Anyone feel the rumble in NH and Mass

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Aug 23, 2015
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New England
We just had a small earthquake! The epicenter was three mile from our house. Mom and I were sitting in the living room and the house shook simultaneously with a huge BOOM. My mom and I felt it differently, she felt "a whole Lotta shaking goin' on" and I felt as if I was in an elevator that stops and goes up and back down a bit, it felt like the floor was falling out from under me.

It scared me though, and it was only a "3" on the scale. It gave me a reminder of mother nature's power. We have had little tremors here before, just little rumbles, but this had more backbone to it.

Oddly, the animals do not react. The cats slept through it lol. I ran out to the barn to check the horses and they were oblivious to the excitement, standing there munching their hay.

Did anyone else here feel it?

ETA: I just realized this is in the wrong part of the forum, I should be in the Back Porch. Sorry!
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I felt one in central Oklahoma. I was lying in bed it felt like waves on the water. It was 3+

In my area, we are on solid granite. There was one a couple of years ago and we heard what we thought was a huge truck going by. No movement, but it was confirmed to be a tremor.

A little nerve-wracking!
It WAS nerve-wracking! I have been jumpy all day!

I talked to several people while I was at the feed store this afternoon, three of us felt it, one didn't. What struck two of us as the thing that scared us the most was the noise. It sounded like a massive explosion. Evidently the explosion sound is something you hear only when you are fairly close to the epicenter.
Hope you are all ok and suffered no damage
Thanks Ryan! No damage at all anywhere,!thankfully. It was a small quake but a noisy one. We here on the east coast are not used to tremors at all and it caused everyone alot of excitement, lol.

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