baby bump/bumps.....?

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Yeah i see what your saying! That's a great fence! That bag just looked so suspicious! Lol

Calfe is looking mighty full!
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Thank you I got it up about 3 summers ago
. As for calfe, she is "mighty full" lol
You never know. I bought a mini stallion four years ago. They saw him get out and breed one mare, resulting in a filly. Last year she contacts me concerning a couple of colts born that same year. None of her other stallion (on property at the time of breeding) DNA matched with the two colts. When she checked the DNA with my stallion and the two colts, it confirmed he was the sire. She has really good fencing and never saw any hanky panky between my stallion and the other two mares. To this day she has no idea how he did it.
I hope that isn't the case magic marker minis.

The stallion loved his vacation at my house. He was recently sold to Thailand also. So he will be even farther away lol. Very good little man.
Well hello Calfe
That's quite the BIG tummy your carrying there

She looks great Rebecca. Just catching up on everyones threads after the long weekend here.

Sounds like your going to be very busy shortly
I do hope so Ryan, fingers crossed

So I got permission to post pics of the daddy.

He is a black pintaloosa 27in of pure handsomness :p lol

Wow he is lovely. look at those spots

Really have no idea about colour genetics, but hoping there is a possibility of colour ?
Diane yes he is...if I'm thinking what your thinking is who he is lol. AF relampego. I delivered one of his sons last summer. I had that baby out in a minute and he was up and running in about 5. Bucking and kicking like a week old foal. So much spirit

Ryan he usually throws pinto not apps. I'm just hoping to get a pinto with even patterning. But my main goal was small babies. Because of my maidens. And he is very petite/even with all of his stallion muscle :p
Very handsome stallion indeed!!!! Can't wait to see what your foals look like, I am sure they will be gorgeous!!
He sure will be going far to his new home in Thailand!!! Yikes, That is a super long plan ride!!!!' We lived in Korea for 3 years so I have flown that way a couple of times. Keep us posted on your girls, I may have missed it but do you have a cam on them???
It's okay, I did it for years! It's really kind of enjoyable. I've even slept in the stall with a couple mares that I knew might need some help. They are very dainty walking around a sleeping body! LOL
I didn't have a camera either when Summer foaled... But I did have an RV that I parked by the barn to watch her from which was helpful! And after a month long of sleepless nights, she foaled in the day! Lol! ?
Castle Rock, our minis at Magic Marker wouldn't be as quite as yours sound. I'm pretty sure several of ours would try to get in the sleeping bag with us just to irritate us. Our minis are in your face. Just a hour ago I was looking under the trailer for a cat that got out ( shouldn't be out) and I had one of our geldings standing right behind me with his head over my shoulder. Later trying to feed hay and Zazzy kept coming in the blocked area for hay and getting under my feet. No alone time with Magic Marker minis!
Lol. I know for a fact that whisper would be standing gaurd over me lol. And the cuteness idk. I feel like she would be one to take you while your down..probably the finish her now type while she's vulnerable.
. I'm OK with being out there its just those dang mice! I named one Marty. We have met on several occasions :-!
You might want to watch out for Marty. How do you know its a boy? It may take you out because its really a girl. Might take offense that you called it a boys name and then it will turn all its offspring on you. LOL
I only know its a Marty (boy) because I saw two little pecans following him when he was squeezing through the hole in the wall lol.let's just say Marty is well endowed lol :p

BIG NEWS!!!! Calfe has a little larger of a bag. Not enough that I think she should have for the circumstances. So I noticed this after noon when I got home she was hidden. Not in her usual spot at the fence with the other girls. Turns out she was in the stall. First off she NEVER goes in the stall..on her own..unless there's food. Witch there wasn't. Her belly looks smaller/slabish sided. But here's the kicker. Her vulva is a lot more red than usual. I'm going to get pics. Vulva looser and ligament around are very loose. My worry is she won't fill her udder. What are the odds she will fill at foaling?