Knowing the kind of worms that were expelled helps also. Like roundworms, when found, are usually found in horses under two or with compromised systems (be it age, illness, poor body condition), roundworms are persistent! Other worms may die off easier and be less likely to have a resistant stronghold in a healthy horse. I would be inclined to do a panacure power pack once you have a really cold spell.
Wormers like zimectrin gold work on tapes, while others have little to no effect on them. It is important to know what type of worms are present in the feces. I would glove up and examine that manure.
My biggest piece of advice, others may roll their eyes, but I would make sure your horse is very well hydrated, would even go as far as soaking hay/ grain and giving probiotics and adding some oil to keep her lubed. It never hurts to be proactive when trying to head off potential problems, ESP secondary issues that may arise when a horse feels off due to parasites (more typically they feel off due to the parasites dying off). Extra water incorperated into the diet never hurts!