Dropping Late

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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2005
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First I am THRILLED to be able to log in. Something (I think my firewall) wasn't letting me log in. I could browse but couldn't ask questions. I am still very green. I got my 2 minis in January. I felt so alone when I couldn't log in to ask questions.

Comanche will be 2 in June. He has not dropped. The vet wants to put him in the hospital for an operation. I'm too afraid. I want to wait until fall. I called his previous owner who has 40 minis. She feels there is no problem at all waiting until fall she said some just drop late.

Anyone have a late dropper?

Toby will also be 2 in June but I'd like to wait to geld him until fall when the weather is nicer. There are no problems at all with personalities. They are both sweet and kind. No stud behaviour yet.

So glad to be back! :saludando:


My Vet won't geld after the flies are out in the Spring, or before the first few hard frosts of Fall. I tend to agree; unless there is a real and true reason for gelding during fly season. Reason?? Too much chance of infection carried/caused by flies.

Sooooooo...I agree with you...wait until Fall, for both of your boys. Hopefully, he will take the summer to mature, and be "all there", by then...much cheaper if he does, that's for sure.
Found this info for you. Hope it helps.

Experienced breeders of miniature horses have frequently taken exception to these statements due to many years of observing the development of their horses. Miniature horses present a number of unique situations that are not commonly found in large horses. For example, foals routinely born within an unbroken amniotic sac is fairly unique to miniatures. It also turns out that miniature horse testicles do not necessarily grow and descend into the scrotum in the same manner as they do in large horses. Long time breeders have been aware of this for a years. There have been many discussions about colts who have not "dropped" and are two-year-olds. "Old-Timers" have said, "Just be patient. They will come down, usually by their third year."

Just wanted to thank you for the advise-- I decided to wait until fall. You guys are great probably saved my boy from unnecessary surgery.

Thank you!!!!
Hi there, Robin

I also would wait until fall, so just an additional vote towards what you've decided to do. And, "it" may appear between now and the fall and can be done as just a routine gelding.

IF it isn't down by then, you may want to talk to Dr. Gregory Schmidt at Keswick Equine Clinic in Gordonsville. Dr. Schmidt is VERY good at finding MIA testicles that other vets thought would require hospitalization for the more invasive surgery. It's not guarantee but I know he's been able to do it as a routine for some horses that were supposedly not descended. He may not be able to do a farm call out your way, but you can haul horses to him if it turns out it doesn't seem to have come down this fall.

How are you enjoying the minis?!?!?! :bgrin


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