Docking a Dog's Tail

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
We got our little rat terrier, Buddy, two weeks ago. He is such a nice dog!! Unfortunately, the man who bred him did not dock his tail as a puppy. He is in his 80's, and has raised rat terriers all his life. He apologized to us for not doing the tail when I bought buddy. He had 4, all different generations and friendly as could be. Buddy was the only one for sale. I noticed only the oldest dog had her tail docked. I think the man just doesn't bother with it anymore. I was more interested in temperament than looks when I went to look at his dogs, so did not really consider the tail issue.

Anyway, Buddy is 14 months old. We took him to be nuetered yesterday and agonized over the tail issue. We finally decided to do it, as we figure we will have him for many years and the short tail is more appropriate for his breed.

Oh, my, it is going to be a long two weeks till we can get the sutures out. He doesn't like wearing the plastic collar, for sure! But he is very patient with it.

The people at the vet said he was such a sweet guy. They were all smiling about him when I went to pick him up.

Some had also suggested we have the dew claws done also, but the vet did not recommend it, and gave us good reasons not to. So we went with his advice. He did not consider the tail docking a big deal--that sort of decided us to go for it.

Anyone else had an adult dog's tail docked? I'd be interested in recovery details.

I've already had some flak from a couple of people who accused us of vanity, having the tail done.
I am not giving you any flack, you know what you like. I personally would not have docked it. We bought a boxer puppy back in December and her tail was already docked, I would not have had it docked if it wasn't. We did not clip her ears either, I love the big loose floppy ears. Other people do like clipped ears on a boxer, it is all a personal preference, and I also know I could not put a puppy thru surgeries like that. Another good reason I am not home all day to take care of it like it would be needed. I will never put myself thru a facelift, others will <<shrug>>
While I personally wouldn't dock a tail for appearance we have had to dock a 9 month old Dane due to injury...

first too much wagging then self mutilation (chewing) that exposed bone.

1/2 her tail was removed.

She's does fine with her "billy club".
If it hadn't been done within the first 3 days of life, I would not have done it at all.
Same here.

It's complete unnecessary, painful, and recovery isn't always complete.
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I am sorry, and not judging, but I also would not have an adult tails docked. Correct me if I am wrong, but don't some rat Terriers have a naturally docked tail? I also believe there is a genetic thing with them that you should NOT breed two naturally docked tails together, perhaps that is why one had a short tail?
Many years ago, we had a little mixed breed that started chewing on her own tail (heaven only knows why, she was the original dim bulb!) The vet had to remove about half of her tail to get the infection under control. Had this been her prick-eared, terrier type sister, I'd have let him take more off, but since Top looked rather like a beagle, I asked him to leave as much as he could. We wound up having to go back to get a larger collar, the little idiot figured out how to bend her body around the cone and pulled the bandage off. The collar we wound up with was so big, we had to take it off so she could eat. Then we had to stay and watch her, or she'd be after that tail as soon as she was done eating. Walks were a pain, too - we had to thread the leash through the snaps on the collar. If we tried to go without the collar, we'd spend the whole time watching her, and yelling at her for going after her tail every few seconds. Her tail healed fine, we just had to keep a collar on her until the fur had almost completely grown back, because she kept wanting to chew on it. It took a couple of months, all told, but she finally forgot about it and we had no more trouble with it. Hopefully your Buddy has more than one functional brain cell, and won't be a dog of one idea like our sweet (but empty-headed!!) little Top Dog was.
Sorry, I'd never dock an adult for "looks". So what if he doesn't meet breed standards? You aren't going to show him.

I have a JRT who was docked. I'd rather they hadn't done it. Sometimes it must bother him because he worries at the scar on the end.... plus they docked him WAYY too short.
The vet office I used to work at always highly discouraged having an older pet's tail docked, even more so than adult cats getting declawed. I personally would never do it to an animal for appearance reasons, to me it's an unecessary amputation.

That being said, the few they did do, recovered ok, except for a rott who just had a really hard time with it, wound just wouldn't heal properly, the dog was in a lot of pain and wouldn't leave it alone, etc. I felt so bad for that dog and I know the owner's regretted their decision, at least for quite awhile.
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like others have said i would not dock an adult dogs tail. if it is not done with the first 72 hours it should of not been done.

you said it was a nice dog is that the reason you had it done. i could see if you was going to show the dog or breed him but you did not. so other words i would not of done it.
You have to do what you think is best, but personally, at this age, I wouldn't consider taking off his tail. I assume you're not planning to show him (?) so if not, who cares if he's got a longer tail? He probably likes wagging it

For example, I'm guessing I don't really need my ear lobes, maybe not my baby toes, could probably live w/o the tip of my nose but do I want to loose those items.................
Yes it is true that some rat terriers are born with "docked" tails, but it's pretty rare. Tanga does not have his tail either, since he was a year old when we got him and he came from a rescue, I don't know if it's natural or if it's been docked...I really wish he had his tail though. As far as dew claws, I would only have them removed if they are on the back legs. Our mix had back dew claws and we had them removed (they were very very flappy)...we left the front ones though. Tanga does not like his "stub" touched at all which makes me think that his was cut, not lab is like that with his tail, he hurt it once (It's a little bent) and ever since then he doesn't like his tail touched...I don't think it hurts him, he just doesn't want it touched.

I don't think I would of done it with him being so old, but thats just me...I hope he heals quickly.
There is no way I would of ever of docked his tail. I know its a personal choice, but WHY put him throught this at that age? When I worked for a vet, years ago..he would never dock any tails after 72 hours old. That said..when we had our Great Danes, we bought our male and femal both with cropped ears, (it was the IN thing back them) I had our first batch of puppies cropped for there new was nothing but a headache..everyone was bringing there pups back over to me to wrap there ears, plus we had to watch them SO closely. ..I never did it again, and all my pups were just as happy and looked just as nice in natural ears. I see no reason for doing docking or cropping, other then to enhance the dogs looks, but along with the "looks" comes the downsides (infections, chewing, etc)
My employer will dock adults, but I won't unless there is an injury. I don't do ears, and I STRONGLY discourage owners from declawing their cats. I'm discussing not cutting tails on poodles, cockers, ect unless it's going to be a show dog (99.9% are NOT) Schnauzers and Dobies with tails and ears are fabulous!!
I wouldn't have done it on an adult dog. Actually I wouldn't even do it on a young puppy because I just don't care for docked tails, but as the others have said, if it's going to be done it should be in the first 3 days of the puppy's life and after that leave it natural.

I would have thought that anyone wanting temperament over "looks" wouldn't have cared if the tail wasn't docked.
While I know you didnt get the answers you were hoping for how is your dog recovering?
Hey --

I just wanted to chime in and apologize. I think I was so tired yesterday (as the new "dam" of a foal), I didn't get that his tail was already docked when he was neutered. I thought you were trying to decide to do it or not (I've been a zombie!). I hope he is recovering good and that he can take that lampshade collar off soon. Wishing the speediest recovery from both his operations!

After the dog is older that three days old the surgery is technically an amputation.

I personally would not do it...but whats' s done is done.

We have a wonderful boxer mix rescue who has a whip for a tail...but I wouldn't trade it for a nubbin! lol

Good luck with the recovery process. I hope all goes well.

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