how evil how you

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I am twisted! Not completely evil but can be persuaded either way that favors me in a situation. Hmmm....I was looking more towards angelic but I guess the results don't lie. HAHA.
LOL, Mine says I am twisted. Not completely evil, and can change my ways if I wanted to, and if a tough decision comes up I'll choose the choice that favors me.

I thought I was nicer than that!

Must have missed can I only be Twisted??

Did anyone else notice that Canada was down both as a European Country, and a weapon? What's with
: :lol: :lol:
Well according to them I'm:


Hmm, Didn't think I was all that bad but hey who am I kiddin'

Did anyone else notice that Canada was down both as a European Country, and a weapon? What's with
I was wondering the same thing Sue.. lol.. I wonder if their trying to tell us Canadians something by that ..muhaha.. lol
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I'm pure evil, guess everyone at work has a reason to be afraid very afraid.....
I'm pure evil, wonder if its because I listen to Pop and am a prep? ROFLAO!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Hmm, I am either twisted (that's when I entered "explosives" as my weapon of choice, beef as my main meat and Spain as my European country) or

or evil -- which is what I got when I changed beef to pork & left the rest the same or

PURE EVIL which is what I got when I kept pork and changed to Canada for both my European country and my weapon of choice.

I get the pork thing being evil, but how does Canada get put on a list of European countries, and I surely had no idea at all that Canada was a weapon more evil than explosives????

Huh. You just never know, do you??

If ya want the truth, I'm kind of scared of explosives so am unlikely to be blowing anything up....but there are times when I've wished for the opportunity to light a firecracker under a neighbor's backside...... heh heh heh
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I'm not evil in any way, shape, or form either. :hypocrite: Maybe they just didn't ask the right questions for me. . .

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