Do you have any "idiosyncracies?"

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Hahahaha, weebisquit- I also do both of those things- so maybe that IS normal. I would like to think so.

OMG, where do I begin..... I dont want to scare anyone off either.

Ok, maybe just a couple here... I have a 'thing' about my food touching. Can't stand it- If a piece of bread gets on the juice or anything- I just cant eat it- period. My neighbors were nice to me and surprized me one day with a big divided plate!! I also usually eat one thing at a time.

When grocery shopping at the store- things have to be checked out at the cashier a certain way and also have to be bagged a certain way. Dont ask me to describe it but I know how it goes and it makes me nuts when folks don't do it 'right' LOL

Toilet paper, printed or not, MUST come over the top, as do the paper towels.

I'm thinking I'll leave it at that for now
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I may be the odd one here. I actually like my food touching. I like to mix odd things together when I eat it. i like to have all of the different food tastes in my mouth at once. I think the flavors compliment each other. Like KFC, I like the taste of the chicken mixed with the coleslaw and mashed potatoes. I find it to be an interesting combination of tastes. I like it when gravey touches jelly. It is an interesting flavor. I don't like things mixed together to the point that I cannot taste each individual flavor though. If they are not mixed I will add a bit of each item on my fork for each bite.

I have also found recently that I have a problem with getting rid of some trees. They are palm trees and they came up by themselves. They don't go with anything else and they are in odd places. They are now getting in the way.

John was going to dig them up and asked me about them. I know I don't want them but I am starting to feel sorry for them. I told him if he was going to murder these plants, to just be sure he put them somewhere that I wouldn't have to see it. i told him that maybe we could find homes for them. I don't know of anyone who would want them. It is so hot out that I don't think they would transplant well anyway.

That is just a couple of things that you may find strange about me. i think I may have many more.
I strongly dislike feet. I can't stand when people touch mine and I can't stand when I have to touch other people's.

I am also one that doesn't like when my different foods touch

I don't like socks or gloves or hats. Since I live in North Dakota, I often get strange looks walking around in 30-40 below weather without them (I do wear socks with shoes, but I wear sandals as long as I possibly can which also elicits strange looks sometimes).

I have plenty more, but like others I don't want to scare anyone off!
I can't get over how many of you do toilet paper and paper towels wrong
Don't you all know TP goes under, and paper towels go over??? That's the right way
Honestly, folks!!!
My, oh my, Jill...Does this mean you put printed sheets on your bed with the printed side upside down? Or wear your clothes inside out? I'm simply SHOCKED, hehe.


Okay, here a few of my (albeit lesser) wierdnesses...

I swallow peas and icky vegetbles whole without chewing or tasting.

I have to walk up steps so that I start with my right foot and end on my left. When walking on a patterned tile floor, I have to walk so that my feet fall according to the pattern. With age, I've managed to get past this to an extent, but unless I set my mind to ignoring it, I still do it.

When eating any bread item, the butter MUST be spread to the edges -- a infinitesimally thin layer is fine, but my bread must not be dry at the edges. Keith likes to put a blob in the center and be done with it -- and yet, our marriage has survived for 22 years...

When getting change, I want the coinage placed in my hand first, then the bills on top -- otherwise it's nearly impossible to hold onto the loose change.

When I get my dinner plate, I determine the order in which things will be eaten. Veggies first, to get them out of the way, all the way to my favorites, which are eaten last. Each item is eaten at once, then on to the next.

I cannot drink coffee out of a glass mug -- it tastes best out of a heavy ceramic mug, and white tastes best of all.
Oh Shelia, we can never dine together, LOL!!

Hmmm, never noticed about stairs- I'll have to pay attention because I think I always go up right foot first- dont know about down. LOL Oh no, my list is growing!
I was genuinely OCD as a child, and I still have some residual "issues." Odd numbers really bother me, and I avoid them at all costs. If I have to deal with odd numbers (like in someone's phone number), then I make them ok by figuring out how to use them all in a math equation that results in a positive number. My DOH likes to irk me sometimes by changing volume settings to odd numbers and waiting to see how long it takes me to check and change them.

Repetitive noises also drive me nuts. It could be a dog barking or someone clipping their nails (eesh), tapping their fingers, or simply repeating themself more than once. I used to have a friend and coworker that liked to bug me by following me around and repeating the same word over and over again - nice to know my quirks are entertaining to everyone else!

I'm the opposite of claustrophobic - I like to have clear, close boundaries. For that reason, my side of the bed is always against the wall and I always scoot down in bed so my toes are snug against the footboard. Whenever I'm sitting in a booth I like to be on the inside.

After years of working retail, I still feel compelled to "face" items when I'm shopping.

And these are the least weird ones!
This is a good one for me, as I have a minor case of OCD!!

Whenever I get a cup out to poor a drink into, I have to wipe off the rim of the glass if its plastic or glass, just incase there is something yucky on it. Mom puts all the classes in upside down to "drain", and I can't help but think maybe they drained and the rim sat in the water which could be disgusting. So no matter what, I wipe off the rim of the glass (normally on my shirt of something).

I normally cannot eat eggs, as I fear finding a shell....

Everything in the shower has to be organized. All of my perfume and producs/bottles/sprays in the bathroom have to be turned so as you can see the front label. As well as shampoo's ext in the shower.

I also cannot go to bed at night unless I go potty right before.....

I also cannot go to bed at night or leave the house in the morning until everything in the house is in the exact spot I ment for it to be.
Just thought of another. I always have to brush off my feet with my hands before I get into bed. That actually has a practical origin from my Meredith Manor days. They used to put these tiny black gravel thingies we called greebies and they got in everything. If you didn't brush off your feet, you ended up with greebies in your bed. That was in 1979 and still do it today!
I'm a reverse bedtime-potty person. Doesn't really matter when I pee before bed, although I do try to do so close to bedtime. That just makes sense. However, the SECOND I get up out of bed I have to pee. Doesn't matter how long I've slept or anything. I really panic if someone decides to go in and take a shower or something when I've got to get up!

