What is the world coming to?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Remember when you were a kid and you got to exchange valentines in school?

I hear that some schools in the state of Minnesota "recently" are not allowing the children to exchange valentines because it's not "fair to all" some kids get more than others.

Did you ever dress up in school for Halloween? Some of the schools no longer allow that either.

Remember taking goodies to school for your Birthday? No more home made food.

I heard not long ago...children can't touch eachother .........and I mean even when playing TAG

Oh I could go on and on...

Does your school district have rules like this where you are?
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Yes, the school system's sure have changed and it is so sad... We have the no touching-- sexual harrassment, no homemade food.. The one that still gets me is that last year, for Jamie's Birthday, I went to Walmart and ordered one of those cupcake cakes and took it in. "HIS TEACHER" not Jamie nor I, put a plastic butter knife in the box to cut threw the icing. He brought the box and the plastic butter knife home(without knowing it was still in there) and the bus driver saw it in there and wrote him up for having a "weapon" on the bus. Three days suspended..from the bus.. I tried to apeal it..But they said Jamie should have removed it before he got on the bus..
I feel bad for the kids now a days, they are missing out on a lot of a normal childhood thanks to the schools..
Total opposite at my school! Everybody loves(for the most part) everybody. The only time kids get penilized if they bring a real weapon. And the teachers actuall encourage us to bring b day snacks!

To my knowledge, the teachers are very lenient with things, and us kids know not to abuse the privlages they give us
It's all about trying to please everyone. Anymore all it takes is one parent to call in and complain and that ends it. Birthday party snacks end because some religions don't celebrate birthdays or some children cannot have the treat being provided (I had to sit and watch many birthday parties at school and not be able to eat the treats). The games of tag end up with a child being hurt and to alot of parents they don't care if it was in play. Just like you don't see the tall slides anymore, jungle gyms, teeter totters. I'm surprised there are still swings as many jump off of those or walk.run in front of those swinging and get hit. Too many sue happy people anymore and schools that must be politically correct.

Plus if you think about it school is for learning. Birthday parties, Halloween, etc can all be done at home. At our school if we teach one holiday like Christmas we must make sure we cover all the holidays that the children in our class celebrate. We had a father's breakfast this past weekend. I made cards that look like dress shirts with ties. On the front is supposed to be "Who's the best dad?" and on the inside it should say "You are.", but because some might have step dads or no dads in the picture the dad part was left off so it was "Who's the best?" Gotta try and keep everyone happy

School's number 1 priority should be learning, but I also feel school is a place where kids learn to socialize and get along with others, etc...basic life leasons to get them ready for life...like the fact that suzie may get more valentine cards than yourself....suzie may also end up getting a job over you, etc...it's life. I don't think putting them in a bubble does any good at all. People are way too sensitive these days and I'm sick of the excuse, "Politically Correct". I am glad that I am older and got to do all the things in school that are now prohibited...I think it's a shame!
We are lucky our kids go to a small school, 20 in their classes. We still get to have a Christmas party & Christmas Break, Halloween Party, Easter Party & Break, etc.

In elementary they get to bring treats for their b-days and valentines food, candy, cards...

They have Easter Egg hunts during Easter time.

They get to take a costume for the Halloween Party...

In the city the schools dont do any of these things, they have a Fall party, Winter Break, Spring Break...

Dont want to make anyone mad... Thats why, no-one gets mad in our small school even though we do still celebrate...

I think no matter your religion, if you dont want your kids to celebrate christmas then thats fine, but still ok for the ones that do. Same goes for all Holidays.

Everyone doesnt do the same things in life...

I cant believe the plastic knife deal, I would have been furious if that happened...
I cant believe the plastic knife deal, I would have been furious if that happened...

Believe me, I was.. The Principal doesn't even look at me now when i go to school.. And the bus company, lets just say, if I have any issues, I can only speak to the one person, because they said I was way to rude!!
No, it was wrong what they did to him.. :arg!
Here they can not dress up for Halloween. They still do everthing else. When it comes to Vday I make my step son bring one for everybody, or you dont bring any at all.
This is why Brianna is in a private school..........Valentines are allowed but everyone must give them out equally (They're having a party that day.). Birthday treats are allowed (homemade too!), teachers can hug their students (and it's usually the student that initiates the hug!), Christmas programs are performed, the game of Tag during recess IS allowed, the Pledge of Allegiance is learned with the words "under God", a proper dress code is strictly enforced - no uniforms YET. Halloween is not officially celebrated, but the school hosts a "Harvest Party" at the local fairgrounds for the entire community where the kids dress up, games are played, and candy is given out with each game. (It's a safe alternative to trick-or-treat.)

