Help! Cooper got into the feed room!

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Active Member
Mar 5, 2009
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Kemp, Texas
Cooper got the latch open to the feed room!

He, of course, got the lid off of the grain storage and ate what I would guess to be around 10lbs of Platform mini feed!

I have a call in with the vet, but no response yet. He is uncomfortable, but he has pooped 2x in the last hour & keeps passing gas. I took all his feed and water away from him (he lost interest anyways). He keeps yawning, and ocassionally kicking at his tummy,and taking short, shallow breaths. But he is not sweating or trying to roll. I have been taking him on 10 minute walks and then letting him rest for 20 minutes.

So I am freaking out.

What else do I need to do?

First, slow down, take a deep breath and relax. If you have any banamine you could give him a shot of that to relieve cramping pain. That may be enough to take away his symptoms and he will be fine. Keep an eye on him and if he gets worse call the vet but otherwise it doesn't sound like he is in great danger as he is passing manure and has good gut sounds. Let him drink if he wants to.
OH NO ! minicooper I hope your boy is okay if you have any banamine you could give him some of that it will help if he does have a tummy ache

My two boys got into the barn the other day where i keep the feed and ALFALFA ! i have a mare in to be bred to my APHA stallion and they opened up her feed adn ate her alfalfa and I have no idea how much they ate !

I didnt feed them that night and just gave them beet pulp soaked for the next day they to were uncomfy and very full bellies

I just hope that my buckskin doesnt founder again im watching him close cause he has foundered in the past

Please keep us posted

If i were you I would let him have water and just keep walking him around if he is pooping thats good and just keep a watch on him till the vet gets back to you
I would have to respectfully disagree with giving him Banimine at this point. I think the last thing you would want to do is mask any pain or worsening of pain since he is not in dire straits at this moment I personally would hold off a bit until you talk to your vet

If he just did this I would guess if he is going to have a bad reaction it would take a few hours or more meaning he would pass manure and such right afterwards as it would take a while for a problem to occur. I would think the biggest issue you will be facing is gas and distention as a large portion of that grain will leave his stomach undigested and head to the secum (sp) where it is not meant to be in that large of quanities
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No..... I would give him Banamine. That will help if there's any inflamation from over eating. A vet has told me to give Banamine if one over eats like that. Which can aid. I had a welsh pony get out and pig out on grain and called the vet and that's what he advised me to do is give Banamine ASAP...... And as much as that guy ate..... he "should of" foundered..... so I really think that Banamine really helped prevent it.... it deffinately takes the inflatamtion down.
Don't get me wrong I agree Banimine could assist- I just think it is always a good idea to wait until you speak to your vet before giving any medications
As a vet tech...I'd wait to give the meds until you talk to the vet. Yes, it could help alleviate some of the discomfort, but as Lisa said it could mask other signs or symptoms of a more severe situation. I would continue to walk him and call the vet again...sorry jmho.
Well. I have a long night ahead of me. Cooper seemed okay at first. He is pretty sick. Vet has been here for the last 2 hours. Just taking a second to collect myself.......
Oh no. I'm so sorry. I sure hope he gets to feeling better!!!!
First , I d like to say that I like your quick response , and logic thinking
. I think you have done everything absolutly correct. Took food away, observed him, listen for gut sounds , walk then rest , and called the vet.

That is exactly right on . now wait for the vet to administer the drugs if needed . I agree that possibly a muscle relaxer is good for colic, but he has pooped( good), and let the vet decide if he needs it. The other night my gelding had a mild colic , all the normal symtoms , we walked him calmly through it , and he pooped ,2 times and was 100% drugs . Let the vet do his job now did your job 100% . I like to read about owners like you.
How is he this morning?

A friend of mine had a horse years ago get into the feed. She had to have the horse stand in buckets of ice water to prevent founder from what she said, along with banamine

Also, when / if giving banamine (I agree w/ Lisa but also think if the vet's not in touch SOON, I'd go on and give it as the vet will probably tell you to anyway), we always give the liquid injectable type but orally per advice here and per our vets. Our vets hate it to be given IM as it can cause abscesses and it will work fine orally.

Some good things to have on hand in addition to banamine for these kinds of things and general colic are ulcergard (I always give that if I'm giving banamine) and rompum as a sedative. My vet has had me give both these as they're on their way after I describe symptoms and vitals.

I hope he's doing well this morning!!!
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I hope your lil cooper is doing okay today. please let us know when you can