Enabler Angie here!

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Staff member
Oct 12, 2018
Reaction score
Hi all,

I just want to say HI and let you know that I'll be around to help you get use to this new software and how things are with it. I'm a grandma that helps out on forums to help folks get use to this new software.

I'm from the Southeast US and love rolling hills and trees.

Now for how I'm an Enabler. I help you, use this software the best you can to make your posting more fun.

One of the most liked features is the ability to do a direct upload of photos from computers, tablets or smartphones. Just go to make a post and at the bottom of the message area is a UPLOAD A FILE and you click on that and upload one. Or even better yet, how about copy and paste? That's my favorite.

Please log in, and say HI. If you cannot get your computer to log in, just clear the cookies and/or send a message to me via the CONTACT US at the bottom left corner of the page.

Looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you and hear about your horses.

Hi there Ryan, You're going into summer down there now aren't you?

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