Affordable Private Schools are available, but you need to shop around and do some research. AND there are scholarships for them too!

BTW, MiniforFaith, I believe your child was very unfairly treated! I'd be acting like a "Lioness" too!!!
I swear... if I hit the lottery.. I'm moving out of state. Here in Fl. I have so many complaints about the schools I can't even get started on that item. Recenly they had a "gang war" in my son's school. This is a little rural town of Dunnellon, FL..... outside of Ocala. The Principal had a video that all the kids had to watch the next morning, telling people how this was NOT acceptable. Gee if the kids are in middle school and don't know this... there's no hope. There are no private schools within a reasonable driving distance that do not require membership in a specific church. (the church is not ours).

My son is worried because if he gets beat up by anyone, he and the attacker will both be suspended, and recieve "F"s.. on any classroom work. The schools response is.. next year will be better... Today he was punched out, and becasue he did NOT try and defend himself, he was able to skip the suspension. Tell me this is fair!

My daughter was in a class with a techer that is diabetic.. (fragile.. had an 8 day coma last year). My daughter comes from a long line of diabetics and knows the risks. The teacher has manic episodes of tossing desks across the room, as a side effect from her lack of blood sugar control The class lock down procedure makes the situation even worse. I asked the Principal to change my daughers class, and she refused unless I spoke to the teacher, who refused to speak to me. My daughter tried to tell the teacher she was scared and worried and the teacher should be careful with the Coke and cookies. My daughter was then treated as badly as you can imagine so I withdrew her from school I am now homeschooling her. I cannot say anything because of a fear of retaliation for our youngest daughter. The teacher gave our daughter F's on her report card. She skipped kindergarten because her IQ is over 150... We plan for her to skip fifth grade and then I can remove the youngest and home school her. Laura will be nine in sixth grade.

Ladies.. no matter how bad things are... you could be in one of my children's schools.... count your blessings... I could go on for hours on the problems we've had.

God Bless,

Lynn W

As soon as hubby retires out of the military, we won't be living in this school district. (he already has 20 years in)
OK i have to pitch in on this one

when i was in high school, little over 20years ago, most of us had pocket knives and some of the guys had copenhagen.

and after the 3rd weekend in oct. if you looked in almost every vehicle in the school parking lot (including the principal and teachers) there was either a 10, 12, or 20 gauge in there for pheasant hunting on the way home

or a .22 in the back window of the pickups

mom said that a kindergartner was suspended for having a butter knife in his lunch.

ok this is a small school in SD with only 300 students k-12 and that is a maybe

what is going on the "spare the rod, spoil the child" or is it work ethics

you really cant blame the teachers or admin. especially after Columbine they are just trying to keep everyone safe

as far as playing we were mad when they said that we couldnt do dodge ball anymore or casket ball (basketball with no rules)

we did them anyway lol

ok that is my input (which usually means nothing)

Just got my 1st grader's valentines ready to go!

Here, they still celebrate everything. Even have Santa at the Christmas party, and the

principal dresses up as his elf.

There was one little boy in his class who did not attend on Halloween as his family

does not believe in dressing up.

However, down the road in Midland my niece's boys school was not able to have their

annual Thanksgiving feast because ONE parent complained.

It's sad to me that so many have to do without due to the complaint of one parent.

That's usually what gets things started...one parent complaining. It's pretty sad, really. I am a teacher. I teach students with learning disabilities. When I worked in a grade school, I had to be very careful about how I hugged a child...wouldn't want to be taken for a child molester, you know. I have taught middle school, and I'm in the high school now. And we do have to be careful.

One high school that I work at is an alternative school. We have students who don't do well in schools with populations over 2000. We have students who have been in trouble with the law, and have problmes at home. Believe me, we are VERY careful about enforcing the rules...no weapons means NO WEAPONS!!! What can be used for a weapon??

plastic knives or forks

staplers and staples

unfolded paperclips

rubber bands

sharpened pencils

The rules have to be followed. I'll usually talk to a student and warn them that what they are carrying could be misconstrued as a weapon. They will usually laugh, and then give it to me, or put it in the trash.

In spite of this, I am not afraid of my students, or what could happen. I have a great deal of faith in their ability to make the right choices...and do the right thing. But, rules are rules, and they know they must follow them, even if they do seem a tad silly.

Kim R.

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