Zapped by the electric fence

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
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upstate NY
Let me start this by saying about 2 weeks ago we added electric fence to the inside of our cattle panel paddock. The horses were always itching on the fence and gate, loosening posts...etc. The e-fence has worked beautifully teaching them that pushing on fences is no fun.....

Well, today it is mom and son day here at our house.
: Hubby's working and Ash went to the street festival and fireworks with friends.

So that leaves me and Will and the 3 dogs. We spend our day practicing going potty, well he does...I am pretty good at it
: playing with the dogs and just enjoying the day.

It is a beautiful day here. Ash's horse Banner still has a bit of a bum leg so I don't want to put him in our hilly pasture. Buck can surely use a bit o'grass and to stretch his legs...I put Banner in his stall, halter Buck and off we go. Will drives his gator and I take Buck down to the pasture.

All goes well there and I go back to the paddock to let Banner out of his stall. I let him out and head back out myself...........pup is attempted to dig a hole to China and Will is trying to hook up anything he can with a dog leash...and I am trying to be the mom with eyes everywhere...I am trying to hook the chain when WHAMMMOO!!! :new_shocked: that chain touches the electric fence and I get a big ole shock!!! My arms go numb and I swear I feel a metallic taste from the fillings in my teeth. Some strange goat like noise comes out of my mouth! The pup stops digging and Will stops trying to tie everyhting up long enough to ask whats wrong. I tell him mommy touched the yellow fence wire and got shocked. He laughs and asks why I touched it

So then as I decide it's a good time to head in, a deer fly ,which are always dive bombing our heads, lands on my lip and has a buzzing fit! Grrr... I despise deer flies...especially near my mouth.

Any one else have an electric fence story to share? :lol:

I can remeber quite vividly trying to crawl UNDER an electric fence when i was a teenager and getting zapped in between the shoulder blades. I hit the ground and didn't move for a few minutes, between pain and breathlessness.

Man, I hope to neeeeever get zapped again. I've only been zapped maybe 3 times, and each was complete accident, but man oh man am I careful about it now!
I remember when I was growing up and we had horses.....we had the ultra-strong electric fence...the non-pulsing kind (I bet they don't make them anymore, thank goodness), but I remember I was probably 4 or 5 and I somehow grabbed the fence and I couldn't let go......because it doesn't's a steady was awful, my Mom had to literally yank me off the left a burn.... (It was too far to run in and unplug the fence). Needless to say, I still remember the feeling and I never grabbed the fence again, so I did learn a valuable lesson that day, and it didn't do any damage as I was a straight A student all the way through school, haha. :bgrin

I do remember the parents updating the fence charger though, because it was dangerous.
I can remember people telling little boys to go over and pee on the fence to see if it was Not sure how many people did this but it is a joke that I remember being told all the time!haha

Glad I was a little girl, no one ever told me to do it! :bgrin I know my dogs yelp when they hit it.....I am always Really careful when I am messing with ours.
Wayyy back when chargers were rather hot, we would find little birdy feets, no birdies
TG things have changed LOL

I had a gelding who would push the mares into the fence to see if it was on
I rember when I was about 8 my little brothers friend was at our house and one of the hands told us that no one could pee over the back fence. well this kid took it as a dare and went out to prove him wrong! we heard him yell and came around the barn to see him on his back peeing streight up. he didnt play at our house much after that.
I have gotten zapped so many times. The last time was when I was reaching over the top of the fence to turn on the water and got it on the boob :new_shocked: Our fence is and old really hot one.

I had to take the top wire off and move the lower wire way away from the fence because the birds were getting in trouble with the fence, now they don't get shocked. :aktion033:
This is a story my father told me.

It was a cold wet spring day. He had to feed animals of course.

He was wearing a parka that had a zipper at the bottom (of the jacaket) and a zipper at the top by his chin.

He happened to be standing in a bit of slushly water when the bottom zipper of his jacket touched the fencer somehow and up the electrical current went from the bottom zipper to the zipper under his chin, he was zapped in the chin so hard it knocked him backwards on his rear on the ground. :new_shocked: :new_shocked:

Oh I should add to that that I haven't been zapped in probably 25 years. I'm that paranoid of it, and I do work around one alllll the time. :bgrin
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We had a spot were the hot wire went over the gate with a handle so you could unhuck it to get in the gate. Well... "super smart" me, I decide to duck under. The first 3 time no problem but on the 4 time ( I remember the count because I was filling water buckets at the time!) I came up to soon and got it in the back of the head! And I will remember the taste of the metal fillings in my mouth like it was yesterday!
: So when you said that about your fillings I felt for ya! LOL!!!!!!


