working. If you feel like you have to , listen to your body and when you need to stop and rest , DO. I hope they find out soon how to deal with this thing about your heart. We are thinking of you
take care.

Linda Killion
Keep up the positive attitude and enjoy the things in life that you feel well enough to right now. And soon the doctors will get everything fixed and you will be able to enjoy ALL the things in life. Give your body the rest that it tells you that you need and then do what you feel like doing. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you until this thing is fixed.
So good to hear from you Theresa - I think about you every day. Hopefully you'll get some answers soon. Take care of yourself and don't try to do too much.

Looking to a good update soon.


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