Winter comes to Little America

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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Since I posted some pictures earlier this week of the stallion and mare pastures, thought I would let you see the same areas this morning. On Saturday it was 86 degrees and this morning 23!


View from our bedroom balcony.


Stallion pasture out front.


Mare pasture from bedroom.

I know to most of you, this is nothing, but for central Texans, it practically shut us down! LOL.
I know it is so cool!!! Katy hasn't gottten snow yet but Friday the high is like 40 and it is supposed to be 27 Friday so I am excited, living in Monatan until I was 4 I didn't get to see much snow.I love all you horses and wish I could have them all.

Gorgeous pictures! Larry had a meeting in Austin today and only got part way when the icy roads turned him back - nothing like Texans in pick ups on ice!
Pfffft you think 23 and some frost is cold? Come to Wisconsin! We are below zero!

LoL but really, your pastures are beautiful and so large! I wish I had that kind of room! The frost makes everything look so peaceful =)
LOL! Good Grief, Tony....Did your horses know what to do with this strange stuff from the sky????

Wow, Tony, you guys really had an ice storm way down south in TX!! We didn't even have any ice and only a dusting of snow. But it is cold!! 4 degrees this morning. Brrrr....... I can't remember when it's ever been that cold this early in December.
It was quite an ice storm and all schools and roads going north were closed at least part of the day. Lauren's school opened two hours late this morning, and I drove her there rather than letting her drive.

On the ten o'clock news last night there had been 130 accidents in Austin between the 6 o'clock and 10 o'clock news as the storm hit.
Hi Tony,

Great pictures and of course you can keep it up there.
Please don't send it down to us!
We had rain and some sleet yesterday, ice this morning but nothing like that.

I want a bit more heat now. But this week end supose to be nice and warming up again. I'll take all the above 40s in the morning and 60's up days, but yesterday was just too cold.


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Yup I swear, summer comes along and everyone forgets how to granny drive for winter conditions..then winter comes along and everyone's just zooming along sliding sideways on the ice! Even here in Wisconsin, our first snowstorm hit and you'd think Wisconsonites would definately remember winter driving...nope! 60 accidents in one city alone!
Lauren's old enough to DRIVE????
I feel old....

Beautiful pictures, and boy, that had to be a shock to the system, temps from the eighties to the twenties! Yowza!!
I know you hate it, Tony, so I hope it warms up soon for you :)

I am hoping for a warmup also! We were -18 yesterday morning, and -9 this morning. :)

Susan O.
[SIZE=14pt]Its coming to VA tonight....we just got some of the snow from monday melted, My steps are still slick. Too slipery to put horses out today.... Sleet and freezing rain coming.... I think Ill stay in Florida with Howie when we take him.... 10 days may not be enough! I left central NY to get away from this stuff and it followed me home last weekend!!!!!

I'm with you Tony... in central AZ, freezing weather just does us in. It has been down to below freezing a couple of nights this week.

Wow, what a cold snap!! Hopefully it will pull out of it quickly and that wont stay long.

Sure is pretty though, thanks for sharing!!
Wow Tony,

Those pictures should be on a Christmas card. They are beautiful. We now have about 5" of snow on the ground and I hope that it is finished for a while.

Very pretty pictures tony!!!

But if you had to be here right now you would DIE!! I am dieing and I have been living in this my whole life!! there is a HUGE cold front going on right now and it is NOT warm, just ask Susan, but she even has it worse since she is up in the Hilliards...brrrrrrr This morning I was stupid and walked to school (the school is just up the hill from me) and right as I got going up the hill I was just FREEZING, I so I started running and right as I was going to walk in the school, the firebell went off, I knew I couldnt stay out in the cold any longer so I had to run home, its was probably -4 to -5 degrees! I am ready to move south

That's enough to get your knickers in abunch eh? IN that first picture I saw the horses were together I thought to keep warmer but see they spread out and took it in stride.

Beautiful scenes and thank you for sharing! Maxine