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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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I did a little work with Ferrah today. I put a plastic bag in the round pen we set up this morning and it wasn't as windy today so the bag didn't rustle much. Ferrah snorted up a storm and trotted around a bit, but because the bag wasn't flapping around like mad like it was last time, she was able to calm down reasonably, she got a little hot, but didn't sweat.

Anyway I took the plastic bag away and gave Ferrah some treats and lots of loving. I set the plastic bag by the arena in my grooming kit and went off to help a younger boarder with her horse.

Then the wind picked up and lifted my plastic bag and it blew right into the round pen. As soon as I heard Ferrah do her absolutely HUGE scared snort (those of you who have Arabs have probably heard this) and I heard her running around like mad. Me and the boarder ran outside to try and get the bag that was swirling around the roundpen. We'd just gotten into the round pen trying not to panic and trying to calm Ferrah, but the plastic bag blew underneath her legs and that was the last straw for her. She paniced really badly, I can't even explain what she did but she reared up, spun around and tried to jump the round pen but didn't actually get off the ground, she got her mind back just long enouch to do a sliding stop and take off in the other direction. We caught the plastic bag and put it away. But now I think Ferrah is more scared than she was before. She didn't settle down for another few hours.

Now I wish I had waited for my instructor to come over before I did the plastic bag thing. Poor old Ferrah.

I won't expose her to any more plastic bags until we can get the massage therapist/acupuncturist out. Poor girl
And what is the point of the plastic bag?
Sorry! I should have added that this post is related to Ferrah's Plasticphobia threads, for those who wanted to know how we were making out with it.
BUt if she dont like it then why bother with it????? I dont see then need to try to desensitize a horse that is deathly afraid of something.
We are trying to desensitize her because her fear of plastic is becoming dangerous to herself, me and other boarders. I get really nervous on trail rides because I am always on plastic alert, she has broken five halters and more lead ropes than I care to count, it can take 1/2 an hour to an hour to get a blanket on her, people can't throw blankets on their horse or give their horse treats from plastic bags when she is around or she might break a halter or flip out, and in the winter I have to choose my winter jackets carefully because if the rustle like plastic she will never let me get on her.

Everyone I have talked to so far say her fear of plastic is getting pretty dangerous and we need to try and help her, plastic is waay too common of an object for her to be freaking out so bad over it. and I woudl rather not be on plastic alert all day anymoe, but that is JMO.
I do agree that it is to common a thing around to have it be that dangerous for her and others when she panics

Sorry the first time turned out like this but with some time and effort I think she will get to the point it doesnt panic her she may never accept it but hopefully will keep her mind around it.
Couldn't you just tie one to a fence post and leave it in one place. This way she can get "away from it". Horses are flight animals and have the right as equines to escape. By tieing it you give her the fear to face but the freedom to overcome it by herself without doing herself or others any harm. Tie it away from a gate or feed area. She will know it is there but it seems cruel to taunt her like this. I feel she is justifiably terrified after this episode.
The plastic bag was initially tied to a post in the round pen so it couldn't fly away. I thought the round pen would be a safer place to do this than her paddock because there are no corners or electric wire.

The plastic bag flew away when I stuck it on top of my grooming kit by the arena and the wind picked it up, I should have been more careful
My gelding was deathly afraid of plastic bags and I tied one to a post in our run in. Mind you mine is a mini, but he got used to it. I would hit it on purpose everytime I went into the barn. Now he looks at me funny anf walks away as if to say," I know it's there and I still don't like it, but I'm calm enough to walk away." I used a black garbage bag, are you using white plastic grocery bags? Maybe it's the color? The trash bag doesn't make such a loud noise either.

Sounds like your old girl is having a real issue there. I had a very special lady come out for my Arab when he was 23 because he had also become progressively more dangerous and it was getting to the point where it was either that or put him to sleep. (And if you know my family, you know we NEVER put an animal down for behavioral issues.)

I was a concerned skeptic, but my horse made me believe. I'd had him for eight years at that point and he changed overnight. The terrified, post-traumatic stress disorder type reactions stopped immediately, and I finally understood the reasons for some of what he'd done and how my own actions had influenced him. We spent about a year mutually healing and redefining our relationship but his golden years have been so fantastic since he had his Complete Journey .

I'd be happy to give you more information privately if you'd like it. She's expensive, but it's a one-time fee and I swear to you it is real. She can do it over the phone so distance is not an issue, and there's at least a good chance it would address your mare's fear of plastic. My email is Spyderwind at aol dot com.


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