C'mon people.. toilet paper DEFINITELY must go up over the top to unroll. I spent YEARS trying to teach my husband not to randomly put the roll on, because sometimes he'd put it on backwards. (He then rolled his eyes when our cat was a kitten and started unrolling it for fun. I then wanted him to put it on backwards so it was harder for the cat to sit and unroll it.) Jill... people who work in Custodial jobs (such as at Disneyland) are taught that all rolls of paper should go over the top to unroll! They must be experts, right?

I don't really like food touching, although not strict about it (depends on what the food is) but I eat my food in order of least-to-best favorite. However, french fries must ALWAYS be eaten first because I don't like them lukewarm.

I don't have a smart phone because if I'm on the computer, I must check my e-mail every five minutes just in cases someone randomly sends me an e-mail. I also have to keep junk mail cleared out immediately. I feel that if I got a phone with internet, I would be stuck obsessively checking my e-mail all day no matter where I go! Right now it's just confined to when I'm at home!

This is a great and fun thread.......some very good long time friends of ours 15 year old daughter came up with this......'Normal is only a setting on the dryer'.......
This is a great thread!


Many of mine have already been said.



Toilet paper has to come from the top.

I don't like my food to touch.

I don't like feet, except my own and my sons. I don't want to see your feet especially male feet!

I twirl my hair and put it in my mouth, this drove my mother crazy so most of my life I had very short hair.

I do not like finger nails or toe nails. I keep my nails clipped short and obsessively groom my toe nails.

I do not like finger nail biting and my husband does it obsessively.


I'm sure there are many more that I just can't think of.
I have obsessive compulsive disorder, and I have a TON. Im not obsessive about washing hands like some people with ocd who wash until their hands bleed though (im one of those "pro" germ people who thinks without some germs, you dont build immunity)

My dishes HAVE to be in the drain rack smallest to largest, knives point down on the right side of the basket, silverware point up, and are on the left side.

Toilet paper HAS to unroll from the top, hubby and I fought about it so much that he wont even change the roll now. Jill is correct though, the "correct" way is from the bottom. I had to take ettiquite and hospitality classes, and was told that there. I couldnt believe my ears, so came home and looked it up online. Oh well, Im set in my ways. I also count how many sheets I use, and fold it nicely before hand. I cant stand odd numbers.

I cant stand seeing laundry around. Now that I have a baby, I dont have time to wash every day (I was every other day now) but I store my dirty laundry in the washer until its time to wash. Towels are the exception, there is a special basket for them hidden in a closet. I cant stand when people put wet towels in the laundry basket, thats gross.

I store my drinking glasses in the cupboard upside down, because im scared dust will get in them. I rinse them before putting a drink it them.

I obsessively organize my clothing. I couldnt stand my socks/bras/underwear touching, so instead of being in a drawyer I have them in boot box size tupperwear, across the top shelf in my closet. Jeans in one drawer of the dresser, shorts in one, pajama shirts in one, and pajama pants in one. Regular shirts go in the closet organized by sleeve length and color. My DH cant put my laundry away because I had a meltdown once when my pajama pants were in with my shorts.

I cant have my foot touching, and I even organize my food on my plate without realizing I do it. One time hubby asked what I was doing, and I had a line of steamed baby carrots on my plate. Oooppsss
I love this topic.

My food can touch... it all comes out the same way... I know, I know gross... LOL That's just my sense of humour.. hahaha

I was never worried about the TP issue until at my last job there was a woman that worked there that came out of the bathroom screaming at the top of her lungs.... I can't believe someone put the TP under!!!!!!!!! She said this over and over.

I thought she was nuts, but since then I made sure the TP was over the top because that lady sure was. Holy cow!

I do check and recheck things before I leave the house.... Drives my husband crazy. Stove off, computer unplugged... the list goes on and on.

Have to potty before bed as well.

My Dad once told me to always pick coins up head side up. Now it's a habit.

Shoes go on right foot first.. pants/shorts right leg first.

I also, worked retail... I find myself picking up things that have fallen off hangers and putting them back in their place.
OMG!! I REALLY must stop reading this thread, because I am reminded of more and more of my quirks! My dinner plate is another I have. We normally only have meat and potatoes (or rice) and veggies. They HAVE to be placed in the correct spot on my plate! My potatoes near the 11:00/12:00 spot, my veggies around the 8:00 spot and my meat around the 3:00/4:00 spot. When I get a meal like this in a restaruant and it is out of correct order, I have to rearrange my plate to make it right! LOL!

In regards to the dishrack sink when I am washing dishes must be set up neatly before running the water. The plates/bowl have to be piled neatly in the back and to the right of the sink. The utensils must then all face the same direction, laying below the dishes closest to me, and all "heads" pointing to the left. Then the cups and glasses are places to the left of the dishes, and along the left wall of the sink. Then when I put them on the rack, they must be placed with the eating surface pinting away from me (toward the back of the counter) and when my daughter comes here, she sets them in the rack facing outwards and it drives me crazy if I am drying dishes!

So is it time to stop reading this thread yet??
Oh god, I have more than I thought.

Yes all the glasses have to go in the cupboard upside down, as do coffee cups.

And OMG disneyhorse!!! I am the same about my computer/email/spam, etc.....

Ok, anyone else do this one? I was not going to mention it but now I just have to know! Does anyone else alphabetize their spices in the cabinet?
Right back at ya! I'm glad you get my sense of humour... Love to laugh. That's my motto!
Andrea- I'm the exact same way with my e-mails, etc.

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