Oh I wanted to ad that my dad always calls those dear flys Zeros. Because once the zero in on you they don't leave you alone! Once we were tipped out of a canoe because we were swating at them so bad! I think our tipping out was mostly to blame on the deer flys but I'm sure the beer played some roll in it too!!!
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Back when we had barbed wire, we had a single strand of electric wire at about "butt height" for the minis, to keep them away from the barbs. My husband was crawling through the fence and went right over the electric wire. I hollered (him on the other side of the fence) and asked if he'd unplugged the fence before he went through because I was sure he touched it. He said he hadn't unplugged it so I was concerned that it was shorted out somewhere. He found out that it was working and he hadn't unplugged it on the way back through, while straddling the wire :new_shocked: :eek:

I've been zapped by the dog fence and it's not a fun thing. Don't think I wanna be zapped by the horse one :no:
I was coming out of the paddock where we keep our 'big' horses, and the gate bumped me in the back, I lost my balance and [SIZE=36pt]CRACK![/SIZE] Boob to the fence, pass thru to butt and metal gate!!!
[SIZE=14pt]when i was about 8, i was pouring a bucket of water over the electric fence into another bucket and the metal one i was holding touched the fence and stuck :new_shocked: , i was yelling i could not let go of it. an old guy who was doing some work there kicked me off. i layed on the ground what seems like forever, i burned both of my hands. i have not been zapped since, i am VERY careful around them even now and i know they aren't like the old one's anymore...Nikki [/SIZE]
glad so many of you could understand
: When I told my husband this morning he laughed so hard
: I think he's sorry he missed it

Those of you who got zapped on the boob :new_shocked: OMG!

There is nothing like the zap of an e-fence to make one more cautious.

Oh cripes- I have TOO many- like stepping over one in shorts :new_shocked:

Or ducking under one, and thinking you are past it, stand up under it as it hits you across your shoulder. That will put you on the ground really fast!

My favorite old Will Rogers had a saying.... "There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves".

And I must add, with some, even that doesnt work, LOL
Yup....Zapped again tonight,luckily the expletive I shouted came out garbled due to me being shocked :new_shocked:

Actually Ash got zapped too earlier today!

It's been a heck of a day here today.

There are stupid dogs then there are truly STUPID dogs. I was at a clients one time and their german shepard decided to lick the electric fence. The first time he did it was between pules so nothing happened, the second time CRACKKKK [and he was standing in a puddle of water]!!!! Man did he howl and my kids still crack up every time they remember it. My daughter and I were putting a horse back in a paddock at a clients. I led the horse through and swung the gate back to Courtney. She let out a howl and swung the gate back to me. The horse and I both got zapped and as I was standing in a puddle [as was Court] I immediately knew how she felt. That was a good zap. Some idiot had tangled the fence to the metal gate and as it was a boarding barn who knows who did it. I am VERY careful now and treat every fence as if it was on. Linda
My Boyfriend while I was growing up lived on a Herford ranch, and we went between pastures all the time hunting chuckers. Be aware these were BIG HONKIN' COWS so they used barbed wire and BULL STRENGTH electric non-pulse chargers!

Randy once stepped on the top wire so I could step over it in my ......................HOT PANTS! ( remember those???) He wasn't watching and let it up before I was over...........................HOLY COW BATMAN!!! Seeing stars doesn't even begin to describe the pain! AND Barbed wire to boot! I didn't sit down for a week!

He had to LIFT me up and off that wire!

When I was in junior high my mom and I moved out to the country for a year, I became best friends with a girl whose family raised dairy cows. I soon became "best friends" with a bull they had there named Mikey, he was a young bull not even a year yet but he was my buddy! I would visit in his pen and be warned of how he likes to play rough but, he never rough housed with me, just enjoyed his cuddles! day he decided to rough house and I was walking backwards quickly to get away from him and ZAP! I sat right on the electric fence! I have never felt a shockwave enter my butt and go up to my head and down to my toes and to the ends of my fingers all at the same time until then! Scared the crud out of me and i've never touched an electric fence since LOL!

Should I go on to tell the story of the next time I was over eating hamburgers?
Thank goodness I have been lucky enough not to have experianced a hot wire shock before. I am always very careful around one.
: But I am sore just reading. :new_shocked:
We use a lot of single stand electric fence wire here for the cattle. None for the minis. Over the years I have gotten zapped numerous times. Sometimes have had to patch a hot wire. thats not fun at all. When there are no shorts in the fence ours is usually about 5-7000 volts.

one day a few years ago I was fixing fence in the spring (the ground was wet) in what we call our bull pen where we used to keep the yearling bulls and a few steers. I had the wire hot and was looking for a short. I found it but had to crawl under the hot wire to reach a piece of wire from the old woven wire on the outside that was causing the short. I carefully got the wire off the hot wire with my trusty insulated fence pliers. Slid the pliers into my back pocket and crawled most of the way back under the electric fence. Just about then the fence pliers snagged on the hot wire. I have never tried that one again!

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