does her bag look ready?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Is this a pretty full bag or do you think it will fill more?


It is looking quite full, but every mare is different. This isnt going to be real helpful, but I have had mares foal with less of a bag than that, and had some that look like their udder is about to explode.

Goodluck with the foaling
I always have to feel it. If its rock hard and warm they are ready to go. Did you get a sample? Is it sticky like glue?
Is it hard and warm and feels like there's a "corner" around the edges? If so, then she'll probably foal sometime within the next 24 hours to 2 weeks. ;-)

You've been waiting so long, I hope she foals soon for you!
It's hard as a rock and she no longer is too happy if we try to express milk it. Mind you I don't think I would be too happy either

Vet came out tues just for a check for my peace of mind. They still can't believe how good she looks for her age. Also said with the feed program we have her on is perfect for her and baby. They say you can tell by a mares coat and how nicely She has shedded out.

Yep we have been waiting for a long time!! I'm so excited to meet this Lil munchkin but I know when its healthy and ready it will come