Dog Shock/Electronic Collars

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The difference between a bark collar and a shock collar is that the bark collar is CONSISTENT whereas the shock collar will only be activated when you get fed up

This is not the correct use of a shock collar- I would go as far as saying it is a misuse of it- the pup has NO idea why it is being shocked. If it wants attention, at five months, for Gods sake give it attention.

I really think you need to think seriously about why you have this dog.

|Maybe you should look into rehoming her??

For the record I have two Dobes that drive me NUTS barking.

I also have a full set of shock collars but have NEVER shocked the dogs for barking.

Part of the reason I have these dogs is to protect me.

I go after them, I tell them be still and I argue with them for not obeying the command- thus , eventually, the Dog at least will understand that I require him to stop barking.

And, Yes, he is barking for attention, and because he is happy, and because he is a big, noisy dog.

I NEVER argue with him about the fact that he is barking.

I argue with him because he is not obeying my command to stop.

There is a subtle difference, but it is a very important one.
My neighbor has 5 dogs, plus another neighbors that stays there 20/7 LOL I would love nothing more than to get the worst, meanest, most powerfull shock collar......and put it on the neighbor
: The dogs are just there, loose all the time, absolutely NO manners at all. They bark at anything and everything, they chase all vehicles going by and I cannot leave my own horses out at night because of these dogs. They dont chase me though, they've met Mr Rock and Mr water squirt bottle more than once and know that I want them d e a d. Proof that this behavior can be stopped.

I think shock collars have their place. And that place surely needs a couple

As for a 5 month old puppy. Well, can see both sides of this. yes the pup is young, but that is where bad behavior starts. Dont really know if its more humane to wait untill it is older to then start getting drastic.
Sorry, Erin, but I don't really understand why you want to know what people think of shock collars. Clearly, you are using one and intend to keep using it irregardless of what other's opinions or advice may be, so why even ask?
I guess in my head I wasn't asking whether or not I should use one, I WAS asking what other peoples experiences were with them. Did you have success or not, basically?

I know many don't agree with me using a shock collar, but I have tried everything else I know of. I am willing to try other things that might work, I'm just tired of being shunned for trying this method.

The puppy is NOT left outside for hours on end alone. She spends most of the day with me. At night is the longest time she's left alone, but she sleeps through most of it. I do know that she doesn't bark when no one is home, because I can go to the neighbors and don't hear her...and believe me it echos. Her issue is just wanting attention, which she gets plenty of. But sometimes thats just not possible, if I have other things going on in the house. My parents don't want her in the house all the time during the day and I'm sorry but I'm not going to sit outside all day with the dog. It doesn't hurt her to be alone for an hour and then to come back in.

I guess I shouldn't have started this topic. I came here looking for advice/experience stories, but instead am getting blamed that I'm not giving my dog enough attention, or not training her properly, and that I should just find her another home. Thanks to the ones who are truely trying to help me. I appreciate it.

If one of the moniters would delete this post all together, that would be appreciated.

Thanks, Erin
Let me try again.....I am not criticizing husband has used a shock collar in training sessions with our hard headed hunting poodle and it was very effective. I wouldn't mind owning a shock collar to assist in breaking my naughty shepherd from running the fence after the horses on the other side ( he is better after many years but still not as good as I would like). In your case the pup is very young and the BARK collar might be the better choice as it will work the same exact way every time........I seriously think a crate in the garage or kitchen would be your absolute best alternative. My dogs like their crates my shepherd spend 80% of his time in his by choice (it is left open all day unless I must leave or we have people over) young aussie just over a year spends time in his crate when I have to leave or else he would bark and destroy things trying to find me he is a very very people attached dog/breed............he is also very obedient and had to be from the get go as he was training to herd sheep I have not used a shock collar with him as he is still too young and responds well to commands( 90% of the time). Dog training is an eternal proccess you cannot take them to school and have it stick is everyday and all the time and when you get lax you suffer the consequences :bgrin :bgrin ...........I have 5 dogs all big and 3 of them are barkaholics when I am home it is fine as I can correct or distract but if I am not here they go to their crates and all is quiet on the western front

I don't know of anyone personally that successfully broke barking with a manual shock collar.......I do know of many successes with a bark collar...............jmo........
Rori....amen :worshippy:

I am just too tired and too strung out to go on with this anymore- Erin please do whatever you wish as it seems to me you are going to do that anyway.

When you have ruined the pup and need to rehome her anyway you will also have to explain to the people why she is a nervous wreck that is afraid to make any sound and runs away after barking!!

What do I know anyway I have only been training problem dogs for twenty yeras...and Yes, I have on a couple of occasions suggested using a collar- in one case for a dog that barked.

A BARK collar.

It worked, by the way.

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