Have to vent...missed a great property...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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East Central Wisconsin
So after so much searching, and now well i've settled into patiently waiting for something to show up next spring but, still keeping an eye open for a home on acreage near town...I finally come across a home, a duplex actually (so could have rented one half and had additional income for mortgage payments) on almost 4 acres with 3 large outbuildings including a large barn. Three days ago I found it, i've been sitting here waiting for my realtor to check it out and set up an appointment...she found out the listing expired and was waiting to hear more about that...so now, three days later I finally get word just now that, as of this morning, a private party had put in an offer on the home and this morning the seller accepted the offer.....oh it makes me sick! If I would have known I could hunt down the owner even TWO DAYS AGO...I could have been happily jumping up and down for joy right now over finding a new home but nooooo...I patiently wait to hear from my realtor. *sigh* She's a great realtor but sometimes I wish I could get in there and do her work, I feel I could do the work faster and get results quicker! Like today...could have been me putting in that offer but nope...I waited patiently trusting my realtor and ohhhh i'm just so upset.

I am not mad at her just...upset...why do I have to be teased by such a close property with acreage where I could have moved into and then it's taken away?

I know I know...fate...wasn't meant to be...yadda yadda...still had to vent...

Oh I am with you! I am going to have to settle for a house in town (ugh!), but just missed a great property with acreage down from the farm. God willing the time for our horses to leave the family farm/business behind is a long way away, but every time I miss a property I feel that clench in my chest.

Well, you already yadda yadda'd it, but I'm gonna say it anyway--the perfect property will come along. Just you wait! (And wait and wait...I know...but it WILL!)
well, that's just about as sucky as it gets!!! so sorry you missed this one but hang in there, there's another one out there with your name on the mailbox. i'm like you, totally impatient waiting for other people to do their job. if it was me, i would have been on their doorstep, realtor or not!
Charlene, you said it! I have been tempted before due to impatience to take myself to the property instead of waiting for my realtor and this one just takes the cake! My loan approval had already been cut down $20,000 so to try finding a home on acreage for $20,000 less than just a few months ago means well, even less chances for me and this just...ohhh it just rattles my brain! I wish I would have been on that persons doorstep 3 days ago, that easily could have been ME with a purchase offer...makes me sick....

I know I know there will be one out there but oh...yes I get that clench in my chest and it frustrates me to no end!

Well now my realtor tells me they accepted the offer weeks ago....well I guess it really wasn't meant to be. Darn it.
She's a great realtor but sometimes I wish I could get in there and do her work, I feel I could do the work faster and get results quicker! Like today...could have been me putting in that offer but nope...I waited patiently trusting my realtor and ohhhh i'm just so upset.
Hey, didn't you post today looking for job options? Have you ever considered becoming a realestate agent? :bgrin
lol...yes I have! But I hear you need to invest money first, in order to become a real estate agent and I don't have the extra money to invest...sounds like it would be a fun job though, I would enjoy driving around and seeing other homes! I love looking at homes!
You should check into it then, and not just go by "what you hear". You might end up pleasantly surprised!
Hey Steffanie

Hey I am not a realtor, but having to deal so much in it right now with trying to sale our property.

And find a new home when we do. We are selling Commercial. Its a pain the behind. But here is

my thoughts or questions, ask your Realtor.

1) Can you put in a back offer in case there deal falls through.

We thought several times we had a buyer, and put in offers

that were accepted and thought we were sold and moving.

Only to have our buyer loose his finacing and walk on us.

So we could not buy the house we wanted as well. So I would

see about puting in a back up offer.

2) Also in putting in a back up offer, if its the place you really want,

can you offer more money? I don't know if the saler can dump the

first contract and take your's? But its something to check into.

Wishing you the best. We are now going back through the City on our's. Its such a mess.

Our first buyer who got us Commercial, spent a year doing it, lost his finacing, and walk.

Well he was buying us and 4 properties next to us. Well they tied our properties together

in the Zoning. So now instead of being 1 acre, we are 5.81 acres. But we can't sale without

each other. And one has decided not to sale. So we are going through the City process to

separate out our acre from the rest. Its a huge mess. We had our Spin meeting (meeting

with all the neighbors) and survived it. Now we have 1 Planning and Zoning meeting, and

2 City Council Meetings to go through.

So best wishes to you, and prayers too you find the right house.


lol...yes I have! But I hear you need to invest money first, in order to become a real estate agent and I don't have the extra money to invest...sounds like it would be a fun job though, I would enjoy driving around and seeing other homes! I love looking at homes!

Hey why would you need to invest money to do it? Your state should have a Realtor web site.

Like this one for Texas. Texas Real Estate Commission.


Check to see, and it should have a section about becomming a realtor.

Best Wishes
