Need prayers

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Just Us N Texas

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
DeKalb, Texas
My "sister-cousin's" daughter and her husband were jet skiing Saturday afternoon on the lake, he looked back at her, smiled, and when he did, a boat pulled in front of him and wiped him out. His wife Sharon saw it happen, jumped off her ski, and went in after him. When she got him up, and rolled him over in the water, all she could see was his bloody scalp. She started screaming for help, and the boat behind them pulled up, put him in the boat, splinted his legs with oars, and called 911. When they got him to the dock, the ambulance was there waiting. The guy driving the boat that hit him did not help. Couldn't find his life jacket. He is in critical condition now. He has a concussion, and hardly any bone left in either leg. They have been crushed, and one leg had the long bone sticking out the bottom of his foot. He is in a drug induced coma, has developed a blood infection, and his lungs are battling because of all the lake water they were not able to get out. Had she not acted quickly, he would have drowned. Sharon and Jeff need your prayers, because today, with him in that coma, she has to make the decision to have either one or both of his legs amputated. Without the amputations, he would have many, many, painful surgeries ahead of him, and an excruciating amount of pain, if they work at all. She is afraid he will hate her the rest of his life for making that decision. Either way, Jeff will be a cripple the rest of his life.

For those that will, please pray that Sharon will make the right decision, and Jeff will accept whatever she decides, and they both have the strength to go on.

Thank you,

Oh how horrible. I think she will make the right decision. And I wouldn't think he would hate her for trying to save his life and reduce future pain. I am praying for them both. Such a horrible decision to have to make. ((((((((((HUGS))))))))).
Oh my that is horrible. I will certainly be praying for them both.

What a tragic heartbreak........a life ruined in an instant. I pray for courage and strength for both of them.

Please dear Lord, give this young lady the strength and courage to make the necessary decision to keep her husband out of pain and to heal his severly injured body. Please also comfort her, that her decision is the right one and take the burden from her shoulders. Please give both of them strength to fight in the days ahead. Place your healing halo of grace around her husband so that he may heal not only his body but his mind so that he may be at peace both now and in the future. Also please surround their families with you healing halo as well, let this family know the your love and grace will carry them all through these troubled waters. AMEN

Prayer for this family, in this most trying of times.
Thank all of you so much. It is now late afternoon and I haven't heard anything from anyone yet. Let's hope that no news is good news?
Prayers going out to them, what a terrible thing to happen. It just takes a heartbeat, and a split second of bad judgment - on the part of the boat driver - for things to go bad.

Prayers being sent their way. May the Lord hold him in His healing hands.
Oh my word this is horrible. It's amazing though that she reacted so quickly and was able to save him. And how great that the ambulance was right there. I think you have already had a miracle. I hope she is not forced into making that terrible decision and I hope Jeff will wake up in the nick of time so she doesn't have to do the deciding for him. Can you give her a huge hug and tell her it's from me? Please remind her that he is alive and she is going to get him back and that is what really counts.
I hope he sees the love she has for him, and the decision she will make based on that love, and I hope that love will sustain him through the terrible reality he will find when he awakes.

The key word being awakes. No, it will not be what he once had, but he is loved...deeply.

He needs to stick around for her, and to help her heal, as well.

I'm so sorry for what's befallen them, and I do hope he is healed to the fullest capacity possible, soonest....

My thoughts are with you all.

Liz M.
How life can change in just the blink of an eye. What an awful accident, and what a decision for her to have to make on her own. Either choice will mean a difficult and painful time for him--either way I don't think it will be easy--not for either of them & I surely do pray for them both. It sounds like he has much to get through even without the issue of his legs.

I hope the morning will bring news of some improvement in his condition.
: My prayers are there for all! I'm so very sorry! I thank God for supplying all the needs of this family and bring healing and strength. Please know that we all care.

God bless,

:no: I just saw this post now, please tell her we are all thinking of her and Jeff, sending prayers and hugs, what an awful thing to happen. God make her strong enough to make the decision she has to and make Jeff strong enough to come through this. She has already proven herself to be strong and resourceful when she jumped in and pulled him out.

I finally heard from them last night! He was in surgery for several hours, and he still has both legs. They checked for deep seated infections, and found there was still live tissue living in there. As long as there is live tissue and no pus, they hold out hope for his right leg. Although they haven't amputated either one of them yet, the Dr. says there is little hope for the left leg. Sharon spent the day being interviewed by state police, water patrol, county police and etc., and had to hire a lawyer. It seems the guy that hit him may have done it on purpose. He has made the statement that he would hit any jet skiiers he could, to teach them to stay off his lake. His reputation is that he is a partyer, has to have the biggest, fastest, boat, does drugs and alocohol. I sure hope this isn't true, I hope it was a misjudgment. If they prove it was pre-meditated, then his insurance may not pay these astronomical hospital bills that are going to mount up.

At least the news was better last night, and we are thankful for that! Thanks all for the prayers, I'm sure that is why the news was so good!
Thank you for giving us a report this morning. Glad to hear there is living tissue in his leg. Hopefully things will improve every day. If the boater did this on purpose, well what can I say? He should be put away with the key thrown away. If his insurance won't pay, hopefully he has assets that he will be forced to sell to settle Jeffs bills. I pray so. But the main thing now is getting Jeff better and poor Sharon also. What a horrible thing to have to go through. Hugs and love to you all.
SHAME :nono: ...SHAME :nono: .....SHAME :nono: on him. He deserves the book thrown at him :ugh: , and Sharon and Jeff should SUE, SUE, SUE!!

I can't imagine an insurance company NOT paying just because it may have been pre-meditated on his part. If he had only hurt himself sure, but he hurt someone else. My understanding of insurance is that it IS for damages to another's property/person you may have caused. However I am NOT an insurance salesman so I guess I don't know much about it, but I will have second thoughts about doing much of anything off of my farm in the future.

IF drugs and alcohol are involved (which was my first thought) he has no conscience and most likely has a 'it's all about ME, ME, ME attitude'.
I am relieved to read this, but hopeful that the insurance will pay no matter what, as it was not Jeff's fault what happened to him. The insurance company is the one that needs to go after the offender, if it was indeed intentional. Jeff and his family should NOT have to worry about the bills one little bit, not with what they're facing and enduring.

My thoughts are still with you....thank you for taking the time to update us. I hope against hope that he gets to keep BOTH his legs.

Liz M.
Glad to hear your cousin came through the surgery well --- hoping for as full a recovery as possible.

Fortunately, if he does have to have a leg amputated -- they have come such a long way with prothesis (can't spell it sorry) -- that people have much less challenges in getting around -- kinda overcome the stigma of being "crippled" -- people compete in the olympics with 2 amputated legs.

Keep the positive vibes going his way -- he will need all of them that he can get.


PS Kim passes along his best wishes as well.
OMG! That is just soooo awful! Sending prayers for his receovery, and hoping he won;t lose his leg. That is so sad.