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Prayers and Blessing for Jeff coming from the hardest decision for Sharon to make! :no:

We knew a couple who were water skiing with their kids...their daughter was in the water and got too close to the props...her Dad thought she was ready and the props cut both her legs off :new_shocked: ..Those parents must live with that every day of their life....if only we would have....if only

I am so sorry!


New update this morning: Jeff took a turn for the worse yesterday, and they nearly lost him. He was bleeding out through the legs as all the vascular system is of course torn up as well. They found infection starting in his left leg. They will amputate the foot tomorrow, if that doesn't work, they will amputate farther up in a few days.

Sharon has already been through so much! She took their teen-age daughter into the ICU to see Jeff, pulled back the sheet and let her look at his legs. She told her that that wasn't her dad, but she pointed to his heart and head, and said that was her dad. As long as he was alive, that was what mattered the most. The daughter said she understood, and if the legs came off, so be it, as long as her dad was alive. His mother is not reacting the same. She is a drama queen, and she doesn't want her baby's legs taken away, and Sharon was going to make her have a nervous break down. I appreciate what she is going through, but she could have a little more compassion for Sharon, Jeff's life, and everything else. She has been to the hospital only once in the 4 1/2 days since he was brought in.

I have e-mailed your prayers and best wishes to her sister, and she is copying it and taking it to Sharon to read at the hospital. Your prayers and best wishes are very much appreciated by Sharon, and the rest of the family.

Oh my goodness what a trajic thing to happen. My prayers to the whole family and to Jeff so that he may be strong and well soon.
Thanks so much for the update. It helps to know what's going on. I check back often for any news. Sharon sounds like quite a woman. She has to do what "she" feels is right for Jeff. We get sick and maimed up in life and aren't always pretty; but, what's important is that we're here. We can survive without legs if we have to. Sharon has chosen an opportunity for Jeff to live without legs if necessary; rather than risk dying with them. What love! I know Jeff will be grateful to her forever! Sounds like they have a wonderful daughter as well. Sharon will be there for him through it all. God bless all of them. Please continue to keep us posted.

I vote that you give that drama queen mother Marty's phone number and have her call a mother who LOST her son, and knows that if he were there, even minus BOTH legs, she would know and appreciate what she had, the chance to LOVE him and be LOVED BY HIM, as opposed to mourning him every day of the rest of her life....she needs a reality check so that she can help support everyone around her and around her son.

I can't imagine being a mother and doing anything less.

Sharon and her daughter have it right...his head ,his heart, those are the things they need to focus on. Sooner or later, we all lose the things we value such as looks, mobility, etc., and we learn to appreciate what we DO have. These people are having to undergo these changes in a sudden manner and the risk is that they may lose him, so they should rally around him and let him know he's loved, not squabble and turn it into a self-centered escapade.

My best wishes are still with them. I hope that the surgery goes fine and he's able to recover swiftly.

Liz M.